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Hardcore Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hardcore Bills Fan

  1. i was going to rant about how thats crap but this stopped me cause I lmao.
  2. a Fantasy Football steal this season, lol
  3. This neede to be approved?? way to go Goodell you clown.
  4. Like it or not New Era Field is the new name. But if a new stadium is coming in less then 10 years why did they waste the money now? You're not going to use the same name twice. The only answer i can come up with is that in 10 years New Era wont be able to afford a long term name for the open air, grass field stadium that'll be built downtown near the waterfront.
  5. I was going to comment that i didnt care but this made me chuckle
  6. you do realize he's in charge of 2 franchises and is not going anywhere right.
  7. Tanking for a new HC is the absolutely the dumbest thing Ive ever heard, I feel a lot dumber for reading the OP. 1st - The Browns switch HC's every 2 years, hows that working out for them; no time to win, but maybe im old school when it comes to building a winner and not backing into the postseason 1 every 10 years. 2nd - if this team quit so bad that its a tank then Russ should fire everyone; all the way down to the beer guys so your choice is pointless.
  8. how about NOT firing a coach with 1 1/2 seasons under his belt. All you Madden GM's are the same; fire, replace, sign. The real NFL doesnt work that way. It took Jimmy Johnson 3 years to win a Super Bowl with Dallas, 3!! not 1 1/2.
  9. What i'd like to know is how many we can bring in for just a tryout and physical before it effects the roster.
  10. did you really go there with WIlder, lol he was smashing heads on ST.
  11. almost as annoying as playing the shout song after every score
  12. is this really a topic? who cares? Injuries are that matter, no more injuries
  13. sure they would, ive heard time and time again that so called fans would go late in Dec if there was a dome to protect their fragile little bodies
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