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Sisyphean Bills

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Everything posted by Sisyphean Bills

  1. This is great news. Both of them can now play up to their draft position.
  2. Well, he also had him scout the Midwest and Northeast last year, as was evident from the way the Bills draft unfolded.
  3. Actually, there were rumors swirling around at the time that the Bills were trying to trade Walker. They ended up cutting him because they grossly misevaluated his abilities and value on the market. (Not that the coaches or scouting department would have anything to do with that or that John Guy was a tool.) Dick was big on the idea that he wanted players that "wanted to be here". Walker didn't want to play LT and it showed in training camp and pre-season. I don't think Jauron was standing in the way of showing Langston the exit.
  4. One way to make a midget appear tall is to surround him with shorter midgets.
  5. Wasn't the Miami job a drive-by sort of gig from the very beginning? I thought Parcells job was really to put other people in the decision making capacities, thereby installing a framework for stability and a direction according to his proven philosophies. So, much of the article that blasts Parcells for leaving the Dolphins is based on the false notion that Parcells was ever going to stay -- he wasn't, not even if the team was winning Super Bowls now. Furthermore, stability ultimately comes from the owner. If he's willing to get rid of Ireland and Sparano when it is implied that Parcells would be against it, how is that on Parcells exactly?
  6. Right. It comes down to the decision to take Long over Ryan. In hindsight, Ryan was a franchise QB and arguably worth the #1 pick overall, but at the time 2 teams had enough questions to pass over him. Like most endeavors, it takes a team. For Parcells, the original team of people that he worked with and with whom he was developed with under Ray Perkins have been cast to the four winds across the NFL. As more and more teams have bought into the same philosophies, the advantages become commodities in everyone's toolbox. While it's fun to take shots (especially since Buffalo is the only AFC East team he didn't work for making him a sort of archvillian) and we can level some well-supported criticisms against Parcells, he has had a tremendous influence on the modern NFL in many different areas.
  7. This could explain the drafting of Spiller.
  8. He really worked hard placing the magnets though.
  9. "You can never have too many punt catchers." -- Wade Fontes
  10. As an optimist, I think he'll make a declaration that he's ready to go come opening day no matter what happens.
  11. I think your jauron to something here...
  12. We need more option QBs. Thigpen, Smith, and Nesbitt aren't going to be enough to get us through a 16 game meat grinder.
  13. Paper weight. If he can keep some weight on, that is.
  14. Well, yes, I was being a tad sarcastic...
  15. So the gnashing of teeth about the quest to spend "up to the floor" is nothing but a mirage of palm trees floating in the desert heat according to Clayton? Way to rip the heart out, man.
  16. You must be forgetting that Lee Evans scares Bill Belichick ****less.
  17. If the Bills are drafting #1 overall, I for one don't care who the GM is that drafts Luck.
  18. Besides, there is the Chris Brown article that says the Bills weren't going for any top free agents anyway to hang our hats on. So there, rest of NFL!
  19. Dummies. They should be investing in defensive backs.
  20. Reminds me of the Levi Brown talk last year. Only difference is that Brown threw the ball at Troy, while Nesbitt ran the ball out of an option offense.
  21. What would motivate Poz to cover Nix' behind and make stuff up? He's gone.
  22. Has anyone mentioned drafting a QB to build your team around? To the OP's point: if you're drafting but not building, then what exactly is it you're doing? It's like having a race car and no driver. You can change the paint job, the oil, and the tires all you want. You're never going to win races without the driver. On the other hand, if you happen to think Fitzgibbons and Thugpen are franchise QBs, then you're good to go...
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