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Everything posted by transient

  1. Based on the little I've read about Butler's credentials, this certainly doesn't FEEL like the Ronnie Jones fiasco of the Wade days. THAT was cronyism at it's finest.
  2. Seriously, dude? You don’t think that’s just a smidge of hyperbole? What a bunch of crêpe!
  3. Is anyone else concerned that with all this concern that Roger Goodell or Colin Cowherd, or possibly concerningly both, are actually SaviorPeterman?
  4. I didn’t read the article to get the exact context, but are we sure his daughter was the one being described as the little girl behaving like an annoying little pissant? This Reimer moron sounds like he’s a graduate of the Jerry Sullivan Institute of Douchebaggery.
  5. So, you know I’m just playin’ with the Violet Beuaregarde thing, right? You gotta admit that’s a lot o’ blue, though...
  6. Hopefully they avoid the equivalent of Moorman punting from the end zone on the opening day game tickets, as well.
  7. First the “old regime” gets blamed for all 17 years of missing the playoffs, and now you’re trying to hang the mistakes of the last 200 years on them? Damn, tough crowd...
  8. If I’m not mistaken, they don’t even let them blitz the QB silently.
  9. “Pass it. Pass it! PASS IT! ...DAMMIT!!!”
  10. I'm sure the press is organizing right now to stalk every offensive started to determine who it is by process of elimination.
  11. I think, as some one up thread mentioned, that it could also be a cervical issue with Taylor given the arm wrapped around his neck when he was thrown to the ground.
  12. Especially if it's career ending. It's reasonable to give a 20-30 something a weekend to deal with something that crushing privately.
  13. Honestly, the idea that it could be Dawkins just made me want to vomit.
  14. Regardless of their ability to ride great defenses, are you saying you'd want that pair grooming your young franchise QB?
  15. In fairness, if EJ's potential was pure suckitude, Marrone and Hackett saw to it that he reached that potential.
  16. Since you seemed to have missed the point, I wasn't posting to call out your screen name, I was incorporating your screen name to call out your post for dragging a 17-year-old dead horse into a thread that it had nothing to do with (that would be the Livinginthepast connection, which I see from above is still very much alive and well), as well as your apparent sense of pride in actively hoping for the QB of the team you supposedly root for to get injured. As for the rest of the ridiculous justification/straw man catastrophe that skidded off the rails above... whatever. I'm sure it was very dramatic and inspirational in your head.
  17. Clearly fandom of success doesn’t “breed” intelligence.
  18. It’s like an “if they mated” between the charging buffalo and the buffaslug.
  19. Is one to assume by your tired, feeble, and oh-so-played-out Rob Johnson hatred and your Matt Foley reference that the past you’re living in is somewhere between mid 90s and early 2000s? Seems like an odd choice of times to ruminate over, but maybe it’s just me. If coach had only put you in in the fourth quarter, you’d be state champions, right? Sorry if the reference is a little too recent for you. Anyway, carry on...
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