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Utah John

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Posts posted by Utah John

  1. Kelvin Sheppard.

    Thanks for reminding me of the name of the guy we traded for Hughes. I had to google it before I saw your post. For all the dumb personnel moves the Bills have made, that one sure panned out. A completely lopsided win for the Bills.


    So I wonder how long the Bills can keep this D line together? Mario Williams is locked up for several years. Can the Bills afford to pay both Dareus and Hughes? There are younger and cheaper (and not quite as good) DT replacements for Dareus already on the team, and very few DEs, so my guess is we let Dareus go if one of them has to. But what a loss that will be. And does anyone know how long Kyle Williams is signed for? I think the professionals in the NFL, much more than the casual fans, recognize KW's value, so it could be expensive to keep him too. I would keep him over Hughes actually because he's the locker room leader on defense. I'm guessing Fred Jackson might have one more year left and he's the other leader on the team. Bad mojo to let both leaders go.


    My football consciousness doesn't go back that far, but werent similar charges made about shula's dolphins in the 70's? That shula chaired a committee to review the officials? Fans complained of well-timed phantom calls on the bills some of which were blatantly bad, and I heard even Ralph uncharacteristically threw a fit after one of the games.

    I was going to mention Shula's position on the rules committee but noticed you had done so. I am old enough that my football consciousness goes back further than that, and I recall the Bills going 0 for the 70s at the same time that Shula had that position. Now the Bills are losing almost as regularly to the Pats. Probably coincidence. I'd be shocked, shocked otherwise.

  3. He picked the Jets to sweep both the Bills and the Dolphins, and to beat Pittsburg, but to lose to the Vikings. Really?? Granted the Steelers aren't a top 10 team this year, but the Dolphins and Bills have both beat teams the Jets have lost to. Just like the Bills played down to a weak team but won last week, the Jets played hard against the Pats and the Broncos two weeks ago and still found a way to lose. I have seen this movie enough times with the Bills in the starring role to recognize a sequel when I see one. I am not saying the Jets will end up 1-15, but 7-9 as this guy predicted seems crazy.

  4. When Watkins breaks all of Andre Reed's records and gets into the HOF his first year of eligibility, will we stop talking about this then? Geez. The draft is a crap shoot. The Bills are lousy at picking first rounders. There is no reason to believe the pick they would have saved next year would have been better than Losman, McCargo, or Maybin. For that matter, Manuel, who was also a first rounder. You can make a case that the Bills paid too much to move up just a few slots, but only for now -- once Watkins reaches his full potential that discussion will be moot.


    Atlanta went for it, and they are regretting their trade now for Julio Jones. They went all in on Julio Jones, same thing the Bills did, and they lost the year they had no number 1 pick.


    Jones is often hurt. He is banged up a lot. Super talented. All local media looks at the trade as a bust and a failure.

    The Bills had no first rounder in either 1988 or 1989, and did pretty well -- not having first rounders is not necessarily the kiss of death. Jones' injuries are keeping him from his full potential but he could still turn out great. And, take a look at what Cleveland did with all the picks they got. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/05/16/greg-littles-release-leaves-browns-with-one-player-left-from-julio-jones-trade/

  5. Considering the Bills track record at drafting first round picks, the odds are that next year's pick would have been a middling success or a bust. The Bills hardly ever strike gold in the first round. Spiller wasn't worth it. EJ wasn't worth it. Dareus is coming around finally. Torrell Troup might have been worth it but he got hurt, and we coulda had Gronkowski instead. So we could have had a good WR or TE this year and maybe bilge next year, or Watkins this year when the Bills might be in position to make the playoffs. The Bills didn't count on Kiko getting hurt -- what a difference it would have made to have him and Spikes and Bradham and Preston Brown cycling through. So I think the Bills thought it was worth the chance to explode on the scene this year, and to position themselves for several years with what could be the best WR in the game. Unless Watkins gets hurt, you betcha this was the right thing to do.

  6. Thank God it's not Marv Albert. It seems like every year he does Bills-Jets and it's torturous.

    Every time Albert does a Bills-NJJ game he makes a point of saying the Jets are really a New York team. He's a homer who can't face up to the facts that they play in a different state.


    The announcers yesterday, like all the Fox announcers we've endured this year, know the NFC teams and players much better than they do the AFC. I'm sure the AFC announcers aren't as good when they do NFC games.


    But at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. Who among us would NOT watch a Bills game because the announcers were bad? It could be Fran Drescher calling the game and Sarah Palin doing color, and I would still watch.

  7. We've all got first-hand experience rooting for bad teams, or should I say teams having bad years. Even in the worst of times the Bills would rise up on occasion and fight hard against a better opponent, sometimes winning and sometimes losing. Anyone remember what happens next? Collapse, which starts with C which rhymes with T which stands for Trouble.


    The Browns beat the Steelers, then tanked against Jacksonville. Come on.


    The Jets played about as well as they can against the Pats. But they're a bad team, rotten at the core, without the intestinal fortitude to keep coming back week after week with a strong effort.

  8. The ironic thing is he's been playing the last couple of weeks like he was trying not to get hurt, to keep his re-sale value up. So he breaks a long one, gets caught FROM BEHIND (geez how fast was that Viking) which probably surprised him, lands wrong, and now he's injured anyway.


    Spiller might be back, but only if the numbers work for everyone. He loves Jackson but Fred might not be back either -- I love that guy but some RBs get old quick -- so if one half of a happy couple leaves the other probably will too.


    Let's see how Brown does against the Jets. That's a tough intro for a RB -- running into the NJJ D-line which is quite good, behind our O-line which isn't. If Brown finds a way to excel in this situation, that will be a push in the back out the door for CJ.

