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Everything posted by Buddo

  1. While there may be truth in that, it wasn't the underlying reason. Which was that the full F.A. Council was due to vote on the proposal, and it suddenly appeared that that vote wasn't going to go in favour. Khan could have tried forcing the issue, as the F.A. Executive had apparently agreed to the sale, and they actually have the authority to have gone through with the sale, but Khan decided that discretion was the better part of valour, and withdrew the bid. The F.A. Council is made up of people from all aspects of what the F.A. do, from grass roots level, to the various professional levels of the game. As such, it could be seen to be a guide to how popular, or not, the move would have been throughout the game as a whole. If the suppport elsewhere wasn't forthcoming, Khan did the ultimately sensible thing, imho, by backing off, as possibly becoming a 'hate' figure, isn't going to serve either of his teams purposes in the long term.
  2. I don't necessarily have a problem with their drafting so far, but it's been very limited on the offensive side. Allen, Dawkins and Jones being the only starters - and the only one who currently looks the part is Dawkins, even if the others are 'starting'. I would trust McDermott to draft DBs later in the draft, regularly, but as to other positions, I'm not convinced. I don't believe that the media are especially trying to get McDermott canned, but they do have a responsibility to report what they see accurately. And what they have seen thus far this season, has resembled a sh1tshow too often. I'm not sure anyone thought that our offense could get any worse than last years was at times, but it has. I'm not sure anyone thought our offense could look as clueless as it did at times last season, but it's even gone beyond that. The above is on Beane and McDermott, and their choices, be it moving players on, who to keep and who not to keep, and who to bring in, both as OC, position coaches, and players. McDermott will not be on the hot seat immediately, but he might find it warming up a lot, if he continues to use resources on Defense, when we have no offense to speak of. Long term, I feel that the D will be good enough - some of their troubles this year have been, imho, from poor gameplans, and inaccurate execution, where they need to become more familiar with each other and the system - there was still a fair bit of player turnover to the D, and it all needs time. The appalling lack of production on offense, has also been an added cross for them to bear.
  3. Whoever posted earlier and said that WRs, RBs and QBs should be advised to keep their locks under control, had the right of it. It is a potential advantage to the opposition, so should be considered. The above pays no attention whatsoever to style etc. - I'd wear my hair long if I still had any - but is a simple response to giving someone else any sort of competetive advantage.
  4. So in the 2019 draft, the Bills should only be selecting players who are able to grow a full head of hair, quickly. Receding forelines will be taken off of the board immediately.
  5. Currently, the whole offence is being overpaid, as it simply isn't functioning. I think that some of the guys, e.g. Shady, get that, too, and I'd rather not include him in the statement, but it is what it is.
  6. While I didn't see the game, it might be about two messages, the first being that unless you are playing well regularly, you haven't earned the right to rest. The second might be as simple as the fact that while they are playing well, possibly for the first time this season, the HC wants to maintain that impetus, going into the next game. As regards the incentives side of things, I'm not sure thatplayers are that worried about it this early in the season. And I'd be pretty sure that no HCs are, as they wouldn't be doing their jobs right if that was the case. I think also, it can be the case that scores can get run up, partly by accident, when one team is playing so badly. Basic runs, and short passes can easily end up as big gains or TDs if the opposition misses tackles, and if they are having a 'mare, it's more than likely they will do so.
  7. Going into the season with just Peterman and Allen as your QBs was stupid. Really stupid. I really don't care, that they were supposedly trying to sign another Panthers reject, months ago, as they didn't get it done. Which meant that they went into the season with Peterman and Allen as their only QBs, which was really stupid. While there are lots of little things that happen, that you can't control, e.g. McCarron getting injured, you can actually do things to correct those situations - which didn't have to involve trading McCarron, or if it did, then get someone else in, in a hurry. It may well be that the 'plan' was to try and get Allen in after a given number of games e.g. 6, but if you only have 2 QBs, both essentially rookies, on the roster, then it can be seen that Allen needing to start sooner, rather than later, was almost a given. You also need to have 'plan B' in place, if Allen wasn't ready to go, at whatever given time it was you thought he could be ready. That 'Plan B' wasn't in place, and it should have been. Ultimately, the QB situation has been both mishandled, and mismanaged, and the sooner someone owns up to that from the FO, the better, for all concerned. After the first game debacle, it was glaringly obvious, that Peterman just doesn't have it. There are a whole bunch of 'failed' QB prospects around the league, who could have come in and done a better job, and more importantly, been an improvement, which is supposedly what Beane is doing, i.e. looking for ways to improve the roster at every position. Or not, when it comes to QBs. For all that McDermott has his student notebooks for the game, he obviously didn't look too hard at recent Bills history and what happened with the EJ/Kolb/Jackson fiasco, as they essentially decided to pull the same sort of rubbish again.
