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Sisyphean Bills

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Everything posted by Sisyphean Bills

  1. I don't know your definition of terms for "much better"; but, yes, Lewis has been better. http://www.pro-football-reference.com/coaches/LewiMa0.htm http://www.pro-football-reference.com/coaches/CoslBr0.htm Sticking with a loser until everything else is fixed -- and I agree there is a ton of work to do -- isn't the answer.
  2. 10 more years of Bruce Coslet would've been good for the Bengals too.
  3. Those bastards are preventing people from voting in support of Jauron!
  4. Moreover, why pay twice for an employee and eliminate income with a lock-out? West End's post that nobody considers the expense of an investment versus the return on that investment after the time of purchase of said investment is what makes no sense. Maybe in an imaginary world of infinite resources that's true.
  5. You left Dick Jauron off that list.
  6. I blame Pats* fans. Bill Belichick probably has interns fighting the tide, now that I think about it...
  7. If Fitzpatpatsack gets out there, I'm sure he'll just be added to the ever increasing list of Poor Dick's bad QBs. Is there any point at which you might consider the coach is involved in what happens?
  8. The Bills decided to not pay him $4.5 million more and cut him. I'm not going to debate you about water that passed under the bridge. I'm already on record that paying Dockery a Steve Hutchinson contract was a very bad move and for any number of reasons. http://voices.washingtonpost.com/redskinsi...al-with-sk.html Also, there is one large difference. Dockery was a player. The Bills are contractually obligated under the CBA to spend up to a minimum. Wherever that cap money goes. Jauron is a coach. His contract comes out of the operating revenue of the franchise. Right out of Ralph's pocket, you might say. There is a distinction, and Ralph, even at 91, knows it. You might recall that when talking about the Toronto deal, Ralph was quick to say that none of that money would ever go towards player salaries.
  9. Wouldn't it be easier if everyone just left all their Bills stuff in the closet and wore black or something?
  10. What the !@#$ are you talking about? Dockery signed with the Redskins the next day. For more money!
  11. Chan Gailey is actually a pretty good OC. He had garbage to work with last year and he gave them a chance to win some games. It wasn't his fault the Chiefs suck. Jagodzinski was a greenhorn. He may have sucked. But, who knows for sure? He never had a chance to even start to squat. The team certainly sucks. Schonert was also a greenhorn, and I've always said he was an uninspired hire/promotion from the git-go. Still, his replacement has almost no coaching experience and it all took place nearly 9 months after Ralph Wilson had recommended Schonert be replaced.
  12. No, I'm not claiming this is the only thing wrong with these 3 organizations. It is merely symptomatic. I brought it up because I doubt I will ever see 3 OCs dumped between the last pre-season game and opening day again in my lifetime. It's looking like that action is going to equate to taking out a billboard and announcing, "We're gonna suck big time! We wanna suck so bad that we aren't even going to give ourselves a snowball's chance of success!"
  13. Um, not so fast. Dockery was cut because he was due a roster bonus the next day. Money had everything to do with it. But, yes, there is no way they can "get back" money already spent.
  14. Arguably, the only reason these teams aren't 0-12 is that 2 of them played each other.
  15. Bristling with arrows like a porcupine, the Buffalo Bills attempt to circle their flaming, wheel-less wagons.
  16. Pat Williams. Glad we got rid of him. He's still better than anyone we've had at DT since -- including Stroud. The difference is that their owner shells out money for really good football players. Our shells out money to bad football players (how many FAs that Levy brought in here are still here? Zero.) hoping that all the new coin in their pockets will transform them.
  17. "The Browns just placed James Davis on injured reserve, but he might finish with a few yards, too."
  18. Wait. We have receivers?!?
  19. Yeah, but he's a California Kid.
  20. Leeman Bennett, Dom Capers, Monte Clark, and Herm Edwards only lasted 8 years. Marion Campbell, Walt Kiesling, John McKay, Bruce Coslet, Bart Starr, and Dick Jauron are the true rarefied air of having a career nearly as long as Vince Lombardi and Bill Walsh and producing nothing. That is not good company. [Edit: of those guys, Jauron could catch and pass Bart Starr this year. McKay has a good excuse. He coached the expansion Bucs. Kiesling coached during WW-II.] Wayne Fontes, Steve Mariucci, Ron Meyer and Jerry Glanville have better records.
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