Well, I dunno. The only guys from less distinguished programs that Marv drafted were John Wendling and Terrance Pennington in my view and both of them were nearer the bottom of the draft. This year, Marv was not (directly) involved and the Bills hit the smaller schools up to the tune of 4 players: McKelvin, Corner, Omon, and Bell. Not sure what sort a trend a single draft is though.
Bruce Smith was certainly not from a small time football program (though there were red flags on his work ethic and maturity -- fortunately his pride didn't permit him to flame out and fail -- not that it was a perfect ride either), and Cornelius Bennett was from as big-time a program as it gets (fortunately for the Bills, they were the recipients of Bennett and his agent deciding to hold out and refusing to play for the Colts). Tasker played college ball at Northwestern, which is still in the Big-11 last I heard.