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Everything posted by transient

  1. Sweet! I've been looking for an appropriate way to thank them for their brilliant contribution to... uh... certain... female... anatomic... ummm, hairstyling? This seems as good a way as any!
  2. We don't need the conch anymore. We know who ought to say things.
  3. Brian Griese... down a fight of stairs after tripping over his dog.
  4. So the uniqueness in YOUR snowflake of a thread is... the periodophobia?
  5. I think bovine refers to any animal of a cattle group, like buffalo, regardless of age. It can also be used to as a synonym for dim witted, like in “he displayed a bovine obliviousness with respect to the use of the search function.”
  6. He now officially holds the record for the most rushing yards by a Bush in Bills history.
  7. I took “family” to mean “dark father.” Tommyvagina will play until Ol’ Scratch comes for his soul.
  8. There are only 31 names on that wall. Pretty sure there were more than 31 players in the history of the organization. Does the absence of their names invalidate their existence?
  9. Were Cookie Gilchrist’s accomplishments somehow diminished or forgotten until after his death because of the pissing contest with Ralph? OJ’s accomplishments on the field will not be forgotten just because the person is no longer worthy of ceremonial recognition.
  10. That’s Antonio, though DRC may just be the oldest of those 14 children.
  11. I don’t consider myself to be one of those QB Francophile types, but I’d take one of them over a sloweyes QB.
  12. AND you can spell “U neek me sac” with his name in a game of anagrams, which is very close to “You need my sac (sic),” which, when you read the tea leaves, is very in line with Beane’s goal of finding a QB with the balls to throw a football. It’s Keenum! It’s Keenum! Lock it in!
  13. Thoughts? Silly Bangarang, this is 2018. Hot takes and knee jerk are the new thoughts.
  14. For a case or two of Robitussin you could probably add JaMarcus Russell to that battle royale so as to be sure you crush every last ounce of hope for the 2018 season before camp even breaks.
  15. Fify. "The past 17 years" is no more!
  16. Ahhh how I miss the good old days before the airways were littered with talking head buzzword rants. That was about as devoid of substance as I imagine any of the “Housewives” series or “The Bachelor” to be.
  17. Does he have to adjust his throwing mechanics for the tangential-noggin-force like Fitzpatrick?
  18. Hope his agent or the turk or whomever is wearing riot gear... or at least a cup... when he gets to give Ndamukong the good news.
  20. Are you suggesting she could make a killing promoting this event? I thought the billions had that covered already...
  21. I think this is a bit overstated, actually. I agree with the sentiment if they make the move up the board to get a QB. If they do that they have to have the conviction that he’s the one. If they stand pat and draft the next guy on their board at 21 or 22, while it would suck to be wrong about him and it leaves the team in the same QB purgatory, you haven’t made the sort of investment that would prevent you from addressing the position again the next season, and it won’t cripple the franchise if you had to cut bait.
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