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Utah John

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Posts posted by Utah John

  1. Betcha a nickel that Jerry Hughes follows Doug Marrone to the Jets. For a TON of money. Alongside Richardson and Wilkerson, he'll thrive on single blocking like he's been getting alongside Wiliams, Dareus, and Williams. He'll be loving life in beautiful downtown New Jersey.


    Bradham OTOH is like Darryl Talley, a great Bill who doesn't seem to get any recognition elsewhere.

  2. I think the receiver was trying to fight his way back to the ball to make the catch, which is not interference. What the defender did was clearly interference. It was also face-guarding. Face-guarding is not a foul, so the ref decided not to have a penalty called, but it was ALSO PI so there was plenty of justification for the original flag.


    The TV announcers made a big deal of the fact the crew hadn't worked together before. Why on earth do they do that? Are they just trying to reward individuals who grade out individually as the best? I care a lot more about the TEAM of officials getting the call right.


    As it was, Morelli had nothing to base his decision on, as to which other referee's opinion to rely on. So he made a call based on which one he thought probably had the better view of the play. I do not blame Morelli for this -- I actually think he's one of the best refs in the league -- and I do not think the fix is in. I think the second ref just didn't get the call right, and Morelli believed him, and it was so clear watching the game that that play was a turning point, taking the momentum away from the Lions.

  3. I'm of the generation that watched OJ come into the league in 1968 and just take over for a few years in the early 70s. When Rich Stadium opened in 1973, the company that had the concession contract hired a lot of us teenagers to sell pop and beer in the stands. I got a job as a pop vendor, then when I turned 18 I switched to beer, which earned a lot more in tips (the drinking age then was 18 and not 21). Some of my happiest days were fall Sundays in the stands, part of a happy crowd watching OJ dazzle. It didn't hurt that the Bills hired very attractive young women in special outfits as ushers -- does anyone else remember them? I think they were there just for the first year or two after Rich opened.


    I digress. OJ was part of this experience. There used to be a television show called the Superstars competition or something, and they'd have athletes and actors and celebrities competing in various events. OJ would always just dominate the competition. For about 3 years, no one could touch him on that show or in THE show. He was just in a class by himself. 2003 yards in 14 games, are you kidding.


    After the championship years in the mid-60s, the Bills fell apart when their core got old, and after Lou Saban and Ralph Wilson decided to part ways the first time. (Lou should be on the Wall too, along with Cookie Gilchrist, but that's another story). When the Bills got Simpson, they became relevant again. Getting Saban back didn't hurt either, of course. Possibly it was Simpson's success that led to Wilson keeping the team in Buffalo, did you even think of that? Those were the years when Wilson was making trips to Seattle to see about moving the team there, and when the Erie County legislature voted to build a domed stadium to keep the Bills in town.


    The Wall recognizes contributions to the team, and Simpson made huge contributions. His name should remain on the Wall.

  4. You hired two good defensive coordinators and had a very strong defense. Would you want to bring any of your defensive coaching staff or players with you? Jerry Hughes is a free agent, and would do well as part of our defensive line with Wilkerson and Richardson, just as he did in Buffalo. Would you want to make a strong pitch to bring him here?


    You had a very inexperienced offensive coordinator, and your offense was so bad it kept your team out of the playoffs. Would you want to bring any of your offensive coaching staff or players with you?


    You had an above average special teams group. Would you want to bring any of your special teams players or coaching staff with you?

  5. In their last few games, the Bills played four quarters against Peyton Manning, four quarters against Aaron Rodgers, and two quarters against Tom Brady. No TD passes allowed.


    Whether the NE game was important for the standings or the playoffs, it was a real game and had real impacts on player careers. Sammy Watkins fell just a few yards short of a 1000 yard season. Jerry Hughes had two stone-cold chances to get to double-digit sacks, and let them get away. If the Bills just cancelled the game because it had no impact on anything, those players and others would never have even had the chance to get to those milestones.

  6. Seems like about a year ago he told Dallas he was retiring too. He got himself released from a contract and then graciously submitted to being paid $5,000,000 for one year's services by someone else.


    Orton is a smarter, more intellectual guy than most football players are. He has a background as a liberal and progressive who respects worker's rights. He was able to work in / manipulate the system to have more personal choice than most players are able to have. For those reasons, I respect him as a man who makes reasonable choices. I don't think much of him as a football player. If think if he wasn't planning to retire, and do so with all his body parts working properly, he would have put himself more at risk to try to help his team win. I posted recently that he's been playing like a wuss lately, and I think the retirement explains things perfectly.


