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Hardcore Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hardcore Bills Fan

  1. Schopp and Bulldog are tools, they know negativity brings in ratings.
  2. canceled? really? are you even watching the radar? Football games dont get canceled due to rain, or lighting. This is not soccer or baseball. Some fans really dont like sitting in the elements any year round do they. I thought this was a tough fanbase, some people cry more then the Cowboys fans.
  3. I cant believe how many people are afraid of the weather. IF there is lighting it'll last like a minute people need to stop hiding from that and just say they dont want to get wet
  4. That might work in Madden but this is real life and Sammy is fine where he is.
  5. Wow are you not all there. Do think before you write or just real fast type whatever you fingers let you?
  6. I'm looking forward to all the people who dont understand vanilla football and think the Bills will end up 3-13 based on what happens over the next 4 weeks. Those people are always fun to argue with.
  7. wow, in a contact sport injuries happened and the staff gets blamed, good call dude.
  8. i love the shout out for Buffalo but I dont get how Dallas is number one. They dont have an established RB. How can any person rank them top 10 when a RB who's done nothing in the NFL is starting.
  9. I hate having 2 kickers esp because niether one is clutch on FG's
  10. my bad you were serious about a 36 year old DE cut from the top ranked team in the NFL power rankings as of right now
  11. "nothing is over!!!!!! Nothing!!!" sry had to, lol to bad its not a kicker, we still need one
  12. Of course Ralph made mistakes, but he also did a lot of good for Buffalo. But the fact is the Bills are running from his playbook right now. Pegs is my personal hero dont get me wrong but Ralph was the man too. He didnt move the team to LA, he fought for the fans in regards to ticket pricing and not pushing for a PSL laced stadium that over priced the average Bills fan. His success with the team out weighs the mistakes he made as owner.
  13. I'm listening to his show right now and if he hoped the callers would get better he was dead wrong, lol. the last guy on there wants Freddy back and thinks he'd be better than Shady.
  14. We have Ralph Wilson to thank for the turn around, never forget that, yeah Ralph made some mistakes, most notable Tom Donahoe who force Ralph to bring back Marv just to rebuild the fan base Donahoe destroyed. Jerry Jones has made tons of mistakes too after his 3rd Super Bowl and his love as of late for Tony Romo. Ralph recovered by getting the right people in the FO and Pegs made the wise move to follow the blue prints Ralph laid out, for now. The Bills are getting better and better, this is our year for a postseason birth.
  15. there is a new drug addiction hotline in Buffalo Gungy should call it like 2 hrs ago
  16. how can Carp get any worse then last year, lol. He cant kick off and he's not clutch. I hated Lindell cause he wasnt clutch either and am wishing for him back right now how can Darby be good in you opinion and Sammy not, It's a marathon not a sprint to be a healthy, elite wr in the NFL. This is year 3 for him, this is the year WR's break out, not to mention Sammy had a new QB and new system last year. He'll make the pro bowl this season easy. Just because Beckham got a good jump with a decent vet QB with 2 rings doesnt mean Sammy stinks
  17. Not even Freddy, the wall is for great players not good. ^^ this is the right answer, he was the #1 reciever and wasnt that great. I never understood the deep love for the guy. Ok so once in a while he could beat Revis.....wow. It's just like the love people had for Da'Rick Rogers, what has he done in the NFL? On this roster Stevie in his prime would be maybe a #3, Thats not wall worthy.
  18. Every coach should get at least 3 years, it takes a while to get going in the right direction, just like QB. QB's need more then 3 games before "Bills Mafia" runs them out of town because their name is not Jim Kelly. Whaley is doing a bang up job and is on the same page as Rex which is good unlike coach quitter, then again i think cousin loving being accepted down south was the real reason he left.
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