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Sisyphean Bills

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Everything posted by Sisyphean Bills

  1. http://nfl.fanhouse.com/2009/09/06/coordin...uffalo-tampa-k/ Not everyone got the Friday comes before Saturday memo, looks like.
  2. It is a move of desperation. Jauron completely reversed himself and fired his OC. He fired him 10 days before opening day. He fired him with somewhere between scant and bad alternatives. Who doesn't understand that Jauron is coaching for his job here? He's not going to get a third chance. Not with his record. He can't afford to wait for people to "come to the light" and do things the way he wants them done. He has to get it done right hot damn now. For the people that were saying maybe Jauron would change; well, there it is.
  3. Jason Peters remarked that the Eagles offensive playbook is twice the size of the Bills. http://espn.go.com/blog/nfceast/post/_/id/...eters-interview
  4. I am pretty sure that Wade did not have final say on his staff. Wade stood up to Wilson and said he would have to fire them both. Wilson obliged and did just that. That is why Wilson didn't want to pay Wade and felt he was grossly insubordinate. Levy gave Jauron control of his coaching staff and wrote it into his contract. Jauron has final say on these things. It quite literally is his decision to make. Wilson wanted Schonert gone at the end of last season, so it is no great mystery what his advice probably was. Although, he was probably no doubt a tad annoyed about the whole thing. Annoyed enough to call an executive meeting and fly everybody in and further cut into their limited time to get ready for the game with the Patriots. Mr. Wilson is not an idiot nor is he a daft fool like Jerry Jones.
  5. Are we really going with this notion that the Bills offense was wildly complex? Isn't this the team that didn't run a single play action until the last month of the season last year?
  6. Ralph asked for Schonert's head at the end of last season. Jauron refused, and it didn't happen. Jauron echoed the whole continuity thing, something Ralph was onboard with since he kept Jauron himself for continuity's sake, and so they went. Now, we're supposed to believe that Jauron is lying that Ralph did not say, "it's your call," because legally speaking since Jauron wasn't fired, it was his call. Based on what evidence? That Jauron and Schonert had severe philosophical differences? That Jauron didn't like the progress the offense was making all off-season? And if the emergency executive meeting in Detroit is true, then why would the guy that pulled all the strings on everyone involved need to call such a meeting and want it conducted where he could look people in the eye? Mr. Wilson may be a lot of things, but this little conspiracy has holes like a sieve.
  7. Yes, but the guy has the gall to want to be the best LT in the game and one of the best of all-time. We don't need that sort of nonsense here in Buffalo!
  8. Good for him. Go CB!
  9. It was Anthony Gray.
  10. Why are you ruling out 32nd? No need to always settle for 2nd best.
  11. I'm sure it had nothing to do with his piss poor play.
  12. Thinking positively, if Rhodes gets an offer to play for a team with an offense, it won't be impossible to find another average Joe pedestrian RB off the street for the Bills.
  13. Well, the Bills do have that front-runner for the Super Bowl status to offer.
  14. Sounds like a good career move from Rhodes vantage.
  15. He does have one year as a QB coach under his belt.
  16. Piss part: Then we had a number of older players, some of whom were stars or nearly stars and on the downhill side of their careers and some younger talent like Schobel and Clements. Squirts part: Now we have little veteran talent, 1 star in TO and 2 near stars in Stroud and Evans and a bunch of young talent which might become great players or be destined for the scrap heap.
  17. http://www.nfl.com/stats/categorystats?sea...mp;d-447263-n=1 They weren't bad in terms of 3rd down percentage last year. But, they also didn't force as many 3rd downs as most of the NFL -- only 4 teams forced fewer 3rd down situations. <sigh>
  18. This sounds like a "tastes like piss" vs. "gives the squirts" beer commercial parody.
  19. No problem. The time line wasn't ambiguous. Poor word choice. It just seemed like this was starting to fuel some conspiracy theories from yesterday. And, the first time I read it, I missed the "on Saturday" which changed the meaning of the entire article. Anyway, glad we understand each other.
  20. I was responding to some posts above that were sounding like this meeting was what led to the firing of Schonert. If you read the quote and don't recognize the timeline, it indeed sounds like the meeting itself led to the firing. Especially when it is mentioned that Wilson is a hands on owner.
  21. I'd have to think they told Ralph they were firing Schonert. Surely, Brandon knew. If they didn't tell Ralph, that would be the sound of their ticket being punched ... the one-way ticket. We shall see.
  22. Bingo! As is his right. He no doubt wanted some reassurance that the whole crew hasn't going blinking off their rockers. Good for him. Put them all on the hot seat, Ralph!
  23. One problem with this report. Saturday is today. Schonert was fired yesterday. Actually, when I re-read it, it is just [edit] subtle. He's not saying Wilson told Jauron to fire Schonert in a stealth meeting. They met today to answer to Ralph's, "What the fugging hell were you bozos doing in Buffalo yesterday?" [The firing was not the result of the meeting. The meeting was the result of the mess.]
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