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Hardcore Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hardcore Bills Fan

  1. It was, jezz I'm making fun of the people who thought Rob was a mistake hire and his defense bent but didnt really break yesterday.Darby catches that int,TT actually airs it out and the Bills get a W
  2. His defense will cost us losses this season and winning doesn't seem to be what the fan base wants after Baltimore.
  3. its sad what one loss does to people. I cant imagine other fan bases just giving up like this one has.
  4. So this is where we are after 1 bad game huh? Fan base's just typical loser mentality.
  5. oh really? is that why the Bills forced it to McCoy all day?
  6. I'm more of a Canadian beer drinker myself
  7. Shula did take Marino to the Super bowl once, But I think the game passed him by and the Bills always stood in the way. More the latter.
  8. penalties penalties and more penalties. keep from giving up the big ones and we'll be alright.
  9. Cards and Steelers again, Steelers beating the Bills to go to the Super Bowl
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