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Sisyphean Bills

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Everything posted by Sisyphean Bills

  1. Meanwhile, back in the other thread, it's titillating to watch another JP Losman bashing fest explode out of a discussion which was calling Jauron a good coach because he was able to turn around a bad team in his first year here in Buffalo with none other than JP Losman as his QB for every snap. Which of course has nothing to do with Trent Edwards amazing progress, but facts suck.
  2. Remarkably similar to this post. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?s=&am...t&p=1147309 (FWIW, "never" is a very long time and denies that personal success in life is a confluence of circumstance and the nuance of those facets in every situation.)
  3. Usually these debates simply boil down to how people define a relative term like "good". Attempts to quantify or offer various facts as pro or con evidence is discouraged in favor of random emotion laden jousting. After all, what better way to prove one's superiority than to dump sh-- on anybody that can be labeled "the others"?
  4. It is sort of hard to tell if there is much talent. I mean it was pretty obvious the OL had no idea what they were doing scheme-wise last week. Total fuggin train wreck.
  5. You can never have too many California QBs!
  6. Well, if he's going to explode, keep the guns all locked up.
  7. The quote has nothing to do with JP. Nice try though.
  8. Thanks for the explanation. I didn't realize this was some non-zero-sum bogo-stat.
  9. Oh. I didn't understand that he meant comebacks this season. Now it all makes sense. Especially that Jake Plummer is 19-28 in comeback games this year.
  10. The M&M&M&Ms!
  11. Sounds good until you realize that the Bills collection of FSs racked up even more tackles than Whitner.
  12. Looks like Donahoe has some competition for any openings now.
  13. Let's not forget that significantly more snaps improve the ability to attain an injury, significant or not. It's beats paying Greer or McGee what they are worth.
  14. That may put a crimp in Whitner's ability to rack up over 100 tackles on the year.
  15. What are you trying to imply with that statement?
  16. Playing from behind is a great strategy. I'm all for it.
  17. I seem to remember a Dallas Cowboys game when Trent Edwards played.
  18. I think that's not it. Kiffin is at war with Al Davis and the Raiders lackey front office and not the media. The media loves this guy; he's a lightning rod of controversy, a spectacle, and a constant source of bizarre columns. If Kiffin hated the media, I sincerely doubt that he'd offer up so many juicy clues and tantalizing nuggets as to what it is truly like to work for Uncle Al. I rather think he was smiling because he deftly turned the tables on Herrera, who presented himself and the front office as fools all the way around. Fools for trying to undermine the head coach, fools for taking it public, fools for grossly underestimating Kiffin, fools for not dealing with the situation professionally, and fools for boorish behavior and stupidity. What's not to smile about?
  19. Well, just jabbing a sharp stick in the eye of those that want to portray the "facts" as Jauron is innately a successful NFL head coach and whatever unsuccessful moments (and there may have been a few) he has been associated with were due to malevolent dark external forces trying to bring him down.
  20. And, the troops really loved Gen. George B. McClellan. If Jauron can lead this team to the playoffs and win some playoff games (yes, we should be counting those chickens already) and turn around and maintain that momentum and continue to improve the team over the next several years, then maybe he'll have turned the corner from a career losing also-ran head coach to a head coach that can be successful over time in the NFL. (And then we don't have to pretend he's the next Bill Belichick but can know that he has what it takes to be a winner.) If he turns the Bills back into a winner, is it ok to assume he had some input into that process or will he still be nothing more than a stuffed sweat suit lashed to a cart that goes wherever the wild horses take it?
  21. OK, I'll grant you that; but, it is still odd that they went totally away from what was working rather than stick with it, even if only partially. Does Warren being out suddenly mean Nnamdi Asomugha can't cover man-to-man? Really?
  22. Is this the official McCargo apology thread?
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