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Everything posted by Buddo

  1. Great blocks from Gilliam on that. Way to go Josh.
  2. In that case, give him another week to be sure of his health. While he definitely makes a difference in respect of how we can attack defenses, we should still be able to win this game without him, so I wouldn't be inclined to risk him. We have more important games down the road, where having all of our options available, is going to be more important.
  3. Good write up Shaw. That was definitely football at it's hard-nosed best, when it came to defense, on both sides. There was a point in the first half where I was starting to think it could be scoreless, so tough were both defenses. McDermott often uses the term 'resilient' in respect of this team. He hasn't been indulging in coach-speak, they are, alongside their toughness, both mentally and physically. Taron and Levi, just making plays, after so-so, seasons, and general media criticism. Morse, after getting benched, then getting banged up this game, being taped up, and going back into the fray, and playing better. Diggs is simply amazing. He takes hit after hit, bounces back up, and goes back to humiliating DBs with nary a beat missed. After the dog-fight that was the first half, the Bills came back out, with adjustments on offense, and proceeded to shift the game away from the Steelers. They found solutions to the problems that the Steelers D had been giving them. The Steelers found no solutions to the problems that the Bills D was giving them. A note of caution about this terrific win, because it was, make no mistake about that, is that the Steelers appeared to be fairly 'gassed' in the last Quarter. A function, no doubt of their horrible schedule over the last couple of weeks. Tbh, I think we had them sorted out before that became a factor, but nonetheless, within the euphoria, I think it's something to bear in mind, especially as nobody seems to be mentioning it in the media etc. atm. I want us to now win out the rest of the way. basically to re-enforce the superiority of this team, over the division, and most of the rest of the AFC.
  4. I do wonder if Josh knew what the rule was when sliding, i.e. that it's from the point you start from. I'm sure he had both plenty of time to get the extra yard, and that if he thought there was going to be any doubt, he would have made sure. I really don't believe he didn't know where the down marker was, and just 'mistimed it'. i'm also convivnced that the same situation will never happen again with him - it's not the sort of mistake he makes twice.
  5. Diggs. Gets hit hard, a lot, and just bounces back up and keeps balling. Allen, fairly obviously, but after last night, big shout outs to Taron, Levi and Morse. The team, generally, also, as they show it overall. I’m not sure you couldn’t pick out a few each game who show the ability to overcome some adversity.
  6. Why is nobody mentioning the Pegulas? This isn't about the fact that they bought the Bills. It's about how they have supported McDermott and Beane, with their Assistants, Scouts, FO people etc.etc. All of which doesn't come out of the Cap. The additional investment in state of the art training and medical facilities also. Tbh, if Beane hadn't been as successful as he is, then I'm sure that MDermott would have been retained if Beane was 'let go'. In the future, I believe they will stand or fall together.
  7. Tbh, I rather suspect that Ralph would have found it funny himself. Probably would have burned the scarves in public, but with a smile on his face.
  8. One of the things I like most about Beane (and McDermott), is that they tend to both learn from their mistakes, and also look to put them right asap. They have by no means been perfect, yet much like the team, they are progressing at a decent clip. It's easy to forget that neither of them had truly been in their respective positions before, Beane as GM (the temporary deal at Carolina doesn't really count, in all honesty), and McDermott as HC. There's a general assumption, that in building a competitive team, you need at least the following to be able to get it somewhere - QB, LT, CB. That is admittedly a very short list, but I would argue that the other 'essentials' are going to be scheme specific, dependent on style of defense. Allen won't be going anywhere in a hurry. When they get him inked will be a cap and timing issue. Dawkins and White are already re-signed. Otherwise known as your building blocks for a team are in place, and will not be going anywhere soon. Diggs is also signed through 2023. The FO are going to have to get creative this off-season, if they want to bring back some of the guys I think they should - especially Feliciano and Williams. Based off of Beane's PC, I think they will be trying to do just that. One of the last things Beane talked about, was trying to make sure that Allen had the necessary toolsaround him to succeed - which is why he went and got Diggs. I think he will see keeping that O-Line intact, as a priority.