  8. It's always sad when good guys go. Especially those who not only talked the talk, when it came to getting theirselves involved in philanthropy, but who also walked the walk. Seemed to deserve better. R.I.P.
  9. While not wishing to make Daboll blameless, it would be nice to see what he could do with both better talent, and more of his 'own' staff, as opposed to inheriting what was left. In certain respects, he reminds me of Gailey, in that if the game plan is the right one, things look ok, but if it isn't, then plan B doesn't happen in a hurry, and the O looks awful. I would say that on current evidence, Gailey got the gameplan right, at a greater frequency though. I'm also not too sure about what happened with McCarron, to make Beane take a 5th round pick for him. Was Daboll much involved in that decision? Because if he's not, then he's only working with what he's been given, and other than future promise (and Shady), it isn't a lot.
  10. I think the jet lag thing is being overblown, as it isn't that much more than East to West coast, or vice versa. I suppose if it's a West coast team, it does become more of an issue, but I'm sure there are work arounds for that. I would also say that my impression is that while it's true that many fans who attend games in London, are fans of the sport itself, there does appear to be a burgeoning fanbase of Jags fans there. You see jerseys from all teams, but even with the opponents representing, there are still way more Jags jerseys around than any other team, at least for their 'home' games. Capacity wise, Wembley has an additional 20,000 seats. There's money to be made there. Probably an extra $1-2m just in bums on seats, and that would be assuming similar seat prices. Iirc, seat prices for the Jags/Bills game weren't exactly cheap. I would think you could add a few extra million in for prices being higher for seats in London. As to the taxation issues etc., I'm sure there's deals to be made. The UK government is more than capable of doing some sort of deal whereby so long as they get a reasonable lump sum, they aren't necessarily going to be chasing down NFL players for percentages of game checks. There are also recipricoal arrangements already in place between the UK and US, as regards income taxation, and it's posiible that some sort of exemptions could be granted in respect of those. As to not letting guys in with criminal records, well that's simply tough sh1t. Maybe the thought of getting a record, might make one or two think twice before doing some of the dumb crap they seem to insist on pulling. In respect of the above, it would seem that there haven't been too many issues in the past, and a lot of teams have played in London already. Whhile undoubtedly a legitimate concern, and a potential problem for a team and player(s), the reality appears that it's less of an issue than it might be. While Khan may have made some big steps along the way, it's by no means certain that he will be 'allowed' to buy Wembley. There will be an awful lot of people who would oppose the sale of the Stadium of the UK's National Sport, as a matter of principle, and the political situation in the country is fairly unstable at the moment. The current government may not last another 6 months, with the way things are going, and who knows what a new government might do.
  11. Much depends on where the balance of values lie, imho. McCoy's value to the Bills, is pretty darn high, so I don't think it would be unreasonable to be looking at a 2nd round pick for him. A 3rd maybe, with a player of some proven capabilty thrown in. As to whether or not the Eagles would do it, that's a whole different question. McCoy still can do it, no question, and he will still be capable of doing it through his remaining contract. How much value can you put on that for a 'homecoming party'? One thing I will say, is that if it's going to happen, it will probably be sooner rather than later, as the Eagles aren't going to be able to afford to wait, for the Bills to make their mind up.
  12. One of the CBS announcers hasn't agreed with just about any of the zebras decisions, for either side. Sort of sums it up really.
  13. For all Allen does make mistakes, he is getting no help from most of his WRs.
  14. Great D so far. Playing fast, hard and sharp. Offense needs to get something going, other than drawing penalties from the Titans.
