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Hardcore Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hardcore Bills Fan

  1. If DW is the kind of GM I think he is, I would hope he invites this guy in for a tryout before the Lions game.At the very least this guy can do both duties over Carp and Gay.
  2. agreed, the home opener and the Bills lose? in prime time? nope wont happen
  3. why would Rex want him? I guess i dont get what was supposed to be an insult.
  4. he'll be a good rotation in and replacement the 1st weeks for Dareus. another good find by DW and Rex
  5. anyone have a spot open? i wouldnt mind playing this year
  6. Depends on his season. Woods can very well break out like Price did the year he had Moulds on the otherside. if he does DW will find a way to keep him, if he does DW will find a solid if not upgraded wr to replace him. Sammys' contract isnt a concern for me cause there is time.
  7. You dont think he'll be boo'd and protests will happen in the protest capital of the US?
  8. I think the real question here is what would happen if a Bill did this? You know is San Fran they arent going to stand for his style of protest.
  9. Isnt a great time to be a Bills fan when the second string isnt playing in a meaningless game
  10. what a tool, maybe he should just leave the country and play in the CFL, he'll end up there anyway.
  11. it goes to show what an absolute joke the preseason is. Week 4 of the preseason is like watching the pro bowl. It needs to be fixed. 18 regular season games, 2 preseason games with a 2 week preseason bye before kickoff weekend is all they need. Enough of the glorified practices that players like this get teased in. he'll be cut come Friday.
  12. Well it just goes to show how smart DW and company are and why we are up and coming in the NFL. The Rams, well..., have great fans, lol Overspending on a number 2 WR is stupid by the Rams, But then again they dont even have a #1 QB yet. As for the people worried about Woods, lets cross the bridge when he is up for a contract. there is a full 18 meaningful games left and 1 useless game still to play, anything can happen. Woods btw is not a DW guy so he could walk or get traded, and if that happens i have faith DW will find a suitable replacement that will produce just as much or better. DW did fix the hardest spot in the NFL to fix in one season, imagine what he'll do with the receiving core.
  13. besides with the Rams fans in LA, the Raiders fans would have to step it up to be the low life fans of the NFL again
  14. nope because failure is part of the Bills fan base so much now that trolls like the OP want to continue to fail
  15. nah lets fire them all, sell the team and be done with the stupidity
  16. welp time to bring in Fred Jackson after all
  17. Simms is the worst, he shows just how smart Tuna was back in '86 when they won it all. Simms makes me dumber every time i'm forced to listen to him. Heck,even my mother has called me begging for an alternative to the guy.
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