The McNown situation really was an interesting microcosm. Jauron defended the guy with impeccable continuity. He was always the QB that gave the Bears the best chance to win on Sunday -- at least that was the public face put on it.
Come to find out though, McNown was totally apathetic about his job and career. The entire team despised the guy because he was so cocky and put zero effort into his craft. He showed up late. He never knew what he was supposed to do, let alone the offense. Once he was asked to stand up in the QB meeting and go through the opening script for the game. He didn't know a single play of the script. When he got them spoon fed by the coach, he still misidentified each play's reads, etc. He started the game anyway.
What I don't understand is how players can love a head coach that allows and promotes clusterphuk situations of total incompetence like that on his watch. Yet, everybody loves the guy. It's always someone else's fault that these dysfunctional situations happen continuously. There is always someone else standing close enough to blame. Indeed, the McNown situation was never resolved until Angelo was hired and traded McNown, against Jauron's wishes it was reported, to Miami for a song and dance.
Then again, it's always the QB's fault.