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Fred Smerlas's Moustache

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Everything posted by Fred Smerlas's Moustache

  1. One of the many embarrassments. btw, did Ralph have a stroke, or did somebody ram 14 gallons of botox into his face? Dude doesn't even move his lips when he talks.
  2. We'll be lucky if that Maryland tackle falls to us.
  3. My knee caps are quivering in fear. Gruden is Ricky Schroeder on PCP. He took advantage of this situation to act like a tough guy, because he knew all these dudes are in line for a huge payday, and wouldn't ruin it by punching his cunty little mouth loose. Let's see him continue this series with current (or better yet, past) NFL QBs.
  4. I think Claussen's a turd, and will be a Brady Quinn-esque buster, but Gruden is intolerable. The guy tries to present himself as some tough guy, but he looks like he should be doing stunt work for Ellen Degeneres. I'd like to break down the film of him getting his lunch money taken every day as a kid, and critique his resultant Napoleon complex.
  5. Tebow=Mike Alstott. Enough with this ****, please. He seems like a nice enough kid, but he's not an NFL quarterback. He's to quarterbacking in the NFL as "Irish" Terry Conklin is to pro boxing.
  6. I'm in Ft. Myers, and there's a great Bills bar up here called Ron Dao's. Not sure about hockey. Maybe Golisano will let you into his crib.
  7. Chan did a helluva job with Reggie Ball.
  8. He's garbage. Sparano took pity on him and kept him in the shotgun the whole time. He fumbled, missed easy throws and got run down every time he tried to run. Paradoxically, he is going to be an abortion as an NFL QB.
  9. Jimmy Graham. TE out of Miami.
  10. Tebow=Mike Alstott with a slightly better arm.
  11. The Oregon dude was out of control and deserved to get kicked off the team, but I'm glad that cvnt from Boise got jaw-jacked.
  12. If the Saints learn how to play even above average defense, they're going to be insane.
  13. Hopefully he's not taking a journalism class. That was an affront to the written word.
  14. Yes. I hope I'm wrong, but that's exactly what I think.
  15. For this to be added right now, last minute just reeks of Mike Vick to Buffalo. Hope I'm wrong, but that how it looks to me.
  16. Fvck Ed Grimley. I hope we knock his ass colder than a whore's heart, just like we did with Montana in KC.
  17. I'll watch it, because I love the sport. Outside the Bills, I honestly don't watch much NFL except to root for guys from my alma mater. College ball is still the greatest sport on earth IMO.
  18. If Ryan Fitzpatrick gets injured, we could play his boyfriend, Patrick Fitzryan.
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