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Everything posted by transient

  1. Used to get a ham and turkey club sub from Jim’s Steakout on Delaware after last call in my youth that was delicious. Also got a steak sub from Bozana’s on Camp Rd one time that I still remember to this day. It was good, but more memorably, it was like 15 lbs of meat. Took me 3 days to eat it.
  2. Is leading the fight to decrease the consumption of innocent children.
  3. You overlooked the #1 reason to bring in AJ McCarron...
  4. Did he/she pass them on New Year's Eve? Could have been the living embodiment of a party favor.
  5. Supposedly this is about eating crawfish... I suspect a smidge of double entendre.
  6. Is a real Cinderella story, out of nowhere, former greens keeper, now about to become the Masters champion.
  7. I have a pit mix with food allergies. She loses the hair on her chest and the top of her head unless we feed her prescription dog food. We tried a number of limited ingredient foods to no avail. This stuff seems to do the trick, her hair grew back and her energy is back, but her poop smells nasty on it and it’s expensive as hell. On the other end of the spectrum, my greyhound eats anything. He’s a tall boy, and can get to anything on my counter, and when we first rescued him he had absolutely no indoor manners. He has stolen and eaten numerous sandwiches, loaves of bread, a whole bag of tomatoes, and even stuck his head into a pot of gumbo while it was still on the stove. He ate part of a roll of paper towels once, right off the dispenser. Stupid bastard freaked out the next day when he, himself, turned into a towel dispenser. I ended up pulling three or four intact sheets out of his ass because he was jumping around going crazy with the “lead sheet” sticking half way out. Needless to say, I don’t encourage either one to eat anything that doesn’t come directly from a hand or a food bowl.
  8. They actually beat the Steelers in Pittsburgh twice, now. They also lost to the Jets, Cardinals, and 49ers, as well as twice to the Titans. I'm not suggesting that Marrone won't be successful as the HC in Jacksonville, or that they don't have an imposing defense, or that they don't belong in the playoffs, or anything other than the fact that their regular season turnaround from 3-13 to 10-6 was certainly helped by a down season in the AFC South. They won their 5 "gimmes" and essentially played less than 0.500 ball the rest of the season.
  9. In a 10-6 season, five of those wins were Houston x2 (one half of Watson in his first NFL game), Indy x2, and the Browns. Granted, you have to beat the team in front of you, but that was one cupcake of a schedule...
  10. Maybe the league should better define what’s good coverage and what’s PI and enforce it accordingly... you know, the same way they’ve so successfully pinned down the definition of a catch...
  11. Gotta love those old commercials for Eyewitness News. Like the one where Irv asks “Does anyone know how to get spaghetti sauce out of a tie?” and everyone replies “Ask Irv!” I think my favorite was when he asks “Does anyone know how one removes their head from their own ass?” and everyone stares blankly at him and blinks a few times before shaking their heads.
  12. Wait a minute... Are you suggesting that Houston x2 (with Savage and TJ Yates starting), Indy x2, and the Browns might have padded those defensive stats a smidge?
  13. Here’s hoping, but I’m not sure home field is enough of an advantage to overcome the Pats’*** (or is it Pats***’, or maybe Pats***’s) league and refs in their pocket advantage.
  14. I dunno... I’m not convinced that 2 QBs and a handful of bowlers makes this a better team.
  15. Hoping for a Vikings win over Jags in the SB. If not, hoping for an Eagles win over Jags. Outside of the unlikely event of either of those matchups, I don’t care. I won’t watch. I can’t stomach watching the Patriots*** anymore because rooting against them is pointless. I just end up pissed off and disgusted.
  16. If you watch where Diggs comes down with the ball, he’s easily 2 yards in bounds. Williams would have had to catch him in midair and throw him WWE style out of bounds for him not to come down in bounds with the ball. Certainly looks like he mistimed it and would have been there early. Unfortunately he compounds it by taking out Crawley, who’s the only other Saint in the vicinity who may have had a chance to make the play.
  17. Push Diggs OOB and they kick the FG to win the game. Time expired as he crosses the goal line. They needed to tackle him in bounds for time to expire.
  18. Wait, what? The Saints lost? Why have I been spending time trying to grasp the moral from their win? I’m so confused...
  19. Ok... was this an example of you emulating the OPs epic fail for fun... or are you confusing Bruce Willis psychologist character in Sixth Sense with Die Hard (or any one of a million other movies when Bruce Willis is actually playing a cop)? Just so you know, my money’s on the latter.
  20. I think they have TT in their back pocket in case they can’t find a suitable replacement for a reasonable investment, similar to last offseason.
  21. That true freshman certainly didn’t look underdeveloped in the second half of the National Championship game...
  22. Ummm... yeah, right there with ya. I’m gonna go inactive my account, now... along with, I don’t know, I’m gonna say more than half of the board.
  23. Does anyone else find limiting this to clean hits a bit too restrictive? If it’s in the course of regular play, it’s nothing special, and hardly deserving of philanthropy. Now, if someone showed the commitment to purpose to tear Brady’s throwing arm off and beat him with it, that’s something I could ante up in appreciation of...
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