The quotes from Ralph are the ones that leap off the screen and punch you in the face. He basically says there is no problem at all with the coaching and the team is talentless. OK, even if we take that hook, line, and sinker, who is the one that put this team together? If the coaching is flawless, then these players must all be maxing out their competitive value on the field. If the coaching is making the right decisions, why are guys that they cut playing well on other teams and this roster is full of poo? Why don't the faultless coaches have some more input into the process of which players are drafted and signed? If the roster is nothing but doodoo, clearly the coaches are at least negligent, not telling whoever it may be that is providing these sewer scoopings for them to waste their efforts upon, that these dung heaps can't play football worth a damn, no? Why is the front office signing steaming pile free agents to top dollar contracts? Why do other teams find players and the Bills scratch their heads for a decade and wonder what could be wrong?