    More than most players, you have to think that Orton's view of things is he's an employee and is in constant negotiation with his employer. If he can get a better deal from some other employer, he wants to be able to get that deal. The league is built on multi-year contracts but Orton has been making things work out his way for years.

  7. All you can really say now is they're both very good players. Neither of their teams are in the playoffs so neither one is Superman. Any comparison now doesn't mean much. Let's talk in 4 or 5 years and see how they both develop. My prediction is they'll both be very good but Watkins will be at the 98th percentile while Beckham is at the 95th.


    Beckham doesn't just have a legitimate QB, he has a legitimate OC.

  8. The trade never made sense from a football perspective. Yes we got a QB and WR, but we gave up a QB and WR (Glenn Bass). Lamonica and Kemp were two different QBs forcing defenses to be ready for either one. Flores was more like Kemp, and both Flores and Kemp were nearing the ends of their careers, so we quickly went into the abyss that didn't end till Joe Ferguson showed up. We liked the abyss so much we went back in until Jim Kelly showed up. Apparently we're convinced the abyss has our name on it because we've been there ever since.


    I don't know whether the stories about Lamonica's chasing women were true. I grew up in West Seneca, and used to drive past some apartments on South Fisher Road, and my Dad always said that's where Lamonica lived. Those apartments never looked like much (they're still there) so from a bachelor pad perspective I think he could have done better.

  9. As productive as Watkins has been -- and setting franchise records under these circumstance certainly qualifies -- I think he's not playing to his potential. Instead of running his routes full out and expecting the ball to be where it's supposed to be, he's at 90% of full speed because he knows he will usually have to make an adjustment to complete the catch. Most of the key big catches this year have been balls higher than they should have been where the receiver stopped running and leaped up to make a great acrobatic catch. Well that's exciting and all, but usually that means not many YAC, and in time it will get our WRs killed. EJ and Orton are just about equally guilty of this.

  10. There aren't enough people in the world good enough to be starting pitchers to fill all the rotations on all the major league baseball teams, and there aren't enough people in the world good enough to be franchise QBs in the NFL. The teams that have those franchise QBs are the ones in the playoffs -- just look at the standings. Half the league is moaning about their deficient QBs, Until we fix this, and beat out all the other wannabees in the same situation we're in, we'll be scratching at the door. It's great to have a strong defense for a change, but we need one of those good QBs.


    If you want to talk about panicking, look what Washington gave up to get RGIII. Granted that poor guy was seriously screwed by his coach, ruining his career to play in a playoff game instead of protecting his body and going for long-term success. But RGIII has shown he doesn't really have the vision or judgement to make it as a top-notch QB. The Skins gave up the store and now the cupboard is bare.


    Maybe it didn't make sense to give up so much for Watkins without already having the answer in hand at QB. Sure it would be nice if we could wait for Beckham and keep the first next year. But odds are the Bills would have screwed that up, and next year's as well. At least now they've got the really good #1 WR they've needed since Eric Moulds left. Or Andre Reed left, take your pick.

  11. A couple of points.


    First, the Bengals won last night which I think would have eliminated the Bills already even if they beat Oakland. That's no excuse for losing to Oakland, but the Raiders are turning it around at the end of the season like a lot of crummy Bills teams used to do. Anyway it was the Houston and KC games, not the Oakland game, that sunk the Bills this year. Those two losses were inexcusable.


    Second, maybe it's rose colored glasses, but I see a much better team this year than last year, particularly D and ST. The offense has good to great skill positions except QB, and a bad line. The guards are lousy -- did you see Urbik completely fail on getting out to block for a screen on Sunday? -- and the tackles and center are only average. It will take a big investment to get the O line up to average.


    Third, Orton played like a wuss the last month. One play on Sunday, he ran backwards at least 10 yards because the pocket had collapsed. Only when he noticed that no one was chasing him did he turn around and make a play. He missed way too many open short routes, the kind that keep drives going and the D off the field. JUST LIKE EJ. Except EJ plays with a lot more heart and athletic ability. It might be that Marrone switched from EJ to Orton after the Houston game to keep from losing the locker room, but my opinion is the players see the bad QB play and know they're not going anywhere, and start tanking. Watch out, Marrone, if you don't fix this you'll have a disaster on your hands.


    Finally, I think Hughes, Searcy, Easley, Wynn, and maybe Hairston come back. CJ comes back only if the Bills hire Chan Gailey as offensive coordinator. He's the only one who ever figured out how to let Spiller get loose on a regular basis.

