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Hardcore Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hardcore Bills Fan

  1. Sigh smh i cant believe people have given up so fast on this team
  2. I think its funny how the Pack's coach is an idiot and Del Rio is a genius for going for it going for 2 when down by 1
  3. You're joking right? Kubiak inherited a playoff team, What did Rex get? 16 years of no playoffs and a bad GM here in Buffalo.
  4. Did the Jets make the postseason.. thanks for playing
  5. Frank Reich, Jim Kelly Nephew, Bill Polian.... This must end...... Just because you know the name doesnt mean they are good or the rigt fit Pegs has learned anyway. He brought in Lafontaine to the Sabres who brought in Ted Nolan, that worked real well. Ralph brought in Marv to put out Donahoe's dumpster fire, that worked too, i'm sure pegs see's that. Fresh and young Gm is what this team needs. With patience from the fan-base, which will never happen around here.
  6. Its not 5 years it 1 year and 2 games. But Bills fan seem to want to keep losing instead of letting the HC build a winner. so..... HC's take more then 1 year to win, thats an NFL fact. They need their players and they need to teach their players. AND it is the AFC East, the Pats are the team to beat, it's not going to happen overnight even if Tom Coughlin can out of retirement to coach the Bills. Of course with this fan-base people would call for his head after the first loss to Bill. and the Pats.
  7. well with this fan-base we plow through coaches every 2 years. thats a real recipe for success with the impatience fans have, just look at Washington and Cleveland, works well with 2 year coaches doesnt it
  8. agreed, posters are talking impatience to a new level with this team, heaven help us if/when we draft a 1st round QB again and he doesnt go undefeated his rookie year.
  9. so..... fire a head coach who has a lot of injuries this season for an OC, with no head coaching experience, that did good against a bad team? Good call
  10. Ej must go. He's not talented enough to hard count the Jets and get the 1st down
  11. im on the fence about DW but blaming him for not drafting another QB before we new how good EJ was going into year 2 is not on my list.
  12. A local Niagara Falls band i used to love when they they were together. The song is fitting.
  13. While I agree about not being afraid to sling it, our defense really failed on breakup passes and ints that should have been.
  14. How the fans feel right now I see then every time they come to town I could do this all night
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