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Sisyphean Bills

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Everything posted by Sisyphean Bills

  1. I never said you didn't say pre-Brady. Big !@#$ing deal. Jauron is as good as a lot of coaches if you exclude the better teams they coached. It's an empty statement, idiot.
  2. Obviously, a real interesting day weather wise.
  3. That's why I compared 8 years to 8 years. Get it? But, if we want to play short bus janitor games, we can take Jauron's best year and scale it by 33 years for 429 total victories and say Jauron is a better coach than Don Shula who only had 347 wins in 33 years in the NFL.
  4. Still, 2002 was but 1 year. Would it make it more soothing if we threw that year out and didn't count it? Then, to be fair we'd have to throw out DJ's best year as well, the 2001 season. Now, with the remaining 6 seasons, DJ's best record is 7-9. His overall winning percentage (for those 6 years) actually drops from 43.8% to 40.6%.
  5. Actually, if one straight up compares the two coaches first 8 full seasons without special qualifiers and arbitrary exceptions... In Belichick's first 8 years, his team won 61 games. Jauron has won 56. Belichick had won 4 playoff games by then including a Super Bowl. Jauron has only been to the playoffs one time and his team got destroyed at home. http://www.pro-football-reference.com/coaches/BeliBi0.htm http://www.pro-football-reference.com/coaches/JaurDi0.htm
  6. I think I'd characterize it differently. Young QBs suffer timing problems in their offenses. It takes time and live-round reps to develop that timing. Rob Johnson was the poster boy of a young QB that held onto the ball far too long, missing the windows of opportunity, and hanging out diddling around in a collapsing pocket. Trent is just the polar opposite, preferring to get the ball out of his hand based on his read almost immediately rather than letting the play develop. One took an absurd number of sacks and the other takes hardly any. But, you really want a QB that can put points on the board, since that's how they keep score.
  7. To be fair to Bodden, he was a very good CB in Romeo's defensive system. http://www.nfl.com/players/leighbodden/car...ts?id=BOD194145 In Detroit, there were so many things wrong, I wouldn't really blame Bodden for that train wreck.
  8. "I think we have our QB. Um, no, I mean, I believe Trent will be a good QB." How about this pressure application from the latest ESPN color analyst? "The Buffalo Bills. How can you not be excited? Has any team ever had a better receiving corps?" Translation: if they can't move the ball this year, I'm available.
  9. Put him on the red list.
  10. There is also a trend for teams to stay with cheaper coaches and smaller staffs. (Trend means not just 1 single team.)
  11. Good point. Who knows? The Bills may have gotten better, worse, or stayed about the same. New does not equate to better. Old does not equate to the root cause of the problem. A new DL coach might push the right buttons with McCargo or not.
  12. Hate? What are you talking about, Dohguy? I explained that the title of Assistant Head Coach is a promotion. I explained that either the Bills couldn't or wouldn't match the promotion the Texans offered Kollar. Where's the "hate" in that? Let's see, I guess you could be trying to put words in my mouth by reading into the fact that Mike Mularkey resigned on the Bills. Or that of Dick LeBeau high tailing it to Pittsburgh rather than signing his extension. Even if this were "hate", and it most definitely is not, these things absolutely, positively happened. They are undeniable. And, those things happened regardless of how any fans felt about the matter. Or maybe you are saying that "hating" is making light of Ralph Wilson jumping the gun last year and offering Dick Jauron a 3 year extension and pay raise in a new deal well before the results were in and just before the train flew off the tracks and down into the chasm -- the first to worst lunge. It's not any fan's "hate" that makes these events the reality that is the Buffalo Bills. It's not even really the fault of the dupes that sprinkle sugar on liberally and wish every move made was a major victory.
  13. Assistant head coach is considered a promotion over a position coach. For example, http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/wire?sectio...&id=2946759 Kollar was promoted to AHC/DL with the Texans. http://www.houstontexans.com/team/coaches.asp It may be the case that the Bills could not have matched this promotion, and it was a promotion, without having to do something with either Bobby April or Chuck Lester who have the Assistant Head Coach tags in Buffalo. April definitely has the tag, and IIRC they tagged Lester some time ago when some team came sniffing around after him. In essence, it is a title given to a couple of non-head coaches so that the only way another team can hire them away without the first team's permission is to elevate that coach to the Head Coach job. In the NFL, another team can hire away your coaches by granting a promotion without the permission of the first team. In other words, if coach X has a contract with team A as a K coach, he can't turn around and sign another contract with team B as their K coach; but, if team B offers him a promotion, then that's a different story. At any rate, the Bills didn't want to use or weren't able to use the tag to keep Kollar and part of that decision was that Kollar didn't want to stay and Dick didn't want to force him to stay if he didn't want to be here. (Not entirely unheard of; see Mike Mularkey and Dick LeBeau, for example.) Thankfully, the Bills signed Jauron to a 3 year extension, so he can't go anywhere.
  14. I don't think Bruce Arians has ever worked for Ralph. But, I guess you meant Dick LeBeau, who basically bolted out of town like Mularkey.
  15. There is the possibility they can fall down and hang on to the ball. But, there is also the possibility our coaches will find their weaknesses and play them as strengths.
  16. Someone said they were converting him to DB.
  17. The madcap hurling of the red herring is priceless. Confusing the bloodhounds indeed. Here you go. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/pun
  18. I see the commonality. Neither the OL nor Hamdan has taken a single NFL snap for the Bills. But, I'll take Hamdan's one career 7 yard completion over his sack in 2003 (last time he was on an NFL field in a meaningful situation). Look out Patriots! Teams are quaking in their boots and super envious of the Chroisen One and Nasty Noobs up front no doubt. As far as Fitzpatpatsack, he played most of last season and led the worst aerial game of any NFL team of all time. On the bright side, when your passing game sucks that bad there is plenty of blame fertilizer to spread on the field.
  19. http://www.demotivateus.com/posters/majest...onal-poster.jpg
  20. No way does Seattle want Vick. Vick got Mora Jr. fired once already.
  21. You shouldn't make light of a player's weight on this forum. The pitchforks will be after you.
  22. The Bills still gave up 4.3 yards/carry and 122 yds/game. And that's with an offense that most teams knew going in wouldn't put up many points. Point being, most teams didn't have to throw on Buffalo. Denver did have to throw and they went up and down the field like a marching band, though they did lose in the end.
  23. Maybe. There is still such a thing as savoir faire.
  24. Sort of puts a different context on "the lawn boy" comments... sorry to hear about your colleague, btw.
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