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Sisyphean Bills

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Everything posted by Sisyphean Bills

  1. The news on Klofenstein wasn't big enough?
  2. There are serious logic problems with this theory. 1) TO was a rented mercenary for 1 year. He's gone after 7 more games. Really, he's wholly irrelevant to the direction of this franchise in the future. 2) The Bills brought TO to Buffalo to sell tickets. Those tickets were sold with full expectations that side shows would occur. It's a well-known and large part of the shtick between TO and the media. Firing some third party because a "TO side show" occurred, as expected, would be a joke.
  3. He may not have asked (not sure how we really know), but in a front office with a cast of half retired, lazy, laid back, or absent figures, and a plan that included the evaluation "nothing but continuity", he was definitely thrust into that side of the business by the big leadership vacuum. The whole structure needs to be re-evaluated by someone with a real plan and the authority to make big changes.
  4. Makes as much sense to blame his slip up, "... you never want to win, er ..."
  5. No. Least of all the players. On average, a regime change means a 70% roster turnover in a couple of years.
  6. Brandon as President would not necessarily be a bad move if 1) he hires someone else to run the football side of the business, 2) he takes on all the non-football stuff to help whoever is running the football side, 3) he is Ralph's go-to guy and in essence is the one guy that Ralph calls daily to check up on how things are going, and 4) he has the ability to overrule the bean counters as needed to make the team competitive (sometimes you have to spend a little jack to make more back).
  7. I didn't mean to imply he sounded like an idiot or anything and I wasn't "wanting to hear" anything. He's a very sharp guy, very poised, and quite confident. I like him, actually. Still, he didn't really say dick. Some coach-speak and some non-committal end-arounds when asked about some of the obvious problems. If you think he's going to have this entire thing turned around by Sunday, you're a total idiot. How's that for hearing what you want to hear?
  8. Um. No. He will demand a "perfect situation" which would include top dollar.
  9. There are probably a pair of middle fingers that wouldn't dispute that at all.
  10. Trent's golfing career is just getting launched.
  11. You can read nothing at all into the Bobby April thing. For all we know he was offered the position and turned it down. In fact, turning down the headache of being the interim head coach of this mushroom cloud is a pretty reasonable thing to do. April probably wants to land on his feet after the shock waves have leveled everything.
  12. Marv Levy will never get another GM gig.
  13. "Play like hell and win." OK, then. Not that we should be expecting him to have all the answers, but he seemed like a guy caught with his shorts down. Which is probably about the size of it. As far as what he's going to do with the offense ... what the heck can he do? The trading deadline has passed. He has no QB. He has almost nobody left on the offensive line. The running game is mostly anemic. The passing game sucks. The offensive coaching staff is a mess. Is putting in a new offense at this point going to help anything? "We are who we are" indeed. Basically, yes, it is the people that put this together that deserve the kudos for it. Unfortunately for Dick, he never fell into a George Seifert (with the 49ers) sort of position where he could just hold the tiller nice and steady while the ship just sailed itself under his feet into the sunset. Oh well. Split milk.
  14. More likely that Ralph was just tired of looking like he got punked and this move puts a big "Help Wanted" sign in the window so he can start making some changes and washing some of the stink off. After the Dick Levy era, this team is off the radar completely. Getting blown out by a Tennessee team that was annihilated by the Patriots a few weeks back probably wasn't a good enough "moral victory" to continue the comical con job either.
  15. We'll be lucky if he isn't another Raheem Morris. Oh, Tomlin stepped into a first-class organization. Tomlin didn't build the Steelers. He was just smart enough not to !@#$ it up.
  16. Buddy Nix is half retired. For the love of all that's holy, please hire someone that has the energy and brains to do an exhausting job properly and long enough to bear some fruit. Frankly: !@#$ hiring another token figurehead GM like Marv.
  17. It tells us nothing new. It just confirms that the team is in total disarray. The real problem is Ralph.
  18. Too strong. He'll never get a HC job again in the NFL though.
  19. Seems like Perry Fewell, actually. Ryan Fitzpatrick is named starter.
  20. Confirmed. Jauron is gone!
  21. In his own words, he's "enjoying the ride."
  22. Correction: The piece was actually written by John Wawrow and is cited as by the AP on Tim's blog.
  23. My guess is it has something to do with more recent events and a sort of revisionist angle on some things from the past.
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