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Everything posted by SactoBillFan

  1. Got a little angry huh? First my intention wasn't to degrade any veteran. I'm a veteran. I really don't know BIB. But if that was the way it was taken, then I apologize to all parties involved. Now, I'm pretty certain that few on this board have had their opinions changed by anyones argument. So I'm going to stick with my opinion that Kerry had every right to speak out against the Viet Nam conflict given the notion of its morality, legality or whatever; and although you have valid points for your own opinion, I just disagree. Finally though, I realize that the tail end of my reply to you was out of line. It got both personal and vindictive. For that I apologize to you personally. Take it for what its worth.
  2. I think I knew that BIB was a veteran. The oath you took was to defend your country. Not to become a "lemming" for your government. Taking a stand isn't taking a "piss on my brothers". Sorry you couldn't hack it as a lifer, bit I don't think you had it in you to begin with. You took a stand, no need to be ashamed.
  3. Just curious, how old were you when the Viet Nam "conflict" ended? Ever spent a day in the military? Ever studied what the conflict was about and made an opinion as to whether it was a "moral" or "legal" conflict? Ever taken a step back and attempted one step in Kerry's moccasins given the time and the place? Try and answer these questions honestly. Kerry's service would truly be a non issue if it weren't for the current administration using the politics of fear to show for some unfathonable reason that the current President is the most desirable candidate as Commander in Chief. I think it's called political strategy. It's all horse manure, as long as Karl Rove can keep the issue on Kerry's Viet Nam record he can avoid debating real issues. IMO B)
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