  9. The thing is, it isn't always about stat lines. Both Mayfield and Allen had good ones. I rather suspect the difference made, was the quality of the throws that Josh made, by comparison to Baker. A caveat would be that I've only seen limited highlights of the Browns game, but someone here (not in this thread) went through 5 'wow' throws Josh made. Then someone else mentioned another, that hadn't been included. So we have 6 'wow' throws from Allen (minimum). I'd hazard a guess that Mayfield made a couple, but that was about it. I don't think there's a legitimate argument about which AFC QB, played best this week. Not only were there exceptional numbers from Allen, but there were also a whole bunch of exceptional throws.
  10. I hope not - the game's in Phoenix.
  11. You might have more luck putting it in 'Off the Wall', if you are trying to keep politics out of it. Good luck though, as I think it's a solid idea, and worthy of it's own thread, rather than being put in with all the other covid stuff in the locked thread.
  12. The whole thing seems a simple crock to me. Nobody is stopping anyone from actually practising their religion. Nobody is persecuting any particular religion. Just about any religion is defined by the act of having 'faith'. 'Faith' is not dependent on the attendance at any church, synagogue or mosque. It isn't dependent on any act of congregation.
  13. Good interview, and thanks for posting it OP. Some good stuff in there, from asking about the lateral in the Houston game, to explaining how Peyton would be looking all over the opposing D to find a 'tell' that gave him confirmation of what coverage they were in. Good replies from Allen too, without giving anything away.
  14. Thought we were lucky to get him when we did, and until the cheap shot, I wouldn't have even considered another kicker. Without that, I believe he would still have his career now - although with the changing of various kickoff rules, I don't think he could have lasted as long as some have. Simply put, even with Haus at his best, we are getting to the point where guys need a 'bigger' leg, not only for long FGs, but also for the extra yards expected on kickoffs. Regardless, be safe, be happy, and be healthy - and thanks!
  15. Thanks to the OP - it was a good watch. As regards the D - they aren't 'lights out', and I don't think they will ever be with the current personnel. What they have been, for most of last season, and the last few games, is pretty good, and largely disciplined (I'm not talking about any penalty counts there). I believe that getting healthy, has been a starting point, especially with Edmunds for example. Schematically the coaches deserve some credit for finding out what works with this group, and finally putting it into practise. I remember when Peyton won his SB with the Colts. Their D was pretty poor for most of the second half of the season. What happened? They got Bob Sanders back from injury, and all of a sudden they started to play decently again, and did so through the playoffs and SB. Without Sanders return, they might well have not made it, at all. The old adage rang true 'It's not how you start, it's how you finish'. The Cheatriots have very often looked a mediocre team early on in seasons, yet they improved as those seasons went on, regularly. The same thing appears to happening, to an extent, with McDermott. It might be ascribing too much credit, but it could be that they knew the D wasn't going to be where they wanted it at the start of the season, and so they leaned on the Offense - to spectacular effect. Since then, there have been increasing signs that they have been working to a much more balanced team all around. The different approaches on both sides of the football, in different games, are both somewhat unnerving, yet fascinating to watch, as it looks like they are trying to get the team to a position where they can play just about any type of game, on either side of the football. That hasn't been, and won't be, without some bumps along the way, but if it gets completed, then watch out, because we will then be in a position to take anyone on.
  16. TBH, I think the NFL and/or the NFLPA, should be trying to get the players vaccinnated asap. But that isn't so much for the greater good of the American people's psyche, rather than for the greater good of a billion dollar industry, that could well afford inflated prices. Including coaches, they are probably looking at around 20000 doses,(assuming you need 2 hits, as that appears to be the standard delivery method) which in the grand scheme of things, in the US, is a drop in the ocean. I would still want all vunerable people given theirs first, but everyone knows that isn't going to happen anyway. A counterpoint to that argument, is that doses generally, need to be given about 3 weeks apart. By the time the first ones are available, and assuming given asap, you are probably at about week 16 or 17 anyway. What it could do however, is avoid potential playoff fiascos. As Figster said, if this crosses the line, perhaps move it somewhere else, or if deemed necessary bin it.
