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Sisyphean Bills

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Everything posted by Sisyphean Bills

  1. No we have great coaching and we mimic the schemes and plays we see others perform.
  2. From Ralph's comments, I'm not convinced. DJ could be here a long time yet. Besides, we know it's all JP's fault. Always has been. Even when he was at Tulane.
  3. "All is well. JP has left the building."
  4. Rod Marinelli's team started out red hot and tanked last year. They went straight to he77 this year. The good news though is that while they played the AFC and NFC South this year, they don't have to next year. The Bills will play the South divisions next year.
  5. The quotes from Ralph are the ones that leap off the screen and punch you in the face. He basically says there is no problem at all with the coaching and the team is talentless. OK, even if we take that hook, line, and sinker, who is the one that put this team together? If the coaching is flawless, then these players must all be maxing out their competitive value on the field. If the coaching is making the right decisions, why are guys that they cut playing well on other teams and this roster is full of poo? Why don't the faultless coaches have some more input into the process of which players are drafted and signed? If the roster is nothing but doodoo, clearly the coaches are at least negligent, not telling whoever it may be that is providing these sewer scoopings for them to waste their efforts upon, that these dung heaps can't play football worth a damn, no? Why is the front office signing steaming pile free agents to top dollar contracts? Why do other teams find players and the Bills scratch their heads for a decade and wonder what could be wrong?
  6. What was that line Forrest Gump used to say? Oh yeah. Stupid is as stupid does.
  7. Lee Evans made the same tragic mistake as Eric Moulds. <sigh>
  8. You realize, of course, that an NFL QB does not draw up the plays nor does he design the system. How do you know that the play called didn't have Parrish as the primary option, the defense gave them the look they wanted, Losman threw the ball to Parrish exactly as the play was designed ... and the defense knew what was coming all along and made the play? Check out Takeo Spikes comments. I'm not trying to pick on you, but this has been happening for months now. Lee Evans has been used as nothing but a decoy in this offense. Remember the game where he was never even thrown to? That was a different QB altogether, people said Evans was open the whole game, and they never even looked at him the entire game. Yes, Losman is frustratingly erratic. But this offense is entering new areas of fuggeduptitude and it is not entirely the QB's fault. Where was Freddy? You'd think with Marshawn missing some practice this past week, Stanford grad Turk might have thought about getting Fred involved in the game plan, eh? Nope. Too smart for that apparently.
  9. What, did he start by throwing 4 picks in his first 5 attempts in some game?
  10. I know what you mean, but I think Dick Jauron wants those things too.
  11. Long snapping the ball off his butt cheeks was just a classic example of fine coaching and preparation.
  12. Marinelli might be available soon too.
  13. Well, in a way, Whitner was right. It wasn't Dick Jauron that got whipped by Fasano for a touchdown today. It was Donte Whitner.
  14. It's good to see a team on the same page like that.
  15. Maybe they could put flashing lights on the corpse. Still too early to give up on him. He just needs more time.
  16. If you can't pedal a good product, you have to pedal the hope that there may be a good product eventually.
  17. How many more years does Dick need to right the ship and get his sort of players in here?
  18. Where's the "Stick With Dick" bandwagon? Don't tell me you guys are jumping off just because of a few inbound RPGs. We can duct tape this jalopy (er, ok, matchsticks) back together!
  19. Bump. Man up if you still think this team is vastly improved over 3 years ago.
  20. He's spreading the confusion.
  21. Thank goodness that Turk is quickly taking to this whole offensive coordinator gig. Just like a duckling to water, I tell ya. I mean just look at how adeptly and deftly he's installed a power running game to help out our struggling (er, ok, poo-filled) passing game.
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