  15. This is where we need to get the chains moving.
  16. Bills playing a traditional game of 'shutting the stable door, after the horse has bolted'. As others have pointed out, this should have happened once they traded McCarron. Tbh, I've never been a fan of Anderson, although he had a decent year or two early(ish) in his career. Having said that, it's obvious something had to be done, or we would be seeing Peterman when Allen, rather inevitably, gets injured behind our O-Line. As to the mentoring thing, I feel there's real value in it, as much because we don't have anyone on the staff, iirc, who actually has played the position in the NFL. There is probably no more nuanced position in sports than NFL QB, and it's often little things that make the difference. Having someone who is able to show some of the subtleties of the position, to your rookie, could pay big dividends.
  17. It's been done before. Iirc, Gailey binned Edwards after two games, when it became obvious he no longer had it in real games.
  18. I’d take him over Peterman, no problem. Thing is, we are almost certain to need our backup QB to play at some point, with the amount of abuse Allen is getting behind our O-Line.
  19. I don't think that either McDermott or Beane are currently on the hot seat. I do think that they need to make some things happen, to keep it that way. Notably getting Offensive improvement all around. The D is not (currently) the major issue, but the O most certainly is. Somewhere along the way, we have to develop a functional offense. If that doesn't happen through the last 4 or 5 games of the season, then heads should start to roll. While it does take time for O-Lines to gel, with the exception of Bodine, these guys have all been with the Bills the last couple of years, so should be capable of working together, much better than they currently are.
  20. The evidence so far, is that letting O'Leary go, was a mistake, and will likely remain a mistake, until such time as Lee and Thomas learn how to get open, catch and block. Oh, and not get penalized. I get keeping Croom, he's shown something, and has distinct upside, but neither Lee or Thomas has done anything positive of note. They may both be physical specimens, but they aren't displaying football smarts, and O'Leary has football smarts. All of this crap about 'nobody else wanted O'Leary so he must suck' is just that. This is about the Bills, and the Bills could have used him, and tbh, could still use him. Imho, it's a poor decision, and as importantly, poor evaluation, of the type that said Peterman would play okay when things got real. I've seen no evidence at all, that either Lee or Thomas have done anything that could be construed as helping out a rookie QB, be it blocking or receiving, and to the contrary, Lee at least, is giving away dumb penalties.
  21. The last part I especially agree with. But the alignment seems wrong from the get go. I could see one guy getting free, but to me it should be the 2nd LBer, and not the first, which would give the QB that split second more time to step into the throw properly, and just maybe give the WR a better chance. While I'm no expert it appears as though the line spacing is too loose also, maybe not by a lot, but this is the NFL, and small margins are a difference maker.
  22. While people can justifiably complain about not getting O-Line or WR help, at the end of the day, you have to pick up guys as and when they become available. Swapping out a JAG DT, for a 2nd Round DT, who can play, is mostly a no-brainer. This is a move born of opportunity, rather than one of need, and I don't think complaints about it are justified tbh.
  23. While you can easily wonder about nepotism, as his old man is our LBs coach, it seems fairly clear that he's been working his way up through the ranks as it were. As the Safeties coach, he's going to be earning his money over the next couple of weeks, with Hyde out though.
  24. We also need a solid blocking TE, as none of ours currently can.
  25. Whhile undoubtedly the talent level on the O-Line isn't especially good, the coaching has to go a long way towards the current debacle. Kromer was a terrific O-Line coach, who had Miller playing well as a rookie. There's some hard evidence right there. Schematically, you have to question if they are employing the right schemes for the personnel. If they aren't understanding their protections, then it may be necessary to go back to the traditional 'hat on a hat', and leave someone else in (RB or TE) to pick up a blitzer. While either McCoy or Ivory are ok at blocking, the evidence given so far by our TEs, is that they aren't. Clay generally, isn't a bad blocker, but he seems to be increasingly banged up, and less able to block because of it. Lee was hopeless at least on two occasions Sunday, one of which resulted in a holding penalty, where he felt obliged to tackle the guy from behind. Tbh, I'd look to re-sign O'Leary, as he can block and catch, even if he isn't the most athletic guy. What he is, is a football player. This probably won't happen, as it would look lilke a mistake was made in the first place, by letting him go. On the evidence so far, it was a mistake. Even if they don't go after O'Leary, I'd like them to find a vet who can actually block, even if he can't catch, as Allen's health could depend upon it.
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