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Utah John

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Posts posted by Utah John

  1. I hope Marrone and his family can stretch that 4 mil a loooooong way. No other big paychecks coming his way.


    Ask yourself, what other team would want to hire a coach who left like that? OK, so he had a clause that LET him do it, but that didn't mean he NEEDED to do it. The clause was there in case the new ownership was difficult to work with, which clearly wasn't the case with the Pegulas.


    Ask yourself, what GM would want to hire a coach who blasted the Bills' FO on the way out of town?


    Ask yourself, what candidates for coordinator positions and other coaching assistants would want to pull up stakes and move somewhere to work for a guy who shafted his Bills coaches so badly?

  2. Kiko would probably make a great TE, now that you mention it. It worked for JJ Watt, and Alonso also has the height and agility to be effective. This of course is an additional duty for him, in addition to his LB job.

    I think Chuck Wagon's perspective is absolutely correct. The Bills were going to take Ebron with their original pick, after all the griping about Chandler. So would you trade Watkins for Ebron plus Detroit's #1 this year? I would NOT.


    The only real shame is that the 2013 Bills weren't just a little crappier, so they could have had the draft slot that Cleveland did, and we could have gotten Watkins with our own pick.

  3. You know, stopthepain, I'm really not sure that EJ ain't gonna be the guy. Or at least the Bills might try again to see if he can be the guy. I think he's had lousy coaching and played behind a lousy O line, and had a couple of knee injuries his rookie year which may have affected his thinking. What can a good coach do to help him? Probably a lot. I am not an EJ lover or convinced he's the guy, but I wouldn't be surprised if the Bills give him another big chance.


    Of course there will be at least one additional QB brought in. Even if EJ wins the starting job, Tuel is not the answer as the backup.

  4. I hope someone walked up to Rex at TBT and welcomed him to New York State.


    About his projected weight gain -- I think he lost all that weight from stomach band surgery or whatever it's called. It's probably nearly impossible to gain a lot of weight afterward. But, considering Buffalo wings, pizza, and hot dogs, I can see Rex giving it a good try.

  5. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that what happens to Marrone is what happened to Ted Nolan -- frozen out by all the teams in the league after being HC for a Buffalo team -- although Nolan did not deserve that situation. But Marrone does deserve it. What team wants a guy with such a poor sense of loyalty? What coaching assistants and coordinators will sign up to work for a guy who shafted his staff in Buffalo so badly?


    Also, Nolan was canned after great success, Coach of the Year if I'm not mistaken. Marrone, not so much. Wasted a great defense by his offensive incompetence.

  6. Sabres never "officially" retired 39 till tonight. But Miller wore 39 through his whole career, and does now, but out of respect changed it here. I think that's the same deal. I've always said it'd be cool, I don't know about legal, but cool if for some sort of throwback game, our team came out wearing 12, 34, 83, 78, etc, corresponding with their position.

    I remember asking my brother if he knew what 1234567890 was. The answer of course was a sideline picture of Jim Kelly, Thurman Thomas, Darryl Talley, Bruce Smith, and Phil Hansen.

  7. These are valid points, but there is still the issue of personnel. Granted going to a 3-4 would allow Spikes to stay when Kiko returns. But who on the line will play where? Mario Williams is a great DE, and Dareus and Kyle Williams are great DTs. We have no NTs, and might not keep Jerry Hughes. Do we have Kyle play DE? He's not built for that. My biggest fear is a new guy comes in a blows up a great ensemble, and the Bills great D this year collapses in a couple of years.

  8. I'd have been happy with Gailey as OC also, but it looks like a Roman holiday is on its way. I know nothing about Roman so I have no opinion on whether he's a good hire. But I sure hope they keep Schwartz and stay in the 4-3. The personnel have been assembled for a 4-3, not a 3-4, and starting over to fit Ryan's preference for a 3-4 would be downright criminal.

  9. I'm not a fan of the Cowboys (as far from a fan as can be) nor of the Lions (less hatred there), but I think both Johnson and Bryant did enough to have their catches count. Bryant caught the ball and took at least two, maybe three, steps with the ball firmly in control. That should be that. He was contacted by the defender so when he fell he should have been considered tackled. The fact that the ball came loose after shouldn't matter there, any more than if a RB is moving down the field and is tackled, and as he falls the ball hits the ground and comes loose. For the RB the play is dead -- it's not a fumble since he was contacted by the defender and when the ball hits, the play is over. Should be the same thinking for catches.

