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Everything posted by Buddo

  1. For this year, there isn't a team in the NFL who cannot afford him. Going forward, none of his salaries are guaranteed, so he could be easily cut. Biggest issue is what the Panthers would want for him in a trade, and I doubt it's peanuts.
  2. Said this elsewhere, but bear’s repeating in here. Good officials do not put themselves in that sort of position in the first place. I’ve not seen the ejection from the previous weeks game Hussey did, but it appears to me that he’s going around looking for an opportunity to become the headline. Notable that whoever he got canned last week, wasn’t even fined.
  3. After how chippy the Steelers were, I think it's deserved. While I think the respective HCs have a lot of respect for each other, I don't think the players get along so well. The players are probably on the floor laughing at it tbh - well the Bills players anyway.
  4. Possibly. Looked to me that AJ was moving Shaq out of the way, when Hussey pushed him, AJ had his back to Hussey, and stuck his elbow back and caught Hussey, who then lost the plot. No doubt the NFL will side with the zebra, but imho, common sense should prevail, and Epenesa shouldn't be unduly punished, especially as he was trying to keep Shaq away from getting into it. Imho, Hussey was a complete idiot in his actions. You don't go shoving NFL players around who can't see you, and expect no reaction. Good referees don't get involved in that way in the first place, especially when the guy you are shoving, is trying to defuse the situation.
  5. Is there going to be an over/ under on how long he lasts before he’s pulled. I like Tomlin, but I think he’s going to regret this move for this week. our D could well give the kid fits. He might have liked the supposed spark he gave them offensively, but sometimes you have to consider who you are playing before making this sort of move.
  6. So when is Benford back, because he’s currently injured and didn’t play Sunday. Tre will return this season. The question still remains as to when. The other reality, is that even on his return, we are atm still very thin at CB. Unless I’m very much mistaken, we only have 4 actually healthy CBs. And one of those is a PS call up.
  7. To be fair, the guy was open to start with, and Poyer made a great read and play on the football. Lamar does have a live arm, but you would have to think that Allen gets it there ahead of the Safety, if the situation was reversed.
  8. Lots to work on. Good adjustments on both sides of the football though after the half. Seems like we sometimes need time to figure things out. Credit the Ravens with the amount of passes they got something on though, as it was the main thing that really kept us stymied on offense in the first half, alonside the fact our receivers couldn't catch a cold. Poyers 2nd interception was a great read and play. If there was a turning point in the game, that was it. Thought the roughing call on Allen was fair enough. If the guy hadn't paused before hitting him, he might have got away with it, but the pause did for him - it meant he obviously didn't have to follow through. This team has no quit in it, and they should enjoy this one.
  9. It could well be because the full ‘protocol’ wasn’t followed correctly. Iirc Tua went straight to the locker room, and again iirc, he should have had his first assessment on the sidelines. There is also something in the protocol, about watching the incident as well. Which we don’t know if it happened. I think a case can be made for termination, if just one of the above, didn’t get done.
  10. I have to be more than a little incredulous, that a supposed independent neurological expert, was unable to make a diagnosis of a concussion, simply based off what happened. Did nobody show him the film? Has anyone checked his credentials? I suppose there might be another possibility, of a more practical nature, which is that although you could have a brain surgeon on the sidelines, it doesn't necessarily follow that they are any good at diagnosing ordinary problems.
  11. Not too sure about overtraining, but the heat ‘exhaustion’ will probably lead to losing technique, which will then lead to a higher chance of getting injured.
  12. Injuries everywhere. On both sides.
  13. Just want to wish Hyde all the best. He will be missed - he's simply too good not to be. Doesn't mean we don't have good enough backups however. Frasier and McDermott know how to set up a secondary, to get the best out of their available players. I'd rather Hyde was available, but I think we can get by okay.
  14. In respect of this, I would outline the same set of circumstances, in the same way, no matter the names involved. You could substitute any QBs name you like in there, and I would still say the same - i.e. he could have walked away while still chirping back, and as he didn't, but went back, deserves to be fined for his part in it. As to Brady hating, I most certainly do, considering him a douchebag, cheat, and overrated - although he is still one of the best to have played, I wouldn't crown him the goat at all.
  15. So do lots of players. Difference being, I don't recall an episode of Allen trash talking, that ended up like what happened in the Bucs/Saints game. Iirc, Allen has both been penalized on the field for 'unsportsmanlike conduct', and fined thereafter. Don't remember Allen blindsiding anyone, coming off the sidelines to do so, either. To conclude, Allen has already faced punishment, both on and off the filed, for actions on it, and tbh, rightfully so. Also, fwiw, I dislike 'dirty' play of any sort, and would have no problem with anyone on the Bills being penalized for it. Thankfully, as far as I can tell, the Bills currently, aren't in a hurry to do that sort of thing.
