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Sisyphean Bills

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Everything posted by Sisyphean Bills

  1. Well, thinking positively, he has seen snow as a Penn State guy!
  2. Oh, right. It's all the QB! Gotcha.
  3. What's the issue? Ralph has final say on everything as Owner, President, and part of the GM hydra. Do you think Ralph did not have a huge say and the final decision in a signing of the magnitude of a Terrell Owens?!?
  4. Dick won't change his winning formula for T.O.. according to Matt Bowens. Maybe they can line him up at FB and toss him the ball on a roll out in a short yardage situation.
  5. Yes, it was very misleading.
  6. There are some in Portland for sure. Been there, done that.
  7. Trying to skid into the gutter like Steve Howe. Sad.
  8. SS isn't mentioned at all.
  9. Has there been any (legit) source (not WGR) that has reported the whole thing was Jauron's idea? Given the tidal wave of T.O. talk and news, some others (besides myself) may have missed it. Thanks for a link, guys.
  10. Brandon is a marketing guy. A personnel guy?
  11. That's comical, really. A head coach that is on his last gasp is reading the riot act to a player that is on his last gasp.
  12. The Jets have been mostly dysfunctional throughout their history. Of course they did hit pay dirt once upon a time...
  13. Remember the Titans fan that insisted the Titans had 6 starting CBs on their team?
  14. Those aspects are key. Having a #1 WR is great, but if they can't get him the d*** ball, it won't matter.
  15. No. You missed the point completely.
  16. Maybe this 1 year TO thing is so Dick can use the draft on fixing the defense. Especially the secondary. (This post is for Bill, btw. )
  17. Does he belong in jail? No. Does he row the boat in the same direction as everyone else? No.
  18. Or at least has Rosenhaus to point them out to him.
  19. Finding problems is an inherently negative mindset that could ruin one's Polyanna outlook. Far better to look for the silver linings and what went right or why it should have gone right like it would've if it were Friday. If you focus on all the good stuff, your karma will be better, and more good stuff will happen because you make yourself a good stuff magnet. So, that's why being an optimist is so important. You have to let people find their paths to nirvana and trust them to do so. Pressure just bums the chill.
  20. Trent better grow a thicker skin pretty darn quick.
  21. Far more dangerous for the coaching staff.
  22. I ridiculed Mularkey for quitting at the time, but in retrospect he was right on the money with his primary reason for leaving. The organization being put together wasn't going to give him a chance to be successful and it was better to nip it in the bud and walk away and start over at the bottom of the ladder somewhere else. Mularkey is back in the saddle and doing a good job as a OC in Atlanta. Meanwhile the Bills continue to tread water and fritter away. As a Bills fan, I would've much rather that Mularkey had gone out in a blaze of glory by getting fired for trying to impose his will on the organization and drag it kicking and screaming towards success, but he clearly recognized the situation and came to the conclusion he wouldn't be able to succeed. He's no Rod Marinelli, but he had his reasons.
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