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Everything posted by transient

  1. I don’t think land is that expensive in Hell, but I’m not sure that the population is sufficient to support the team. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hell,_Michigan How about the Intercourse Bills? It has a certain truth in advertising with respect to what it’s like to be a fan of the team, always getting effed and all. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intercourse,_Pennsylvania
  2. Bills invite me to their war room and accidentally crack a bottle of sulfuric acid instead of champagne when they manage to draft Vontae Mack AND get all their picks back from that pancake eating MFer.
  3. Is this in reference to the mascot name or the city name, you know, cuz Buffalo...? If they were the Buffalo Garys, as opposed to... say... the Hell Bills, would that still be ok?
  4. Seriously, Mary? You’re gonna let a little thing like death come between you and your Bills? Talk about a fair weather fan. SUCK IT UP, BUTTERCUP!! What if it happened during the chaos of hoisting the Lombardi? All’s forgiven?
  5. I’d prefer this to a pseudo-halfback who was constantly touching the football inappropriately in the fourth quarter in winnable games. Peeping McIntyre>>>>>>Toldozer. If they keep feeding the short, fat man the rock I am SO DONE WITH THIS TEAM.
  6. My sources tell me Beane is actually more of the sedan type.
  7. Ya think? This is the dude who picked up a penalty flag and threw it into the stands then walked back to the locker room because he erroneously assumed he was ejected.
  8. The minimum was actually 47 times a day, but do you really just want to do the minimum, Woody? Besides, his pieces of flair sucked.
  9. How long do you give it before he’s out for swaffling one of the sideline reporters?
  10. No, that's on the defense for not being able to stop Blake "Crazy Legs" Bortles. /sarcasm
  11. Those were the ones that probably didn't watch the game and just assumed they won.
  12. Saw Snowman the other day. Terrible movie, BTW. Couldn’t get this out of my head for a week. Don’t do it... DON’T DO IT... ah, but now you’re curious... don’t say I didn’t warn you.
  13. Guess the rumor about Brady wearing out the JUGS machine was unfounded.
  14. I hope when McDaniels fails miserably after Belichick leaves and is fired after two seasons that he looks back and realizes his career was atop the bridge he carelessly set ablaze. What a POS.
  15. Are we talking a little spongy piece of poo like Critical Bill in Things To Do In Denver When You’re Dead, or are we talking a Two Girls One Horse One Cup make Joe Rogan gag from watching sorta thing? Oh, and... eff no!
  16. Didn't work out so well for the last Patriots***** gun-toting TE though. What if you used hypo-allergenic, pet friendly face paint and you limited it to painting an Eagles helmet on his cat's head? Would that be acceptable?
  17. Tom Brady didn’t shake Foles hand because in the immortal words of Shady... “Tom Brady can’t shake sh**!”
  18. Unless the butts happen to be in corporate luxury boxes the league doesn’t really give a ****.
  19. He only married her because of the “Gis-” (sic) in her name.
  20. You know, unless of course someone at the network goofs and instead of your ad they show a blank screen... Ok, I outed myself, I watched when I said I wouldn't.
  21. Did it really take that long or did Collinsworth’s yammering just make it feel like an eternity?
  22. I’m guessing it was a stomach bug that afflicted the Iggle’s defense based on the giant dump they’re taking in prime time tonight.
  23. Hearing a xylophone rendition of Nirvana’s “All Apologies” as the background of the T-Mobile rotating baby commercial makes me want to run Courtney Love over with a dump truck.
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