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Everything posted by rstencel

  1. I'd keep Fred if had to choose. Yes Spiller has shown potential, but Fred has shown MVP caliber play potential. If Fred has 3 years left leaves plenty of time to replace the potential for future lose with Spiller. Fred is much better in passing game protection, runs better routes, is better runner, and its not like it that hard to get a RB with potential in NFL anymore.
  2. Most cried not about being a bust, but in fact that had so many other needs, and was a luxury pick. If team is set, then can see taking a flyer on a talent in position like that, but at time we had a pretty darn good set of backs, and had to dump one to make room for him. Has nothing to do with talent, more on fact that were players that were in positions of need that were rated as high as Spiller by most. Have really high regard for Richardson, and think he will be way better talent than Spiller, but without a well rounded team will be like the Bills of the simpson era, great back, losing team.
  3. If Bills take a RB in first round of draft, I will have to lock myself in a padded room to not break everything I own out of frustration.
  4. Why arent you buying the 3 year thing. While some offenses are simple and anyone can step in that has been in a pro system in college, not all the recievers have, and some have come in without even knowing how to run the passing tree routes. Most pro teams require recievers to either be in a spot in a specified amount of time, or to read the defense as ball is snapped and adjust thier route accordingly. Have to know the routes and the offense very well in order to be a primary target in this type of offense. While can get some catches and some yards if gifted enough, until the QB trusts that he will make the right read and be in the right spot at right time, he will not be at top of list for QB to look for. There are always exceptions, but most players take time to get to that point, and are complemantary peices till they do. I do not know if he played in a pro style offense, or how well he knows how to run routes, or if he ever has been asked to read and adjust routes in college, cuase really haven't looked at him. I am in the group that doesnt like idea of taking a WR high in first round unless he is an elite talent however, and from what i have heard about him to this point, there are a lot who have questioned whether he is an elite talent.
  5. LOL, They did a simular study where heads was up every time and tracked it, and tails came up 54 percent of the time with 28k flips in 1998. Just show can always make you viewpoint work with statistics if use right input. Also I beleive NFL does thier coin flip with head up, and tails is more frequent. Not positive on this, going by memory on something Steve tasker said when he was a team captain.
  6. Its about how much time have to through the ball, what kind of routes they can run, and if have time to progress down the tree. Once Bell went down, we kept TE in most plays to help line, and had the RB atleast chip block, and still the amount of time to get the ball out was less than average. Yes we have a qb that can get rid of the ball fast, and avoid sacks, but the offense suffered, as did his interception total, becuase had to shorten the paterns and get the ball out so fast that often didnt have time to let the play develope enough to avoid the interceptions. Because of the help they needed to give the tackles in blocking, the RB needed to be very good at passblocking, and Spiller is still developing there. With a full training camp and another year in offence, he may be able to pick up those responsibilities this year, but he wasnt last year.
  7. Probably becuase Spiller isnt a very good Pass Blocker, and with all the issues with the line, they needed to protect the QB.
  8. He does like to send everybody out and use allot of recievers. Dont need an allpro, but do need a lt than can block 1-1 good portion of the time to do that. I know they like to do allot of short patterns, but without better line play, the other teams dont even have to respect the chance that Bills may change up and go deep occasionally, cause they know they can get to the QB if they do that. Need atleast the threat, and a few plays run where there was atleast a chance of them being completed to force defences to play you honest. Levitre had ton of help when he played LT. Dont think hes starter material at tackle, and with the dropoff at guard get by moving him out, only do that if emergancy. Would like our TE's and RB to actually get into the patterns. Once Bell went down, you'll notice that the TE disapeared from our offense. That's becuase they needed to pass block, or atleast chip on every pass play almost, except the plays the RB's covered for them.
  9. LOL, guess i cant add either.
  10. Not sure what percentages mean, but they add up to 155%.
  11. Also can play on psychy of your QB. If QB doesnt have confidence in the LT, he tends to get happy feet or throw early and/or erratic often.
  12. Only if we resign Bell or another stop gap, and the LT is a project with great potential.
  13. Actually would disagree with that. Yes you can find a LB anywhere in draft, but impact LB's are typically very high draft choices.
  14. That is probably the case, they are probably waiting a bit for his demands to go down. RB position has become so undervalued by teams lately seems. Also some team may wait and see how far Trent Richardson falls first to see if can get him, before going after Bush.
  15. and just like Flutie, have a feeling he will be better in seasons where he isnt starter from day 1, so defenses dont have all offseason to work on gameplans to stop him.
  16. Well the fact hes really only LT available that can actually play the position when healthy, is still young, knows our system, and wouldnt be relying on a rookie to come in and start day one. Doesnt mean dont draft a OT, just means have some depth and dont force yourself to rely on rookies your not even sure are going to be there when you draft. Not sure where your getting we want a RB from, but guess your just trying to make your point by being jerk about it.
  17. I actually think if he improves his strength, the staying healthy part comes with it. Allot of his injuries were because of his lack of strength and the way he was trying to compensate for being overpowered so much. I do not argue with you that need a long term solution if he doesnt take that next step, and time to get it is this draft since is keep in ot prospects. I am not sure their will be anyone left worth a top 20 pick besides top 10 by time Bills pick, but I dont know the rating Bills have on the players. Only see 2 tackles that feel should be taken in top half of draft, but they may see someone they really like. I really think they used first pick on another position and trade back into first round for thier LT, if they dont trade down.
