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Everything posted by SKRAAPY

  1. So, let me review the Jets as of now. 1. A DB who has 9 kids with 8 women. 2. A WR that was busted with weed. 3. A WR that started a street fight outside of a nightclub in Cleveland 4. A head coach who makes fetish videos and childishly taunts every opponent he plays. 5. A coordinator that trips opposing players on the sidelines. 6. An ILB that piggybacks his coaches nonsensical trash talk. 7ish. ( I was going to say something about the life Woody Johnson's daughter led, but i'll respect the deceased) And the Steelers 1. A LB who plays dirty and gets fined every 30 seconds 2. A QB who forces himself on 20 year old girls So adding the division rival aspect, i'd say its a no brainer. But for it all. Go Packers!!!
  2. Rex Ryan is once again putting his foot in his mouth.
  3. That kid is definitely 15 years old
  4. Hate to make you feel old, but that was THIRTY years ago. I remember another thread where something happened in the 80's and the poster was thinking it was 20 years ago, but alas it was 30... Indeed it has been 30 years, and yes, you've made me feel old.
  5. 6 years ago today, we lost one of the best metal guitarist to ever live. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimebag_Darrell 20 years ago today, we lost one of the greatest songwriters to ever live. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_lennon F#!* December 8th
  6. Completely ridiculous. An NFL team is vitually a college all star team. The worst team in NFL history would put up 80 points on the best college team in history. Also, if googling at work, be careful not to spell him as Jessi Palmer. Its a female pornstar
  7. That one got me. LOL
  8. Im just wundereng wen we ar gunna see a jarvis beard entursepshun
  9. If it was Brady, Harrison would have been drawn and quartered.
  10. PTR and Cablelady
  11. Thank God
  12. http://twitter.com/adam_schefter
  13. This could even be a good move for Maybin's sake. Merriman and Maybin are buddy buddy right?
  14. LOL its a dull Wednesday man
  15. I have a semi
  16. http://twitter.com/jay_glazer
  17. Steve Johnson might be getting there. Other then that, dont think so.
  18. I have a house in Wildwood Crest. I live in north Jersey, but I at the shore house a few times a month.
  19. Nothing gets me more then penalties that do NOT effect the play. Use some common friggin sense ref!
  20. North New Jersey over here. About 20 minutes from New York City. I get it all the time from Jets fans. Its ok, I remind them that they are the Giants retarded little brother that gets praise whenever they do something not so retarded. By the way, how funny is this shirt!?
  21. Per Patrick Moran http://www.buffalosportsdaily.com/source-john-mccargo-on-his-way-out/
  22. Oh yea? Well what did you get on your SAT's ?
  23. As long as Ralph is king, will always be my week 1 reaction.
  24. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-3/Bills-re-sign-QB-Brown/97ff64aa-a25c-4fcb-a143-8bea532f1bef
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