  16. I sort of agree with this. Trouble is, many contact sports penalize the guy who retaliates harder, and pretty much have done for years. A good example of this would be soccer. Someone can commit a bad foul, kicking someone up in the air. The guy fouled, gets up and pushes the perpetrator in the face. The end result of this, is likely to be a free kick for the initial foul, followed by a yellow card for the guy who committed it. And then a red card (ejection from the game) for the guy who retaliated.
  17. More than just Evans and Lattimore should get some grief for the whole thing. Lattimore and quite possibly another saints defender, have a chirp at Brady in passing. Brady fires back, but also advances on Lattimore aggressively, who holds his ground. Fournette then shoves Lattimore, who pushes him back, but with his hands partly on Fournettes helmet - probably why he got ejected. Evans then blindsides Lattimore, and all hell breaks loose. Evans should get a suspension, imho. If he does, they probably suspend Lattimore also, for their 'bad blood'. I think that's unfair. For all that Lattimore may well be something of a catalyst, he's not the guy dishing out blindside hits, after the whistle has gone. Brady and Fournette should also face punishment, imho - although I see that as just fines. Brady could have easily chirped back while still walking away, and that would likely have been the end of it. Fournette was the guy who first got physical in the situation, so bears a deal of responsibilty also. There's also another Saints defender who got physically involved early, and he probably deserves to be fined also.
  18. Bit surprised that Fournette stayed on the field as well - his was the first physical act that kicked it all off
  19. Both Saints and Bucs Ds are for real, which is making things interesting - but low scoring. Steelers and Cheats offenses are both bad.
  20. Not convinced by Herbert, at all. There's a lot there to like, but it's been a long time since I saw the sort of inane throw into triple coverage, that never even looked like it had a window, that Herbert threw against the Chiefs late on. Thing is with that one, the football had some heat on it, yet there were still 3 defenders between the ball and the receiver, when it tried to arrive. With strong armed QBs, sometimes you could say that there would be a chance that that throw could be made, a few times out of 10. I'm not sure there was any chance for that play to be successful, no matter how many times it was tried. I really didn't like the throw away, just a couple of yards before the down marker. That reminded me of Orton sliding 2 yards away from a first down, when he had about 10 yards of space ahead of him. Herbert could have got the first down by just slowing down and then sliding, and it was all very strange to me that he didn't. It didn't make any real difference, as the next play was a good downfield completion, but in a game that was close, I thought it was pretty poor. Where Herbert does have the arm, he isn't at the same level as Allen and Mahomes yet, as he doesn't read opposing defenses, anywhere near as well as they both do. He's good enough already, that I think he will get there, but the extra experience tells atm. Extra experience on the Chiefs and Bills coaching staff also helps in that respect, imho.
  21. My guess is that he's going to have to miss some time, at least in the beginning, and then he's going to have to hope he doesn't get hit too often, because that sn't going to help it heal at all. It's all a bit sketchy tbh, but another consideration should be, imho, is making sure he's got a healthy O-Line in front of him, and that's probably going to be a week or two before that happens.
  22. Not something he will recover from in a hurry. A search reveals that main treatments are rest, pain killers, anti-inflammation, and avoiding strenuous activities like sports. while it wasn’t his throwing side, it’s still going to have an effect, as you still use some rotation in the act of throwing. I think he’s going to have to play a majority of the season with it, and pain, as he’s almost certainly going to take more hits along the way, and I don’t suppose even small ones will help any recovery.
  23. For sure. Perhaps the difference with Dorsey, is that people who have worked with him throughout his career, e.g. Greg Olsen, have talked him up. Sometimes people are just simply good at what they do, and all the favourable circumstances, merely highlight that. Its obviously too soon to be sure with Dorsey, but I am quietly optimistic. 😉
  24. Its in a topic on the front page. I am on my phone atm so can’t link it, sorry
  25. Well, defensively, the Rams actually played a lot better than it seems. Watch Warner's breakdown of all of Allen's 3rd down attempts. He points out that on many of them, the coverages are pretty good, it's simply that the Allen/Diggs/Davis combos, are working really well, to the extent that peephole windows, are being made to look like bay windows. The Rams bigger problems were on offense. Stafford pretty much ignored Robinon for most of the game They need to get that sorted out fast. If they do, they wll be back as a tough out. Offensively, both the 'Fins and Cheats, looked poor to bad. As someone said upthread, the 'Fins will probably finish 2nd in the AFCE, but I honestly doubt they so much as sniff the playoffs. They won as much due to Jones ineptitude, as anything they did tbh. Tua simply didn't make as many mistakes. He also might not have made a pass through the air, that travelled more than about 15 yards. Anything that shows up on the scoresheet as a larger completion than that, is down to Waddle or Hill making people miss, and getting YAC.
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