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Everything posted by SactoBillFan

  1. My bad. I missed the not in your original post.
  2. I doubt it. Didn't the owners get a rookie salary cap with the new agreement?
  3. I heard the rumor he could throw long to Evans....
  4. What no one mentions the beard....
  5. I'm over Maybin.....
  6. And then there is paragraphs...
  7. Williams, Wood and Freddy were big losses because of their leadership. That being said, to answer the original question 6-6.
  8. I think the rookie could use a little help. KW going down didn't help....
  9. Two lost fumbles. That was the difference.....
  10. So you have an infatuation for Ralph. What is your problem? ANSWER THE QUESTION: Why do you root for the Bills? Or are you just a troll? PS What so you mean by we?
  11. People love to talk about QB win loss records. Hmmm wonder why it's not an official NFL statistic?
  12. Agree the Eagles gave up last night. Totally laid down. So much for the so called "Dream Team", totally unprofessional..
  13. So why do you root for them? Posts are getting boring.
  14. The problem is that Lynch had a good game last night. So the anti front office faction will use that as proof of the notion that Nix and company are buffoons.
  15. It is possible and I hope you're right. But we could go 0-4 also...
  16. Hopefully he grows out of his TO syndrome. IMHO that was completely scripted.
  17. You don't have to be angry. There are other teams to root for. Admit it!.....
  18. I'll go over. He's due to break a couple now that he is getting the carries.
  19. Green Bay doesn't have an individual owner...
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