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Hardcore Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hardcore Bills Fan

  1. If Whaley tries to force Cardale down any coaches throat like he did with EJ, he should be strung up by his Achilles tendon at the field house for the fans to throw tomato's at.
  2. Thats where GM/HC's come in. Bill cheater does that in New England
  3. First thing first -First things first - forget 4-3 3-4 - just put a D out there with the best talent. -TT is not the QB of the future - New HC, New QB from the draft. -3 years min for a postseason with young QB, not 1, 1/2 or 2.
  4. I dont read Sully or Buckys articles anymore; in fact at Canalfest when I was asked if i get the Buffalo News I told them flat out that Sully and Bucky were the reason I dont buy the paper anymore. When they come on the radio to spew their garbage I turn the station. Sully thinks that the 90's Bills were a bad team playing in a really bad AFC. Bucky called the Sabres a really bad team during the '06-'07 season when they won the Presidents cup.
  5. Negative? more like realistic. The Bills are not making the postseason; It is over. I like your optimism as a fan but this team is worse then what the record indicates. TT is not a long term answer, he is not clutch at all. Shady can't do it all and that's what the offense is built around. DW is a not a very good GM; trading a 2nd 1st for Sammy was a real boneheaded move. I'm still on the fence about Rex because of the 3 year rule but when the team doesn't practice or "script" plays that they will use there is a problem. But lets assume for a minute that everything falls Buffalo's way and they back into the postseason, then what? They would go to a way better, less dysfunctional team's home and get creamed. Right now, from the GM down, this is barely a winning team let alone a playoff team or Super Bowl contender.
  6. There is no band-aid for this problem, Draft. PERIOD! An old, broke QB like Romo won't do it and the price will be way to high. The offense needs to be rebuilt. Shady is getting older, the o-line is getting older, Sammy looks like a bust for what was paid. Get as high up in the draft as possible without giving away many picks, trading defensive players will accomplish this. Suck it up for the next couple seasons as the rookie QB develops using the high draft spots to fill in the needed spots. Whaley wont do this so he needs to go Jan. 2nd in favor of a GM who has the know how to understand that a good, young QB is needed. Keeping Rex through his contracted years would not be a bad thing seeing as he is defensive-minded and has the young players from DW's past draft's to work with. Bottom line, no more project QB's like EJ or Cardale. TT can be the place holder for a half a season or so till said rook is ready. Just my 2 cents on the issue
  7. Russ Brandon is smart enough to know that tickets to today's game against the Brown's were 6-8 bucks a pop or were given away. If Rex and DW are not putting fannys in the stands with what they are doing then he should, and will step in, to fix that problem or he'll be gone and he knows that. He was smart enough to know he shouldnt be GM back in '09 and brought in Nix to rebuild the team and get it going in the right direction..... people forget that or dont realize that.
  8. His legacy comes down to one play and one play only. ready? Stopping Bruce from stripping the ball in Super Bowl 25 and taking the safety.
  9. I guess i'm starting to understand the hate for Russ. He does marketing and is the CEO for bad teams. He turned a good defense into garbage and drafted EJ. Me i choose to blame the beer guys for the $12 beers and having to use the bathroom during the game.
  10. I don't know what more sad, the fact that someone took to the time to put that up of Rex most likely not getting fired on that day
  11. Yeah i dont get it either, especially when he's stated over and over he wants a proven QB.
  12. What has he done really? The Sammy Watkins trade was just as dumb as trading for Losman. He could have grabbed Derek Carr but didnt when this team badly needed a QB. He drafted busted up players in the 1st and 2nd this past year. He got lucky on the Shady trade His misses out weight his hits in moves.
  13. I don't buy it because if DW wanted Rex gone, he'd be gone by now not at seasons end. DW should be gone too if he doesnt have the stones to fire Rex now if thats what he wants. Lets just how DW doesnt trade 2 1st's for a busted up coach like he did with Sammy.
  14. I don't blame Pegs or Brandon at all. Russ is doing his job exceptionally well which is why he is Pegs 2nd hand man. 1. DW - is a mediocre GM at best. 2. Rex - its his show 3. TT - best of the bad 3
  15. Goodell is an idiot. What's the end game and NFL Europe division? or is the NFL just going to keep wearing teams out traveling overseas.
  16. I bet Thurman will be Rex's chopblock guy in favor of promoting his brother to full-time defense at seasons end IF Rex is retained.
  17. Football was made to be played in the cold, not indoors or only if its warm out. Don't like the cold weather games; watch on TV and drink your beer. I love going to cold weather games and as a proud member of the "coldest game in Bills history" club, i wear that badge proudly. Luckily for me, 95% of Buffalo's sports fans don't care about the elements. Exhibit A: Winter classic January 1st '08 tickets sold out in minutes for the game. Exhibit B: When the team is winning, Bills fans don't care about weather.
  18. We will fine out soon enough because after 1 1/2 seasons, Bills fans want to be that for some reason, instead of giving the the current HC the proper time to do what he has to do. The Browns right now are the prototype of impatience and what not to do when building an NFL team.
  19. Any coach that comes in will want his players and need 3 years to build HIS team. Truth of the matter is that, besides Shady, the offense blows; hard. No QB, the O-line is falling apart, and the receiving core is suspect. Firing Rex and bringing in a new coach will not fix it right of way like people think. Everyone knows that young QB's dont get the patience they deserve in Buffalo. Tom Brady with this offense would have his problems.
  20. This is why I really hate Goodell. Europe teams dont work so hurt the NFL fans by this wasted series? What is the point of these games? Mexico and Canada I sort of understand but over seas?
  21. Rex this and Rob that but it's Thurman's defensive calling and his defense that is making this team look bad. Maybe the blame should be put on him more?
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