  18. If he ever gets off his behind, and improves his strength to go with his athletic ability, he could be a true lt in the league. Since he was rehabbing from injury every offseason but the lockout one up till now, I am curious to see if having an offseason with Strength and conditioning coach can fix this issue for him. He has the frame to carry allot more muscle, just not sure he has the drive to put it on there. If he ever does, we will be glad we kept him, or will be another why did we let him go story on site for long time.
  19. I'm with Dopey on this one.
  20. Honestly dont see Rief still being there at 10.
  21. Agreed. Only think need one LB truely, but more skilled depth never hurts either. Scott signing helps in that now have someone capable of playing LB that can actually cover. Yes LT is huge issue, if we dont resign Bell. Dont think either of the top 2 LT's will still be there however and the next group either is big drop talent, or project types. Would have to trade down to get value to pick them, but its not like the Bills are afraid to pick someone way before thier value spot. Does appear that WR, CB, or RB would be most likely to drop to 10 and be top 10 talent wise available to us. I am praying they dont draft another RB, but does look like a special one if he drops that far. Is a very impressive guard that would likely be available, but tough to see anyone picking a guard top 10. While I'm not big fan of picking reciever this high, is probably what bills will end up with. Is a good chance one of the next teir Ofensive Tackles will be avalable in 2nd round, though wouldnt be surprised to see a run on them and Bills trade back into first round to get one of them.
  22. Notice I said if the Bills feel that either LB rated high enough is worth the pick. I am not specifically attached to any one person or pick. I do feel like we really need a LB to finish off the job and that is because i feel that the Defense is allot closer to being a unit that can control a game now. I do not feel like the offense is one player away from being very good, so personally feel that if there is a LB that can come in and be a force behind our d-line that would love to see him picked at 10. I do agree with you on most of what you say. We do have average lb's already present with some potential to get better. And that we have bigger holes in other places. Need to win in the trenches to be a consistant winner in any level of football, and our offensive line need a couple of upgrades. We have some potential with our recievers but noone that has stepped up to be a true number 2 receiver either. My reason mostly is that would rather have a dominate defense with an inconsistant offense, than an average defense with an average offense, and think defense is allot closer than offense. Plus feel with later picks can get some players to plug some of the other holes. Beyond first 2 OT's there really isnt one worth top 10, and we are sitting in a good spot to get one of next set of talent at ot in the 2nd round if draftnicks are close to being right (know grasping at straws using thier guesses ). There probably will be a receiver worthy of pick available, but its not often one of them comes in and dominates in thier first year. Usually takes a couple of years to adjust, depending on type of offense they were in and how quick they learn. As far as who are going to beat these guys out, outside of Barnett don't really like the LB's on this team as starters. They are pretty one demensional, and liability if other team decides to pass short, expecially to TE's. Not saying they suck, just that unless plan on using a rotation system and resigning scott to play on passing downs, or whole game for teams like patriots that use te's allot, our defense is going to see allot of teams having success converting allot of 3rd downs agaisnt us again. As far as Bell resigning, that would be something would like to see. This will be pretty much his first healthy offseason, because of the lockout, where he could actually spend an offseason working on strenght rather than rehabilitating from injury. He has issues with his strength for sure, if he does have the work ethic to improve in that area, think will go along way into helping him stay healthy, and that he can be an above average LT for the team. Now I am assuming he does have the work ethic, if not, then by all means let someone else waste the money on him. Basically what I am saying is that I dont disagree with most of what you are saying, and that would not be surprised at any position that the Bills pick, expecailly considering thier last 10 drafts. We do have allot of holes, and that we have servicable LB's to hold down the boat till something better comes along. I just personally would like to see it sooner rather than later. I agree 100 percent with your thought on this
  23. Yes in 4-3 LB's dont pass rush very often. But its not like teams always run on first and second down. Lb's are still the key to the defense. If dont have ones that can cover and play the run well, then going to get killed by teams like the patriots that use thier te's well. Pass rushing is rarely a big part of a LB's job, with exception of 1 lb in 3-4 who really is playing more of a de roll most of the time anyway, and we pretty much had DE's playing it last year anyway. Atleast until he got hurt. Would also be nice if we had a LB that could be a difference maker. Not positive there is one, but there are 2 very highly rated lb's that grade out well in 4-3 according to a couple of sites have read draft previews on. Both are listed in top 10 of several sites as best available athleats. Know that sites arent always very reliable, but if Bills have one of them rated highly as well, think bringing someone like that in could really improve defense significantly. My preference would be to get the front 7 of the defense formatable since we put so much mula into the line. Hate to see it wasted with the current LB core not being able to take advantage of the free space they should get. Of course you could be right, and they could try and play defense with smoke and mirrors again, rather than try and beat teams outright, but I for one hope not.
  24. Seems like we get 2 every draft, and that often the ufa's outplay them. Not saying doesnt hurt to draft any, but lets try and get some depth in other areas as well.
  25. I understand what you are saying, but my reasoning is that we already have mid round type talent at lb. If there is an elite type lb available at 10, that can both cover and stop the run, our defense would benifit greatly from that. Currently we have several lb's that struggle in coverage against TE's and are capable against the run if dl play allows them to be. Most top defenses have a dominate LB behind a stud dlineman. If we could get someone to fill that bill, I would be very happy. If there is a LB of that type available at 10, I think its the right call. Need one dominate unit to rely on in NFL, and i think our defense could be the key with that type of addition.
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