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Sisyphean Bills

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Everything posted by Sisyphean Bills

  1. Are Texas Rangers fans happy today?
  2. Unless he is in a full body cast, he's got to be an upgrade to the Bills OLBs. Scratch that, even if he is in a full body cast, he'd be an upgrade.
  3. Yes. Please. Having someone that can play Sam on the roster would be a really good idea.
  4. Yes, they do attack Kelsay (Whitner as well). The only thing that makes any sense is that the coaches really do not have anyone else that they think can step up at the position. It was a major mistake in judgement to hope that Kelsay could be converted to a LB. For all the people screaming "get Maybin in there", it seems really unlikely that Maybin is going to be an improvement in run defense at Sam. The so-called "athletic" and fast Maybin isn't even allowed to get on the field on special teams, where athletic kids often become standouts. Maybin showed he was just a guy that got called for offsides on kick coverage every once in a while. Maybin's lack of size and strength would just make him a stack of pancakes. Here's a positive nugget that used to be dropped on this board: "Well, at least we're not the Detroit Lions."
  5. That's really not saying much though. I mean, my kid's goldfish might be a better football player than Kelsay.
  6. Well, you can't have everything.
  7. Another silver lining: McCargo and Maybin didn't embarrass themselves and decrease their trade value.
  8. Well, you can always take solace in the "We'll be OK in N years" slogans. And, yes, N is an unknown variable between 3 and infinity.
  9. Whatever. They should've run the ball and, yes, with the intention of picking up yardage.
  10. I was actually thinking that Kelsay had made a great play. They sucked me in on that one. I should've known.
  11. I didn't take it that he meant they'd just be kneel downs to keep the FG attempt out of range.
  12. Funny moment was when the guy on the Bills network was verbally genuflecting and slob kabobing on Kelsay for a great play and then Murph threw in, "that was Troup on that play."
  13. How is attempting a FG "playing for a tie"?
  14. The Chiefs fired the right guy.
  15. "Well, it's going to take a bit longer."
  16. Moral victory here we come!!
  17. Pat Dye is smiling somewhere.
  18. Gailey is a genius to call a TO to freeze their kicker.
  19. He missed it. Only the Bills.
  20. Kyle Williams has been a beast today.
  21. So much for the Pro Bowl?
  22. We're still on daylight savings until next weekend.
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