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Sisyphean Bills

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Everything posted by Sisyphean Bills

  1. Gruden, Shanahan, Cowher, Holmgren, Dungy, etc. have all shown that they can win in this league and win championships. And, to put Dick Jauron's name right back in to the conversation, Jauron hasn't shown he can win in this league -- he's more than a season under .500 lifetime, and has never won a playoff game and only coached in 1 of them in 8 years, a blowout. Why do coaches move around? Might just as well ask why so many players move around the NFL in free agency, etc. Free agency doesn't mean the player can't play any more than the coach can't coach. There are any number of reasons a coach may leave a team. Just look at the list above. Reasons: he wants more control, he has too much control, he wants a higher salary, he feels burned out, he wants to be closer to home, he wants to spend time with his family, he has other interests in life, he may no longer be on the same page as others in the front office, the owner may have Alzheimer's or otherwise mercurial, etc.
  2. He'd be my choice.
  3. And, you resort to your customary level of analysis -- nothing but the W-L record -- as if the NFL were tennis between QBs.
  4. This is his 4th year in New Orleans. He's actually 3-3 against the Bucs, but convenient of you to drop the 1st year when he was 2-0 against Tampa.
  5. You mean like this game. http://www.nfl.com/gamecenter/2008122101/2...16/saints@lions
  6. This is off the wall!
  7. Kind of like it "haunts" the people last year that laughed off the Bills offense as a complete joke.
  8. Instead of focusing of the motives of the reporters off screen, one can watch the video of Owens and see his body language and what he says. He never assigns blames or accuses his teammates of anything. He does say the problem is lack of execution. He repeatedly says the offense is what it is. That could be construed as throwing Van Pelt under the bus, but that response is punctuated with "What do you think?" responses, which Owens explains are his feelings that the media will construe whatever it wants from whatever he says or doesn't say; and, to call a spade a spade, many of the talking heads do exactly that when it comes to T.O. Finally, he also says a couple times that they lost and that they need to get back to work for next week. He's a superstar so he has to come out and address questions. He did that. But, he is visibly upset. Is it with the media? With the streak? Or is it with losing? Some media heads somehow came away that he was only upset about his streak ending, probably because that was the first question asked rather than he was upset with losing games and the poor execution of the offense as he actually says later in the interview. If this wasn't Owens, this would be a total non-story. He's far from the first guy to give a lame, evasive interview. Belichick, for example, has often given press conferences where he ducks questions and provides useless answers. He's famous for it in fact.
  9. Jauron is going nowhere. It's tough to win in the NFL. Even though half the teams win every week.
  10. Sounds vaguely familiar... I always liked that Wawrow guy.
  11. Why hold back? Tell us how you really feel.
  12. Was this translated from Chinese or something? Look, there is always hope. We can hope, just like Ralph has said publicly he hopes, that something extraordinary happens, another small market guru falls out of the sky like Bill Polian once did, and the Bills suddenly become a contending team again. Nothing wrong with that. But, I'm not going to confuse hope with expectations, get all frustrated that my hope is misplaced on those that have proven inept repeatedly, and go around "kicking the dog" in the local media and having "domestic situations" with fellow Bills fans.
  13. Why would these guys what to play for Jauron?
  14. That'll teach him to fumble!
  15. Dickeradoo ball has worked 1 time out of 8 to sneak in the tournament and get stomped flat. Mike Brown and those overtime miracle pick 6 plays among others saved a singular season. The probability of making such plays though is clearly very low.
  16. Here's a hint: How many Super Bowl trophies do the Steelers have? the Bills? The Bills get negative attention because they do not produce.
  17. We're stealing ideas from the Bengals...
  18. Summary: Ralph Wilson is 91 years old, owns and is President of the team, and at this point in his life is not willing (or perhaps capable) of putting in the energy and money it takes to build a championship caliber franchise. He's surrounded himself with mostly non-football people that he feels he can trust, which counts more than results. Therefore, we the fans can continue to expect mediocrity at best.
  19. Moral victory: the Bills won the first 54:28 seconds of the game, 24-13. It's just a shame the game is 60 minutes long.
  20. People blame McKelvin for blowing the game because it is simple to do. The fact is that even if McKelvin takes a knee or managed to get down rather than being stood up and stripped, the Bills offense wasn't putting together sustained drives. Data: the Bills had 1 drive consisting of more than 7 plays while the Pats* had 6 such drives. It's entirely likely the Bills punt the ball and the Pats* only needed 3 plays and 66 seconds to score as it was. So, McKelvins fumble was bad, but the defense was stout like wet toilet paper when it counted, giving the Patriots the same old Tampa-2 zone and letting them score quickly. And, the offense failed as well. Given :50 in the game, the no-huddle attack could only get 5 plays off (you absolutely cannot have sacks in that situation -- the Bills gave up 2) and only got to their own 30 yard line when a FG would've won the game. It's still a team game. Special teams failed in the clutch. Defense failed in the clutch. Offense failed in the clutch. [Edit: had times backwards.]
  21. Why wait for 4th and 1? Just punt.
  22. I don't know. We sort of have a rivalry with Detroit and Cleveland to see which of the 3 Stooges of Lake Erie can stumble and bumble into the playoffs first.
  23. Somebody that will have his work cut out for him.
  24. The Bills put a claim on him, the Packers left him on their practice squad rather than moving him to the regular roster, and he is now a Buffalo Bill. There's no "guessing." The Bills have moved players to the active roster to avoid losing them in the past. Jay Riemersma was another one.
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