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  1. same old bull#$%^ post. Please discuss something interesting.
  2. these are my mainstays: 1) Cowboys (Romo and Jerry Jones make me physically ill) 2) Steelers (most obnoxious fans in my experience. I was in college during the Bills glory years - 1/3 of my school was from Pitt - enough said) 3) Jets (now I live in NY metro area - have to endure Rex Ryan, Bart Scott and LT) love it when they lose. 4) Giants (january 27, 1991) 5) Miami (just because)
  3. I believe that perhaps you are all missing out on the probable bigger point - that Golisano has moved on because the opportunity to own the Bills is no longer there and maybe this is indicative that Ralph has a plan in place....
  4. http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/jets/ny-jets-aaron-maybin-turns-painting-poetry-deal-tragedies-including-death-son-article-1.969039 Puts his time with the Bills in a new perspective. Lots of personal info - like, I never knew his daughter was stillborn before last year's season....
  5. Excuse me - do you ever watch NFL Network? Michael Irvin takes every opportunity to remind everyone he was on the Cowboys and talks about Romo & crew endlessly....
  6. I am all in for NIX good players MAKE Hall of Fame coaches... Nix is a top 5 evaluator of talent, street smart and no non sense type of guy, he is POLIAN LIGHT Lets get ready for some football... WHOA... let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Polian Light? I'll reserve judgment after the draft and FA signings. Few GMs can be compared to Polian...
  7. What about Mike Martz? Dom Capers or Norton? Gruden? After that debacle in Green Bay - I'm guessing 5-11. I'm so tired of DJ. No fire, no inspiration. This teams needs a fire lit under them.
  8. Huh - Polian not a good GM?? Uh, hello - 6 AFC East Titles, 4 Superbowl appearances with Buffalo. He made Carolina into a competitive team and has a consistent winner (+ Superbowl) in Indianapolis. How many HOFs has he drafted?? Please... your statement is beyond ridiculous. Circumstances went Buffalo's way because Polian put us in place for them to go our way. Can you explain how Buffalo get absolutely no luck in the draft or off-seasons regarding "circumstances" where future HOFs fall into our roster...No..... So please stop with the "hate'n" on Polian. I think besides yourself, you probably would not find one person on this or any Bills discussion board that wouldn't kill to have Polian at the helm again.
  9. Same bull@#$ Right-Wingers spew all day. Like I said in my other post - he is doing it solely to bring attention to his political action group.
  10. Golisano is an attention whore - no national media outlet has picked up the story - because no one cares! He is doing it to bring attention to his Political Action group and for his ego. He built a 4 million dollar house for his daughter that she never lived in and is still paying the $56k a year in property taxes going on 4-5 years now. There are people in Manhattan who could buy and sell Golisano a dozen times before breakfast who are not moving out of NY - they just either figured out their tax shelters earlier! As for his being a potential investor in the Bills - that was highly speculative to begin with - given his ownership of the Sabres, etc. But what do I know - Only SKOOBY knows. Perhaps his BMW/Mercedes driving friend can enlighten us.
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