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Sisyphean Bills

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Everything posted by Sisyphean Bills

  1. Yep. But, they did sign some free agent fodder to top flight contracts, so they can't be called "cheap" or "inattentive".
  2. And his hands are wearing gloves.
  3. Turk wants to show he's the better Stanford QB.
  4. Good thing Holmgren didn't bench Brett Favre after a brain fart (or 20).
  5. At corner, the Bills had a lot of question marks. Greer was a question mark in that he had started last season behind Webster and Butler and got on the field due to injury. Youboty gave all the signs of being an outright bust. James was just another Webster-like signing -- a journeyman that one doesn't really want to have to have play. Then, one notices Tom Brady, Randy Moss, and Wes Welker and realizes that in order to compete the Bills can't simply paper over a lack of talent with a "Tampa 2" scheme and moving Donte Whitner around. The emergence of Youboty was not being counted upon on draft day; and, Greer, thankfully, didn't rest on his laurels and go into a huge tailspin this season either. I know that doesn't explain why the "best CB in the entire draft" was buried on the depth chart and generally not looking like a top draft pick (I'm not really that down on him -- he's coming from Troy State so it's going to take time, which should've been part of the decision process BTW), nor does it mean the Bills are good enough that they can afford to whiff (or even just bunt their way to first) on top of the order draft picks.
  6. "They'll be fine with some decent talent."
  7. While they are reminding him, maybe than can suggest that he work a bit on his 6 inch vertical.
  8. I agree it was a good time to go to Hardy. But, the fault of the play was either on Edwards for a lame assed throw, misread, or both. (The ball had to be thrown high and away, not a short pop fly to the inside.)
  9. Improving 25% of the defensive line should've been plenty enough for you.
  10. Fortunately, he just signed an extension.
  11. I love Dullfans week.
  12. The difference between Wilfork and Pacman is Wilfork's felonies happen on the field.
  13. Wasn't there just a shooting war on this board about how awesome or un-awesome Whitner was in coverage? So going against Antonio Gates, arguably the best TE in the game today, the Bills move Whitner to FS and play Scott on Gates.
  14. Any post that attempts to marginalize Walter Jones as anything less than a great LT can be folded up into a little wad of bits and stuffed in the recycle bin. 'Nuff said.
  15. But, but, Penn State is the center of character. Larry Phillips Jr.?
  16. Can't be true. Every player is willing to give a nut to play for Ralph.
  17. And, with the exception of one other year, Jauron was also a loser. Dick for President! Go Dick! And to PNW: you, sir, are an obvious moron! How could you lack any confidence whatsoever?
  18. To be fair, Steve Fairchild lives in Colorado, too.
  19. The big surprise was Nolan lasted this long.
  20. I would've expected the Bills would've had someone ready to sign immediately after they dealt McCargo.
  21. Because Derek Anderson grew up with her.
  22. Cincinnati is really pathetic. Their special teams and defense flat out suck (from what little I've seen of them).
  23. I assume that you mean "without him". There are 3 possibilities here if they considered the short term. Either they thought they'd be better off without him, they'd be about the same without him, or they'd be a worse team without him. The other possibility is that they didn't think about the short term impact much at all. Now the Bills only have 4 DTs on the roster to start. Stroud has spent significant time in the hot tub in recent years. If he or Williams got dinged, the Bills would have 0 depth in their 4-3 defense without McCargo. It's OK to think Kollar is a good coach, but unless he's going to pull a Wade Phillips and change the entire defense overnight, the lack of depth could be a major blunder for a team that is trying to make a playoff run.
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