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Sisyphean Bills

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Everything posted by Sisyphean Bills

  1. The new sheriff said free agency starts in the home.
  2. True that he would be a great addition. Which begs the question of which CB or WR they will pick instead?
  3. I wonder how many off games it would take for Ralph to suggest that a "3rd stringer" that he was dropping a bat load of coin on needed to waltz on up the depth chart.
  4. Trade him? No. Get NFL caliber tackles and a real TE to create some edges and space for him? Definitely. http://www.prideofdetroit.com/2010/2/28/1330532/jahvid-best-edges-c-j-spiller-for
  5. Only for you, Homer.
  6. There was some really slanted officiating in that game, I thought. The officials almost caused a bench clearing brawl with their Patriot *** kissing ways.
  7. So on the list, we have Matt Millen, Jerruh Jones, and you as big fans of #1 Underachiever.
  8. I can agree with most of this, but I think it'll take necessarily more than 1 not-quite complete season to establish Fitzpatrick as a franchise QB. He's going to have to be very good again next year and lead this team to a lot more wins. (Of course, having a legit defense is a huge part of wins and not under the QB's control, I know.) The offense cannot stagnate, but has to continue to mature and develop. In this division with the defensive coaches that work here, there is no way an offense can rest on yesterday's laurels and continue to be effective.
  9. Both of their last names start with "Fi" and their first names both have the letters "a" and "y". How cool is that?
  10. Interesting data. Supports the contention that Chris Kelsay sucks too.
  11. Young is the better athlete by orders of magnitude. But, yeah, athletic ability isn't the entire story.
  12. The truth hurts and Mularkey was dead nuts right. The front office reorganization wasn't about giving him a fair chance to compete on the field.
  13. Yet, you seem to be unable to connect the dots that Vick has changed dramatically himself and somehow seek out contortions to explain how everyone else around Vick either tore him down or built him up. Such as: No kidding. Occam's razor can be applied in many situations. But then that just begs the question why you persist with the theories that it's some complex chemical reaction that has to happen all around the guy in question even to the point that he and others are lying since what they say doesn't back your pet theory? The thing is that Vick is playing the position differently now. It's the same West Coast offense he played in under Mora (though not as dumbed down). He was always an amazing athlete, and I never said he wasn't. But now he isn't just relying on his raw athletic ability, but putting in the time and dedication to involve the rest of the team.
  14. Agreed, Fingon. It's not just Vick that is saying he didn't try when he was with the Falcons. Other people with the Falcons at the time have also said that he was the last person to arrive in the morning and the first person to leave in the afternoon when he was there. Coaches have point blank said that Vick didn't grasp the offense, much less play within it. The argument that he didn't get "good enough coaching" has no legs as far as I am concerned. He had some great coaches in Atlanta. Those coaches did back flips to try to get him to work within some sort of system, to dumb it down enough for him, but it was an exercise in self-defeat. Jim Mora was absolutely right: Mike Vick was a coach killer in Atlanta. Good coaching isn't running after guys in their 20's with a box of wet wipes and a clean diaper.
  15. The salt in the wound though is that the Bills scouts gave the same grade to John "Inactive on Sunday" McCargo.
  16. Not so fast. Regionalism is only relevant if fans are "region centric" in their entertainment. Boise has many fans across the country that like to watch them play football because they are damn good. I'd bet a fair number of them don't know where Boise is on a map.
  17. Handle him? As in cutting him? Sure. That's the wrong question. Vince Young needs to "handle" Vince Young. He needs to decide he wants to put in the effort to be great or not. Nobody can make those decisions for him. Some of these clowns have it backwards. They think that the game and their teammates exist as a sort of vehicle to help glorify themselves personally. But, the ultimate team sport is about building a team and the accolades follow great teams. Teams that win and win championships will reflect more than enough glory and praise on their best players.
  18. If the PAC-1X has its way, there won't be but 1 major conference west of the Mississippi.
  19. My cat can't type either. Maybe you are related.
  20. Disagree with the OP. It's not becoming obvious. It's been a glaring weakness for a long time. Freaking Lonnie Johnson, Robert Royal Crowned, etc. come immediately to mind as jokers at the position.
  21. And up until this year, Fitz had 21 TDs and 27 INTs and a QB rating of 67.7.
  22. Jemele clearly missed the Eagles/Redskins game where Mike Vick, who is an African-American as far as I can tell, was nothing short of worshiped in the post-game by her co-workers.
  23. And yet, Ngata is a Pro Bowl DE in the 3-4. (Kelly Gregg being the starting NT.) The story that has emerged from the Levy war room was that it was all about consensus. Donte Whitner was chosen because he was the player that everyone in the room had the least strong opinions on. You beat me to it...
  24. You're right. It's better to fire them on Christmas.
  25. Just to debate these points... 1) The trouble is that they spent virtually all of their time on Trent and it was wasted time. Now, I think they got lucky that they had a rocket scientist as the #2 and a guy that has been able to pick it up very, very quick. One might say that was "all part of the plan", but I doubt it. Chan's not one to waffle on his QB and I don't think he'd intentionally throw away prep time with the hunch that the backup plan would become the real plan. The fact that Trent got ejected out of the cargo door while the plane was in the air suggests to me that Trent was someone else's idea. 2) I strongly suspect that the 3-4 was both the way they wanted to go and someone-in-the-building's idea to get some sort of return on the investment named Aaron Maybin. The brain trust that drafted Aaron Maybin is still in the building (less one Dick Jauron), and it is all a little too easy to put the whole selection of the Nittany bust as 100% Jauron's idea and that no one else had ever heard of the guy or were completely against the pick. While Edwards was kicked out of the plane, Maybin is still hanging on the landing gear... which also says something. If no one in the building had ever wanted Maybin, he'd have been trade bait and experimenting with positional switches wouldn't have been just another coaching exercise. 3) I don't disagree with that and drafting BPA can lead to a numbers situation that a team can leverage to their advantage. But, Nix bungled this one, if for no other reason than a 4th rounder did nothing to help his team get better today. Did he overplay his hand? Was he asleep? Who knows, but this was not a well handled play by our rookie GM and that's why he deserves the flack.
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