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Sisyphean Bills

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Everything posted by Sisyphean Bills

  1. Bell shouldn't be playing. He needs to learn the game and add a ton in the area of strength. A raw project with some athletic genes doesn't make someone a competent NFL LT just because Mr. Smithers snapped his fingers.
  2. Maybe he did a quick glance at the scoreboard, got confused, and thought to protect his lead.
  3. Carolina is wasting the Giants.
  4. He's not eligible for a practice squad.
  5. Holy cow! Crossing the 50 into enemy territory!
  6. Leadership? From a kid picked up off a practice squad no less!
  7. It's tough to win in the NFL.
  8. Time to put the polish for Brohm's Canton bust back on the shelf... dang.
  9. Ojinnaka buoys our defense. Thanks, dude!
  10. That really speaks volumes about our front office. The most talented QB on the team is a guy picked up mid-season off a practice squad. How can you compete with that level of incompetence?
  11. "Touchdown?! Touchdown?! You want to talk about a touchdown?!?!"
  12. Lee Evans? I thought he retired.
  13. The 200 lbs and under league?
  14. No worries. The defense will tackle better when we get a new QB like Brohm in there. Oh wait...
  15. Wow. That was ugly mularkey there.
  16. 4 passing yards in the 1st quarter for the Bills. Something to build on.
  17. Nope. Our defense was too stout. Only 92 yards in the air.
  18. I smell a Gonzalez post up ...
  19. I'm just surprised Whitner got him.
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