  12. The best part of having Brady on the Bills would be he wouldn't be beating the Bills with the Pats. He always seems to play well against us, no matter what problems he has from time to time against others. Even with him sitting on the bench, we'd be better off.


    But we did this several years ago, when Bledsoe was getting old and the Pats got a first round pick from us for him, when they already had Brady ready to go. I think Belichick will let the Bills have an aging Brady when he's got the next guy ready. We'll get a year or two, and that will be that.

  13. All those top QBs would have to be replaced. Which team would let a good QB go and settle for a 2016 1st rounder of a Bills team that would figure to be very good or better in 2015? What would they do for QB play in the meantime. What you need to find is a team that's collapsed and figures it's time to rebuild, and is willing to put their QB play down a notch temporarily. Perhaps Carolina would do. But our late-round first for an overall #1 talent? We'd have to sweeten the pot. What would it take? Jerry Hughes? Kiko? Robert Woods? If we're really talking "bold move" it might take giving up some real D talent. And then what to do about the offensive line? Let's bring in some other guys off the street and let Doug Marrone coach 'em up. Yeah, what could go wrong?

  14. It's bothered me all year, not just with the Bills games, that there's so much emphasis on illegal contact. I think the league went overboard on emphasizing those rules, probably because elite passing games are good box office, and I hope they tone that back down in the future. What I saw yesterday was what was normal a couple of years ago for how DBs play, and it made for a better game.


    When a QB and receiver can practice timing and distances and know they will never be disrupted, that's not real tackle football. A DB should be allowed to influence the route, which forces the QB and receiver to make instant adjustments. A really different skill set, and one that requires more athletic ability and less ballet.

  15. If Marrone won't fire Hackett, then Whaley fires Marrone.


    Whaley is a smart guy who understands what the team needs. Trading for Brown seemed like a stretch but he's intended as Spiller's replacement. Trading for Mike Williams looked OK but then Chris Hogan outplayed him and won the game day slot from his special teams experience. Chris Williams was a swing and a miss. Jerry Hughes for whatshisname...are you kidding me? Whaley should be brought up on charges. Preston Brown and Nigel Bradham, and Kiko coming back, along maybe with Spikes although Spikes seems to have tailed off -- great D line, great LBs -- just need another CB and maybe a backup safety. Concentrate on the O line in this year's draft and get lucky with a FA QB, and suddenly Whaley will look like a genius and even Marrone will look smart. IF they replace Hackett.

  16. The Bills being the Bills, if they hadn't taken Watkins and waited till their regular pick, they would have passed on Beckham and picked some bust. If it took them two firsts to get Watkins, it was worth it. Not to mention the pain we'd have this coming spring when they picked another loser. I'll trade the two losers for Watkins, you betcha.


    Beckham doesn't have EJ and Orton throwing to him, I should point out. Even if we had him instead, he'd be getting open and then ignored, just like Watkins.


    I have nothing but praise for Watkins' toughness and attitude. And of course his talent. He really does have amazing hands. He plucks the ball out of the air and that's that. Except when he doesn't focus, and that will get better. The ribs will heal and assuming no injuries from the waste down, he'll be a superstar in a year or two. 8 now, 9 next year, 10 after that.

  17. 1. Kiper's track record is about as good as GM's picking QBs in the sixth round. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut sometimes.


    2. If there are no franchise QBs in this spring's draft, then the hit from trading our 1st rounder is not so bad. Right? I mean, if we were missing out on Andrew Luck from this move, then OK. But we're not. And we weren't going to be so bad with this defense to be contending for a top five pick this year anyway.


    3. MM is a good prospect, better than Jameis. Could be really good, and will not be a bust. We would never be able to get him anyway. I think he's going to the Jets, and I'm not happy about that. With MM and Chris Ivory, and a new HC, the Jets could get turned around quick.

  18. Does everyone believe Mike Williams is actually hurt? He seemed fine at midweek and was expecting to play, then this mysterious calf injury popped up, but he was nowhere to be found to talk about it. I'm thinking this is BS, that Marrone has just decided to shut this kid down. Why, heaven only knows. Or Marrone and Williams know but they're not talking. Why waste a draft pick to trade for a guy, then sit him most of the season?


    If Gay wasn't going to kick and Williams was actually OK, I'd like to see him on the roster and on the field. He's a question mark so far, and hasn't been in enough games to show what he can do. My best guess is Marrone isn't happy with the way Williams talks to the media. Instead of making him a healthy scratch, which is bad enough, Williams sees Marrone hiding behind this phantom injury (in my view of things) just to piss Williams off a little bit more.

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