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Everything posted by transient

  1. Let me thank you on behalf of the OP for taking some of the heat off...
  2. You know, except for the fact that when he took those stupid chances down and distance and time remaining never warranted it. It was never 3rd and long or 4th down, or seconds to go in the game. It was always with 2+ minutes to go with makeable down and distance when he would decide to throw their last chance out the window instead of being patient. Fitz may have excelled at Harvard in an economics program, but from a risk management perspective for a starting NFL QB his football IQ kinda sucked.
  3. After the Bengals trade we find out that Beane’s a witch... now it’s Allen witch! Holy Buffalo coven, Batman.
  4. If there was someone clearly worth a damn in front of the backup maybe there would be a little less outcry for the next in line (though there was a contingent calling for Reich in the Kelly years, so apparently that voice will never be entirely silenced regardless of who the starter is).
  5. Oh, I get it... probably gonna come up a little short, right? Couldn't this have just gone in one of the other hundreds of Baker Mayfield threads? The draft can't get here soon enough.
  6. Who here has ever been mistaken for Tim Connolly's prepubescent twin?
  7. Because it’s less physically painful than a literal kick in the nuts, even if the emotional scarring has been much more severe.
  8. Don’t be so hard on yourself. I’m sure you’re at least a 3/10... though you’re probably right that she wouldn’t bang you.
  9. ...on the condition that you, yourself, are in drag. Mine: Form of... water
  10. Many of my favorites are already listed. Would add 'Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan' Recently saw “The Voices” and thought it was hysterical, but also realize it’s probably more of an indictment of my sense of humor. Probably the same reason I thought “Things to Do in Denver When You’re Dead” was hysterical.
  11. ...prepuce. Mine: Meathead drivel repellent
  12. Unfortunately, between your BS detector and your politician/not-politician alter ego you walk around all day making a screeching sound like a Geiger counter at Chernobyl, leaving helpless bystanders tearing at their eardrums in your wake. Mine: I can resist starting threads about drafting QBs...
  13. ...every second Tuesday of months not containing an “r” during a leap year. Mine: I can rock a codpiece
  14. And our wives... and our daughters... I mean that generally speaking, of course. Not suggesting you and I have some weird commune-like family s**t going on, Yolo.
  15. Who would have expected this thread of all threads to offer such clarity on the old adage about opinions... and demonstrate people's willingness to stand firmly behind one regardless of how clearly uninformed.
  16. Except, based on the responses, it doesn’t seem to be generating many clicks.
  17. Same ol’ ESPN speculative BS. Odd choice to have TB12 in a Giselle pantsuit as the accompanying photo, though...
  18. Ummm... your preferred method of contraception is an IUD that you keep on the nightstand? Did you get that idea from Antonio Cromartie’s “Birth Control for Dummies”?
  19. One... two... no, one. ONE giant eyebrow.
  20. ...which is slightly misleading, as “heat” is a reference to the estrous cycle not a thermal property, and you can only use it on cattle. Mine: Ultrasonic funk
  21. I was trying to find the “stupid llama” scene.
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