  9. Years ago, when the Bills were great and Bill Polian was the GM, he had a show on a local channel. After an unimpressive win, I remember a situation where he was responding to a question like this discussion and he turned to one of the fans in the studio audience, and asked the fan what the important thing to accomplish during the game is. The fan answered, "Win the game." Polian just turned to whoever had asked the question and said something like, "See, he gets it. He knows." You can go back to the Bills glory days and find 3 or 4 wins each year when they pulled one out of their butts. So what. Winning those games was the difference between not making the playoffs and getting home field advantage through the playoffs.


    Yesterday they didn't start out great, considering Hogan's early fumble, but that followed a good initial stop by the D and a sharp drive by the Bills' O. After Hogan's fumble the whole team started having a little trouble, and the Vikings started playing better. After Jackson and Spiller both went down, the O had serious problems. I think they didn't get Dixon prepared to be the only RB and so the O couldn't run a lot of plays. Getting limited to basic plays is a bad thing, especially with a rotten O line.


    I think the defensive game plan was an experiment by Schwartz. He had been focusing on the run so much that the pass D wasn't very good. He tried balancing things and ended up not stopping either very well. Good thing the Vikings O is bad. The Bills made Jennings look a lot better than he really is.


    I think Brown was acquired as Spiller's replacement assuming Spiller would leave after this year, and Brown will be the featured back against the NJJ. The running game will be a lot more capable, and that will help address one problem from yesterday. But LG, RG, and RT are still going to struggle against the Jets D line. The Bills have a fighting chance to win next Sunday but they're weak where the opposition is strong, and the Jets have been off since Thursday night. Tough game next Sunday, and the Bills will need to elevate their game.

  10. The placement was definitely wrong, and I had the same thought, that if it was closer they could have tried to run it in.


    The problem with the booth replays in the last two minutes is that an official timeout for the review would have been a huge advantage for the Bills, who were desperately trying to stop the clock. And then once the next play was snapped (the spike) it was too late to review the previous play (the catch). Maybe the rule about not reviewing a play after the next play starts can be modified for this situation.

  11. It's a trap game if the Bills are looking ahead to their NEXT game, against the Jets, and failing to prepare adequately for this week's game.


    If I'm the Vikings, I'm looking at this week's game as a chance to get the season back on its rails by beating an inconsistent opponent at their house. The Bills are probably figuring they're going to reel off six straight wins (MN, NJJ, KC after our bye, Miami, NJJ again, and Cleveland) which they have the talent to do, but how many times have we seen this movie before? They could be 9-3 after all that, but more likely they'll be 5-7, and Marrone (or at least Hackett) will be replaced.

  12. Orton is pretty good, which is hugely better than EJ. At the rate EJ was self-destructing, he would've turned into a pile of smoking ash after one more bonehead play. He needs to be sitting and watching, like the plan was all along, to be ready to take over in a year or two.


    Orton is better than merely competent. He makes a lot of difficult throws requiring precise touch and accuracy, and not that many poor ones. He's a good ball handler, just as you'd expect with a veteran.


    Before the season we all figured the Bills just needed neutral play from the QB, not having net damage done, with the offense's skill positions and the D-line giving us the edge. Turns out the O-line is really bad, bad enough to stop our running attack but interestingly not bad enough to stop Orton. Hmmmm, maybe this is something else he deserves credit for. So looking back at the preseason equation, it turned out EJ was a large negative, and that clearly cost the Houston game. But we don't just have neutral play from Orton, we're getting positive net results. Over 300 yards against Detroit, and 299 against the Pats. Pretty darned good.

  13. OH MY GOD! measurables!


    Prior to today he had what 10 catches? Like his entire High School, College and Pro career?! Now he has 15 and he's all pro.


    This is hilarious. It's f'n hilarious. It's the epitome of a sports fan and being a Bills fan. The very best on the team are nuisance, trouble makers, overrated or hurt too much. But, someone as amazing as Hogan - a player who has bounced from team to team is a stand out, talented, underrated, misunderstood, under utilized and full of promise.


    What a joke.

    Hogan hasn't bounced around. The Bills picked him up based on his athleticism. He played lacrosse at Penn State for his fulltime college career, then played one year of football at Monmouth. Got some experience but realistically has always been a project. But, so far he's turning out really well. Excellent ST work, athletic enough to get open. As he gains experience running routes and recognizing defenses, he's all upside. He also is not a complainer, whiner, etc. He looks like he could develop into Steve Tasker v2.

  14. I think Williams is just frustrated with the role he's got. He was still growing up in Buffalo when the Pats started beating the Bills all the time, and I think he wanted to play in this game even more than others.


    What's going on now is adjustments following the injury to Easley, which means Hogan is needed on STs. So Hogan is the guy after Watkins, Woods, and Goodwin. If Williams was great on STs he'd probably be playing.. Instead of a fifth WR the Bills put in three TE sets, which makes sense considering the rotten play from their guards. I don't think this is meant as a slap at Williams at least not very much.

  15. Many of us will remember a Bills-Pats game when Bledsoe was still their QB. Close game, the Bills had the Pats stopped and were in position to win, the Pats complete a pass that's far from a first down, and one of the Bills players reports hearing one ref tell another one, "just give it to them." First down, Pats. Pats win. What's the relationship? That was Walt Coleman's crew too. Ralph was so mad about this he tried to get the league to stop assigning Coleman to Bills games.


    Welcome to the big boy league, Mr Pegula. Deposit funds here, and bend over there.

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