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Sisyphean Bills

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Everything posted by Sisyphean Bills

  1. Maybe he doesn't care about stats or wins. Maybe "Money" only cares about the money, and in that case this is a good gig. Where else could he go to be paid as an elite WR and be used as a shiny decoy?
  2. He's Steve Old Alpha's younger cousin. But, I see we are still trying to perpetuate the myth that Steve Young sucked in Tampa because his team was garbage. I was there literally, sitting in the stands at the 50 yard line, and I say again that the myth is total horseshit. Nice try though.
  3. Apparently, he missed the memo. Paul Johnson did something in his first year that Chan never did -- he beat Georgia (ranked #13).
  4. Eventually is now.
  5. Re: "ultimate authority on quarterbacks". There is the still open debate over Walsh's evaluation of Jim Druckenmiller. Some ex-49ers that were in the room said he gave Druckenmiller the thumbs up behind closed doors before the draft, though Walsh later denied it and after it was obvious that Druckenmiller was a bust.
  6. We're paying good coin to a utility lineman to be our C.
  7. No biggie. Poz is better anyway, said the Marv.
  8. Dude, didn't you hear? There was already a final thread on Trent Edwards.
  9. Best wishes, Tim. Thanks for your contributions in the past. The signal to noise ratio here can become vanishingly small, and taking a break is well decided. Seriously, thanks again.
  10. Is this the last thread on Buddy?
  11. This is an often repeated falsehood. Young was on a team full of guys that expected to lose, lost, and couldn't have cared less. Steve Young was not the problem and crediting him for the general insouciance and failure of the Bucs organization is revisionist. Farm teams often have players that go on to do better things with teams that are actually trying to compete for championships.
  12. The bolded part is certainly true, fantasies that it has been well-addressed notwithstanding.
  13. That's kind of like the commercial where the guy asks the little girl if she'd like to ride on the bicycle. She says, "Sure!" and hops on and starts to ride. He stops her immediately and says that she has to ride within the confines of the box painted on the floor, a box that is only slightly longer than the small bicycle. Blaming Van Pelt for last year's offense is like blaming the little girl for not being able to do flips and other stunts on her new shiny bicycle and ignoring that Jauron is the one that painted the box on the floor and set the ground rules. Was the inexperienced Van Pelt suckered like the little girl? Yes. Yes, he was.
  14. He's a good rebounder in the pickup basketball games though.
  15. Sounds like it goes somewhere in the file next to the theory "if you fire enough ammunition, you might hit something".
  16. He played for Petrino at Louisville. Bobby Petrino of the "power/spread offense". http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/12/sports/f.../12falcons.html http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2005/foot...ffense.petrino/
  17. Saw the game he graded out perfect. Not a single technical flaw. Never heard of anything of the sort happening before or since. The man dominated in his career and was a total stud.
  18. There is a difference between discussing players strengths and weaknesses and discussing intimate details of draft plans. Get it now?
  19. A football team needs leaders on the field and that typically comes from the QB position. But, yeah, having a guy that does the minimum, punches the clock, and jets out the door at 4:58 so as not to miss his tee time is exactly that sort of guy.
  20. I remember Kiper once telling many years ago that he compiled his information by talking to as many NFL scouts and executives as he could. I have no idea if that is still his process, but something is out of tilt...
  21. One big change: with Donahoe our drafts were regularly regarded as "shrewd" and given an "A grade". From my small sampling, it looks like people are giving Nix and Gailey pretty mediocre grades for this draft. Maybe that is a good thing.
  22. Just so you know, you are preaching to the preacher.
  23. We have a very good idea of what he is capable of. Let's put it this way, he was totally outplayed by a noodle-armed journeyman backup, the same QB that set an NFL record the previous year for the lowest yards per attempt in the modern NFL. Fitzpatrick was playing behind the same beat up "line", with the same "weapons", in the same knuckle-walking dumb offense. In a word: pathetic. Clinging to the fantasy that Edwards can and will suddenly, and because of external factors no less, invest himself in the game and become a top-10 QB is simple self-delusion.
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