  17. Congratulations to AJ. Well deserved for not just last week, but the previous couple of weeks as well. While I didn't jump on the bandwagon of criticism, I would have to admit having been decidedly unimpressed with his play previously. Credit, and some annoyance, should go to the coaching staff for actually now putting him in a position where his strengths are being used. The annoyance is for it taking as long as it did. I think there's a genuine case to be made for having all 3 LBers on the field a lot more, when Milano returns, particularly against run heavy teams, where Milano could be dropped into coverage when the play calls for it.
  18. I think the part that amused me was Bosa saying 'What am I supposed to do? He's effing huge!'
  19. I wonder if Losman ever realized that not using his given christian name, doomed him from ever becoming a Bills franchise QB. Does the fact that Fromm uses his, mean we might have a quality backup QB to rival Frank, in years to come? Why aren't these questions answered by Old Moore's Almanac?
  20. Seems to me that while Barr may well be a Trump lackey, when it comes to the real world, and what you can or cannot make a case for, he acts very much like the lawyer he is, or rather was, originally. I'm sure he would have loved to find some creditable evidence, and no doubt looked under many rocks to do so, but irrespective of Trump not wanting to be seen as a loser, that evidence, simply isn't there. After today, he's probably another, soon to be ex, employee of Trump.
  21. What time is the kickoff in Arizona? There's a 7 hour time difference between there and the UK, and if it's 8pm, that is going to make life difficult to watch the gasme live, as it means it'll start at 3.00 am over here. ;(
  22. I think because he's in a solid organisation, and has had the benefit of a franchise QB, he hasn't been given enough credit through the years. Last year showed that he is a good coach, imho, and is now getting some just desserts. I've not read the whole thread, just the first page or so, but I'm guessing that someone has tried to explain that McDermott is also a 'work in progress'. I believe he would tell you that himself as well. While I think his nature is conservative, with the small 'c', I also think that he isn't afraid to be aggressive, when he thinks it's necessary - on either O or D. Players want to play for him, and unlike Jauron, he isn't afraid to embrace new ideas. Atm, the only team that actually scares me, as a playoff/championship opponent, are the Chiefs. Anyone else, and I think we have a fair crack at beating them, and that would include in a Superbowl. Should the Bills win their first playoff game, and somoeone else does us a favour by squeaking past the Chiefs, expectations should be high that we could get it all. And that is with McDermott as our HC.
  23. The personal foul stuff was particulaly bad, for Moss and Davis. I just refuse to believe either of those were fouls. While it looked innocuous, Allen's was a fair call - he definitely knew what he was doing, but probably thought he'll get away with it. He needs to not do that again. Oliver's was just a typical weak call, but if they call the same for both sides, you can live with it. It was possibly a fraction late, but it's a call you see often around the league. We have benefitted from the same type of call in the past, although Allen seems less likely to get those, for some reason. I thought they missed quite a few things yesterday, but some of it might be due to a lack of interest from Zebra Central. As someone pointed out earlier, the push off wasn't going to be given by the one zebra, but he was bailed out by another. Iirc, Gannon immediately said that he's pushed off. I have to agree with the OP, that the standard of officiating is poor, league-wide. I think it will gradually improve, we have got rid of some of the dinosaurs this year, and the move to more full time refs, is long overdue. The issue I have with the approach the NFL seems to be having, is that it's like a slow boat to china. Imho, it's going to take a long time to happen, and it might be so slow as to be almost unnoticeable.
  24. While Bosa certainly had a terrific game, I'm at least partly of the mind that some of his success was down to communication failures in our blocking schemes. There was at least once that a tackle and guard went in different directions, and with Knox and a WR also being left 1 on 1 with him, I just can't believe that was part of the plan. No doubt he had a good game, and there's no doubt he would be a useful additon to our D, I simply feel that Sunday, our pass blocking, got enough wrong to make life a lot easier for him.
  25. Valid points about the size of buildings. I would suggest, at least in part, that the numbers games, are a function of what happens in places of worship, where voices will be raised, both in communal prayers, and the singing of hymns etc. These are things that are known to give a greater risk of viral aerosol transmission.
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