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Everything posted by transient

  1. Margot Robbie was the only... I was going to say redeeming, but I don’t think that her performance was anything special... more like a consolation prize visual effect... that made it even worth watching that movie to the end. Jared Leto’s Joker was nothing more than a poor excuse for him to act like a psychopath’s id personified off camera.
  2. when you’re on the receiving end of a glory hole Mine: I can skeeve myself out
  3. ...Wayne Enterprises formulation (from the Dark Knight trilogy, not this trash Affleck mess) denture adhesive that allows you to participate in the worlds strongest man competition using only your false teeth Mine: I can changes colors like a chameleon
  4. Are you suggesting EII can only pull lock cuts while rubbing one out? I’m confused... Covering all bases, EII can only wield his superpower while rubbin’ one out, and FTC can only use his superpower while watching EII use his superpower. Mine: I have the ability to complicate situations needlessly...
  5. I've had a hard time convincing women that the route from Intercourse to Climax goes through Hershey...
  6. Only when referencing someone drawing with a pencil. Mine: An uncanny ability to belch a spot-on Hendrix's rendition of the Star Spangled Banner.
  7. Buffalo are fans gonna s**t a pickle when they realize “AJ McCarron” is actually Tim Connolly in a Bengals tuque.
  8. Haven’t spent enough draft capital for receivers from that draft class already? We should blow a few more first rounders on them?
  9. So Allen would give you a crumpled up dollar bill and some gum whereas Cardale would offer a half eaten sucker covered in lint?
  10. Sure beats the days of needing a new thread every time the GM speaks because of painful Mikey “Hello this is Nikki, leave a message”-type gems like “humans weren’t made to play football,” “winning takes two things, players and winning,” and “I wasn’t privy.”
  11. Gotta agree here. The pic may flatter her body, but when you blow up her face in that shot she looks a little “Caitlin-esque.”
  12. IIRC Shredd and Ragan used to refer to Cornelius Bennett as “the weapon of mass destruction” based on the description they got from a locker room reporter...
  13. Based on his Twitter handle, I thought this was gonna be a thread about Stephon Gilmore.
  14. That wasn’t very nice. Tell ***** you’re sorry and that you believe him/her. All (s)he was doing was telling you what’s on the radio right now.
  15. What was the old adage about two ears and one mouth? I guess the new adage must be something about 10 fingers and only 2 eyes so why the **** exactly would anyone bother wasting time looking for the search function? TBD seems to suddenly have a moron infestation.
  16. Taylor's legacy... hmm. I'm gonna go with Oh wait, that might actually work...
  17. That would be like one time for every Mayfield thread on the board, if I'm not mistaken... OP, FYI the search function is your friend. How about you research that a little and use it next time? ...oh, and welcome to the board.
  18. I thought it was first you get the money then you get the power THEN you get the weeemon
  19. If only root to tip length was listed, then I could be sure... I mean... wait... whaaaatttt?
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