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Everything posted by SactoBillFan

  1. You'd make a good preacher. From your comments I gather the notion of supporting the troops and that of not supporting the war in "Iraq" are too conflicting to be real. I support the troops and I hope this "election" works out. But we should have never been there in the first place. I guess I'm a lunatic. Time for this lunatic to be redundant: This "conservative" administration spent Hundreds of Billions of Dollars, with Hundreds to go, in order to disarm an unarmed country when letting weapons inspectors finish their job would have sufficed. ie This "conservative" administration invaded and occupied a soveriegn nation that presented no viable threat to our country at an unneccessary taxpayer cost of Hundreds of Billions and counting. No WMD's, no Al-queda ties, nothing to do with 9-11 still some believe now the "Iraq" war is still justifiable because we have to "spread Democracy" to the Middle East. When I was younger I remember "stopping the spread of Communism" was a good reason for one major "military conflict". There is just something really suspect about US intelligence "not knowing" there were no WMDs. Hmmm. What the hell, I'm a lunatic, what do I know. more lunacy: As a result of our "conservative" administrations' crusade to spread Democracy to the middle east close to 1,500 American soldiers are dead, over 10,000 are wounded and of course we don't count the number of dead or wounded innocent Iraqis. Pfff why should we care about the Iraqis? Hell, were giving them Democracy. There are other interesting results from our "conservative" administrations' chosen war. Besides making war profiteering "cool" again and losing a few allies, since there intentionally was no viable exit strategy now, we have a huge military presence on ground, air and sea smack dab in the heart of the Middle East. It appears that it's not enough to secure Iraq, after all these are fighting men and combat support not really many policemen. However, it's a big enough presence to engage in "conflict" with another nearby country. If need be, it's big enough control the one of the worlds most precious resources. And of course, it's big enough to protect Isreal even more from surrounding rogue nations. Anyways, this lunatic can't help but think that the American people were deliberately convinced to go to war on false premises. ie This "conservative" administration flat out lied. Why didn't they just say, hey, Afghanistan is cool but their best resources are poppy plants, besides Osama can wait. Look at Iraq, it has lots of good precious resources (this lunatic remembers that some funds from Iraq's oil was supposed to help pay for the war, conservatively Hudreds of Billions of Dollars). Besides getting even with the scoundrel that took a pot shot at papa, we can kill a lot of birds with one stone in Iraq. We can satisfy our neo-con buddies with the military buildup. We can give Billion dollar contracts to our campaign donors. We can..... I guess people don't like the notion that they were lied to, espescially by people who "work for them", supposedly in their best interest. But what do I know? I'm just a friggin lunatic. And your a proud genius.
  2. Not funny, but true. Tis not a war of neccesity, but a war of choice.
  3. I give the game ball to Clevelands offensive line. They stunk. Something like 17 yards of offense. I know our defense is good but talk about a race to the QB. B)
  4. I wouldn't wish injury on anyone. But you could have picked a more original screen nane. B)
  5. A George arse kissing contest between you and Laura would be a close call. Yes George. Of course George. Sure your right George. George can't be wrong, he never makes any mistakes. Ask George. What should I think today George? Should I ask Uncle Dick? Or Uncle Karl? I'll give her the benefit of the doubt. I think you would win. Laura Bush, she's so adorable! If I had only known her as Laura Welch. B)
  6. You never know. Someone once said that if you want to see ones true character, then give him power. I can't see how it could hurt. Can you? B)
  7. Congratulations. I was hiding from my wife. Congrats and best wishes.
  8. nfl.com but you have to pay for it. Games blacked out here, it's probably uglier on TV than radio I imagine. B)
  9. turnover
  10. And truthfully how did Kerry fare? I guess you're right though, it's important to ignore history. B)
  11. Partially, the opinion is partisan. Engage in the facts and enlighten me on what you believe to be true on the matter. B)
  12. Whats really funny is that the documents are suspicious, but their contents are, so to speak, easily believable. One looking for the truth over the "Viet Nam record" debate, might easily conclude that Kerry volunteered, served honorably, came home and spoke his conscience about the conflict. While Bush probably shammed his way through the era and never really formed an opinion on the matter. B)
  13. If it weren't for the D. The Bills would have scored 0 points The TD and the FG were only possible because of turnovers.
  14. All I can say is that if Kerry is elected, then the world will come to an end. Our economy, military strength, quality of living, diplomatic standing in the world, everything we stand for will be lost. The economy will go down the drain, we'll be excessively taxed and no one will have a either job or health insurance. Retirement? Forget about it. There is an alternative though. Vote George W. Bush. Look at his record. He's a hero. Remember him with a bullhorn at ground zero two days after the attack. After all, he's a war president, just watch him on TV. He's obviously an awesome diplomat, and truly fiscally conservative which is easily ascertained by the miniscule defict. Sometimes I'd like to think a third party pipe dream may work. Nah! IMHO I think it's time for a change. B)
  15. I don't think we'd have as good a defense as we currently have if Williams were never here. Doesn't matter now though. I wish him luck in Washington. B)
  16. Seahawks. Oh yeah they are now in the NFC. I think they'll make a run this year. B)
  17. He finished strong. The tears were espescially touching. I enjoyed his beginning "bucket full of mumbo sunshine promises" on domestic policy. His speech writers should eliminate the word "nuclear" from any of their drafts. All in all he held up well, I mean after all, what would you expect from the US President. Speechwise, if thats a word, he's neither a Reagan nor a Clinton. Comparing the two conventions, I'd say both were lacking on economic and domestic issues while emphasising some sort of "strength" on foreign policy. I didn't see the passion and unity in the Republican convention that was present in the Democrats. Nor did I see the Republicans extreme wing have any real podium time as compared to the Democrats. Have to agree though, the debates will be the determinant.
  18. I hate to say this LA, but your definition of Polly, well sounds a lot like you. Any new or original thoughts?
  19. Guess it depends on the clarifying person. Right?
  20. Yes, of course if Kerry wins, the world will come to an end. B)
  21. Kids are cute and funny. But Laura is making me yawn.
  22. It's amazing how one would have an irresistable urge to respond to posts not directed toward them. But you're probably right. For sure nobody paid any attention to terrorism before 9/11. If only Iraq could have been occupied just after the Gulf War, terrorism would no longer exist, Fort Iraq would already be established and the middle east would be going through a Renaissance of Democracy and good relations. Palistinians and Isrealis would be all hugs and kisses, Turks and Kurds, Iranians, Pakistinians, Indians, Saudies, North and South Koreans et. al. Spreading Democracy is truly a whole and Christian thought. Given the current times, it's the only prudent solution to terrorism. Right?
  23. I gather that means they did their job to the best of their ability. hmmm
  24. Maybe there's something just not right about the republican candidate....
  25. Could be getting close to football season. B)
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