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Fred Smerlas's Moustache

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Everything posted by Fred Smerlas's Moustache

  1. I was speaking figuratively to the cancer, but literally to the puppy crap.
  2. Schefter looks like Paul Rudd with an extra chromosome.
  3. Leinart is a cancer and softer than puppy crap. Luckily, his price tag is high enough that Ralph will give him the gasface.
  4. The Miami/Ohio Taint game will be an early litmus test. We'll see where the bear **** in the buckwheat regarding Harris and Pryor early on. As for FSU, I think they're underrated, and will surprise after cutting a metric ton of dead weight from their coaching staff. That said, Ponder ain't winning the Hypesman unless they're in the title hunt in late November, which I think to be highly unlikely.
  5. We deserve to get it run up on us. We came out on the field, dropped our drawers and spread our buttcheecks.
  6. Just pass it to Cap Boso on 3rd and short, and you'll be fine.
  7. I'm native american as well, but I'm too busy pissing away my casino money on booze to care about this.
  8. Dude's got the durability of a faberge egg.
  9. I bet Drew Rosenpenis is thrilled with that clip.
  10. The Jets are goin' down, Gary. Buffalo all the way this year!
  11. On the bright side, JP got valuable training for his next gig: walking around the county fair with a trash bag and a stick with a nail on the end of it.
  12. Couldn't agree more. Nevermind the amazing things Dunn accomplished on the field at his size. He is an exemplary human being. And this is coming from a die hard Miami Hurricane fan and alumnus.
  13. Atlanta's problem is just like South Florida's/Charlotte's/Jacksonville's. Everybody's from somewhere else, so unless they're playing the Yankmees, only so many people show. Buffalo may have deteriorated in many ways into a 'bush league' city, but insulting its' sports fans is just dumb, even from a canadian. Nobody gives a sh1t about minor league baseball anywhere.
  14. Sad stuff. As an attorney who has been on both sides of hundreds of bike accidents, I'll say there's no way to lay blame on anyone from reading that article. Hope the dude recovers, but being launched 100' isn't a good sign.
  15. True there is no law in this country, but counties/municipalities have passed those laws. It's illegal to own a pit bull in Miami-Dade county. I love dogs, and know a ton of folks with great pit bulls. I've met many more good pit bulls than I've met good homeowner association members.
  16. Great. Now he's "training" pit bulls.
  17. I totally agree with this as well. Whenever I go back home (I live in Florida), I can't get over the level of racism. I think Marshawn is overreacting, and certainly hasn't helped himself with his conduct, but it's tough to excuse that bigot cop or the scumbag drunk throwing a beer at his car. Everyone was calling McGahee a thug too, and he didn't get so much as a parking ticket. He got sent to the anus of the universe (Baltimore), and was elated to go there rather than Buffalo.
  18. She's built for comfort, not for speed.
  19. The undersized/oversized labels are thrown around way too much. It's how the player plays. Reggie Bush has always been 'undersized', until these last playoffs, when he started running like someone taped a picture of Kardashian's ass to the goalpost. Warrick Dunn damn near ran himself into the HOF at 170-180 pounds.
  20. I'm rooting for him to tear it up. That said, I'd suggest Marshawn read Travis Henry's wikipedia page and use it as a cautionary tale. Hey, I grew up in Rochester, and agree with him that the area's not for everybody. That's why I moved. Then again, I wasn't getting paid millions to play a kids game. Grow up, dude. Put down the Wii bowling and hit the weights, so you don't show up to training camp looking like one of the O' Jays, like you did last year.
  21. Wish him the best. Did he ride his lawnmower all the way from Oakland to Seattle?
  22. I think that guy's smoking on the field!
  23. Whitner plays much slower than 4.4. Dante Mamula.
  24. Hey Wang! This is a private club. Don't tell 'em you're jewish.
  25. Folks here were saying the same **** about Marshawn when McGahee got run off. "Oh he loves Buffalo because Kenny Mayne did a piece on him at TGI Fridays!"
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