  10. I have always figured Ryan is a good coach with a lousy front office. He'll fit right in.


    My biggest concern with this is that Ryan loves a 3-4 defense, and the Bills personnel is geared to a 4-3. Will Ryan keep Schwartz in place and let Schwartz continue to run a 4-3? Well just supposing they go with a 3-4. Does Kyle Williams play right DE? Does Jerry Hughes play right DE? Or do they let Hughes leave (or heaven forbid, let Kyle Williams leave), and plug in Kiko alongside this year's three LBs? Or do they just toss out everything and start over like usually happens when they switch defensive concepts.


    Rex Ryan is probably an upgrade over Marrone. Any of the OC options they're talking about is a HUGE upgrade over Hackett. But there's still no solid QB option, and the O line still stinks.


    If the Bills handle this wrong, they'll blow up that great defense and not fix the offense. Probably trade Carpenter too so they'll suck on STs as well.

  11. It's not cheating, but the officials should have realized that it gave the Pats an unfair advantage. Running a play out of that unusual formation is legal, no question, but having the referee simply announce that the RB lined up outside the main linemen group was ineligible just before the ball is snapped, is not sufficient notice to the defense to allow them to understand whom to cover. The whole point of having eligible and ineligible receivers is so that everyone understands who is eligible and who isn't.


    So the FIRST time this happened, the Ravens were at an unfair disadvantage. Any times after that, these professional athletes and their professional coaches should have had some kind of plan. Even if they had to draw it up on paper on the sidelines, they should have been able to pull something together to counter the formation. For starters, with one of the ineligible linemen deployed off the main group, that left four actual blockers. Blitz away and see what happens.

  12. I never hated Shula. I hated the Bills losing to the Dolphins all those years, but I always thought Shula was a classy person and a great coach. My biggest gripe against Jimmy Johnson is that he got two teams, the Cowboys and Dolphins, to boot out great coaches, Landry and Shula, to make room for him. And he did no better than the guys he replaced.

  13. His name should remain on the Wall. IMHO he was the greatest Bill of all time, comparing his impact to the game at the time he played to anyone else's. He was far and away the best RB of his era, and there were a lot of great RBs around. Kelly was great too but probably not the best QB playing when he was playing.


    To me, it's not embarrassing to see his name up there, it's sad to think how such a talented person screwed up so badly. He was always an arrogant jerk, just a great athlete.

  14. The first point is if the Bills kept their 9 pick they would have taken Ebron, not Beckham. Typical Bills, they would have passed on the area of strength and depth in the draft and picked some other position, dreaming they found Gronk v.2. Chandler knows the offense better and Lee Smith is a better blocker, so Ebron wouldn't have played much. Like Ebron hasn't played much in Detroit.


    Second, drafting a QB this spring is not the only priority. Yes, I acknowledge there aren't any obvious franchise QBs, let alone one at 19. However there will be a lot of good offensive linemen. THAT'S the loss that will hurt us next year.


    Third, we wouldn't be at 19 if we didn't have Sammy, and had Ebron instead. We'd have four wins, not nine, and we'd be drafting much sooner. We would also be likely to lose Hughes and Dareus who would be fed up with being on a crappy team again.


    Fourth, even with drafting sooner this spring if they still had their pick, the Bills have a pretty bad track record drafting for value. Even when they have a fairly high pick, they end up with a player who turns out to be as good as most second rounders. The likeliest outcome this spring is they would take a guard who turns out to be pretty good but not dominant. The upgrade for the offense would be marginal.


    Fifth, I think the way out of the Bills' offensive mess is to spend heavily in free agency, and bring in a new HC and OC who have a clue about running an offense.


    Overall, I support the Watkins trade. I think he will always be better than the players around him, and will accelerate his development with good QB play.

  15. I am pretty sure he dated a porn star named Bibi Jones for a while. Later on she appeared with another athlete, so poor Gronk got dumped.


    The only erotic language that comes to mind with Gronkowski is yelling F*** at the television as some Bills defender fails to tackle him for the fourth time that game. It isn't good for me and it startles the dog.

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