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Posts posted by evilbuffalobob

  1. I'm a Jack alum and, am and will always be proud of the school. It's disheartening to hear this storied rivalry may come to an end, but it's the geography and kids health is now a major concern (Red Warriors -that is). Many of these games have been played in snowfalls. Was this one? Which stadium?


    10K! Wow!



    9,900 Bills fans in attendance... just looking to watch a well-coached team on the field... without having to drive to Boston or Pittsburgh...

  2. To enter the convolution known as this question, I shall say that I have no problem with Russ Brandon and I think he's been a huge asset to the franchise. There should not be an argument that Russ would not, should not, nor has not made the personnel decisions 100%.


    I say, let he and RW hire a coach who specializes in game-day coaching, unless it's someone like Holmgren... then perhaps there should be a co-op between he and Russ. Bottom line, I don't think we should send Russ packing. Everyone else can go.

  3. I think the billboard is great. Who gives a rats a$$ if 300 people chip in $5. Am I still sleeping...? ... there's people getting down on the billboard kid because he's embarrasing Limp Dick Jauron...? RU F-ing kidding me? Perhaps you haven't noticed the last 4 years of embarrasment that DJ has brought to this team, Buffalo and Upstate NY. Beat it you little twink.

  4. yea Talley as head coach

    Kelly as GM

    Odomes as DB coach

    Metzelars as TE coach

    and Jeff Wright as D Line Coach


    You guys need to stop living in the past thinking that any of the former players who never won us a superbowl are going to be back coaching the team in some capacity. Give it up. Its not a good idea for any of theose guys with no coaching experience to get their feet wet with the Bills.



    Jim Haslett- DC

  5. Well, with the exception of say Jim Kelly and a few years of Joe Ferguson, who the frick else has been good at QB for the Bills? LOL. Nothing doing, so my point was that its the not the CA QB's in Buffalo as much as the horrid talent evaluators/poor choices they have made. You name the state Im sure the Bills have had a bad QB from there.


    Palmer up and down? He's got a Pro Bowl under his belt and looks to finally be healthy...I'd say he'd be Buffalo's 2nd or 3rd best QB of All-Time if he was on our roster from the get-go....so whats that say then? And the jury might out on Rodgers but a) you could make the case he plays in a more football crazy environment than Buffalo and b) he was in one heck of a situation sitting behind Favre, dealing with all that drama to become pretty darn good.




    Flutie was pretty damn good & unfortunately we'll never know what may have happened...? A New york guy by the name of Frank Reich was pretty OK. Bledsoe had a good year.


    Other CA qb's to stink it up in Buffalo- Daryle Lamonica, Tom Flores, Dennis shaw- absolutely horrid, Bill Munson, Vince Ferragamo- puke... these posers never had even one good game, let alone a good year. So why add to the pile of vomit- RJ, JP & Trentative?


    Can we just agree that the experiment is Failed. This is the longest stretch of puke this team has ever experienced, and it is smack dab due to 3 CA QB's with their pretty little hands under center. No more CA Qbs for Buffalo. It's sickening what they have done.

  6. I don't get this cold weather QB fetish. Carson Palmer plays fine in cold climates. Aaron Rodgers sure looks great in Green Bay...how about its more the fact that the Bills BLOW at deciphering talent and have drafted massive reaches at QB from average D-I programs (Tulane, Stanford...)


    Bringing in Garcia would likely screw us more -- we'd win 5-6 games maybe instead of 2-3 and get a worse off draft pick and still be in shambles. I would have been all for this in the offseason LAST year to compete vs. trent...but hey that would make too much sense.



    You need to segregate fact from Fetish. Palmer is up & down, and I'm sorry, but the jury is still out on Rodgers. Give me some examples of Qb's from CA who have been successful in Buffalo, NY. And don't give me Jack Kemp, as he is exempt thanks to the Army toughening him up.


    ...like I said...

  7. I believe he played in Cincy. Where is he from orginally? Maybe he does not suffer from the Bledsoe-Losman-Edwards jitters. A quarterback either has poise or he doesn't. It is not about climate. Favre of Mississippi seemed to prove that.


    Garcia is a California raisin.


    Mississippi ain't in CA toto.

  8. ...and the Tuna is an innovator (Wildcat), not a follower (Tampa-2).


    PS- I know Parcells did not invent the Wildcat, but it's innovative to bring it to the NFL level in the modern day. Going after the best players available, then crafting his schemes around them. Wow!

  9. Seriously? I'm not giving Brandon a pass, but how do people actually think he makes the "football" decisions? Are people that clueless on how a company operates? I'm sure Brandon is involved, but there's three guys who *make* that decision and they've been in charge longer than Brandon:


    Jim Overdorf (<--it's him folks, start aiming correctly, please)

    Tom Modrak

    John Guy


    IF Brandon goes, fine, but I know at work my boss has authority over other departments, but he "signs off" on their decisions. He's still responsible, but can we try getting rid of the entrenched "football minds" first. They've been here throughout this futility.


    We've had GMs, Coaches and QBs change. Do you think another one is going to make a difference until these guys go?


    Agreed. I honestly don't have a problem with Russ, and all fans owe him for keeping those seats filled prior to him taking over the glorified GM role.


    Also, let's not forget that these talent evaluators (god or pathetic) are having to find players to fit within Limp Dick's systems- the Cockameeny Cover-2 and the Confusion Offense. If we didn't have a truly stupid defense (especially) we could have traded up for Pat Willis and sealed the deal on Haloti Ngata. How you let these two killers slip thru- I don't get it... but it's not Brandon's fault. Nobody can confidently say that going into this season that Brandon had the power to can Limp Dick. He accepted the offer to take over the restaurant, because it's a natural progession, but he was stuck with crappy Chef. Thank God it's America.

  10. If Ralph really feels this was and DJ keeps playing Captain Checkdown and keeps his job with 25 penalties per game then maybe it is time for the Commisioner to take control of this mess for the good of the game..


    Which would mean allowing the team to go Public and be owned by the public (like Green Bay)!


    But, I say the stock should pay a dividend not only on the field, but off as well- as in dividend yield. If we each owned a piece of the pie, we'd have no one but ourselves to blame and could put an end to the moving out of town scenerio.

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