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  1. On what planet is having a 3 1/2” erection for days a good sign? 🤷‍♂️
  2. Hate to break it to you, but it was no humdinger before you ended up with egg on your face. 😂
  3. A Terrance and Phillip character wearing a football helmet with a smiling potato on the side of it.
  4. If this guy thinks the pizza inside the stadium is a 6/10 then either the rest of the league is serving inedible food or he has an affinity for last week's high school cafeteria pizza. I hadn't been to the stadium since the early 2000's, but went for the Bills-Patriots season finale in the 2022-2023 season. My wife is from NOLA and we lived there for 7 years and have Saints season tix. I was embarrassed for her to eat the stadium food. It was appalling.
  5. My guess as pertains to Sunday was Coleman is a more physical blocker, and we were predominantly running the ball... 22 passing plays to 37 running plays. If Coleman sees 60% of the offensive snaps and Cooper only sees 30% of the offensive snaps, but Cooper's are predominantly on the passing plays do the snap percentages really make that much of a difference? Cook and Shakir were the only players targeted more than twice on Sunday.
  6. FIFY. It wasn't a penalty.
  7. Josh knew it was a bad play and tried to change it at the LOS... the only problem was the ball was already snapped and he was in shotgun so it took him a few seconds to get to the LOS and by then the defender had him (thankfully) wrapped up.
  8. From what I recall the accounts were that Rex was the lazy twin, Rob was the incompetent twin. I’m too lazy to Google, but I thought the reports were Rob used to put in long days and sleep in his office, which based on his results was just time wasted. Does anyone else remember when he was the Raida’s DC and he was sh!t talkin’ about Trent Edwards prior to a Bills-Raiders game? I remember thinking this guy must have a mental problem if he thinks that’s motivational for his defense. It was akin to trying to drum up strong feelings about vanilla ice cream…
  9. Hold on a minute… Barnes and Noble still exists?!?!
  10. He probably wasn’t even wearing pants.
  11. Depending on where the OP lives, it may only be a temporary fix... https://www.cnn.com/2025/01/11/politics/invs-porn-age-verification-laws-supreme-court/index.html
  12. Is he the love child of Jerry Seinfeld and Gary Shandling?
  13. I suspect that he was giving Allen the benefit of the doubt and some leeway cuz he's Allen, but I suspect he was tapping his chest and saying "I don't want to have to be the one to toss you from the game" for whatever it was that Allen said. I suspect by their reactions and Allen's sheepish owning of it in the pressor that if this had been Jerry Hughes who said what he said he would have been tossed.
  14. The best thing I can say about Wrecks is that his suckitude is indirectly responsible for the Bills drafting Allen.
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