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Sisyphean Bills

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Everything posted by Sisyphean Bills

  1. The golfing in south Florida isn't as good as some other places.
  2. I was thinking he meant he's really got the frame to bulk up and become more than a 1 down player.
  3. It's a win-win. Maybin will get pancaked and maybin he'll collect a freak sack on Brady as well.
  4. Can we use a one-handed clap?
  5. Yeah, I've heard that one before. He's got none of the qualities to be a great inline blocker and who knows if he could run a pattern or catch a football. A team would be better off paying a basketball player to learn to play the position.
  6. He has some short area quickness (that was the "Wow!" factor that got him so high in the draft), but I'm not sure he is really a track guy. Of course, with his long legs and only going 210# or whatever, he's going to look fast by comparison. Anyway, he doesn't have superior balance, can't seem to sprint through the angle (does he lack lower body strength?), and hasn't got the upper body strength or hand technique for any other moves. If he can't run around the world loops to get to the QB, he's pancake batter. Heck, we've all seen him get splattered by a RB. Modrak thought they could teach him to play the run, and the typical result of a Modrak projection followed.
  7. Did you watch the clip you posted? He was knocked off his feet, hopped up quickly, took advantage of some traffic in the area, ran after and eventually dove at the un-elusive Joe Flacco, and swatted his elbow which caused the ball to flop out of Flacco's hand as he held it like a loaf of bread down by his thigh pad. I'm not saying it doesn't count at all, but this is all Maybin can do. He takes huge loops around the formation and hustles. His celebration after the fact was All World though.
  8. I'm no Dick Jauron apologist -- watching the Colts this year shows how wise Jauron was to build a team in Buffalo in the image of the Colts without a QB or even an NFL caliber coordinator -- but, the bad drafting pre-dates Jauron's abundant incompetence. As Ralph himself put it, they hadn't drafted well in a decade.
  9. Sure, but they had the distraction of training camp to contend with.
  10. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_corner/post/Danieal-Manning-commits-one-of-the-worst-penalti?urn=nfl-wp8420 Thankfully, he doesn't play for the Bills!
  11. I saw Kelsay dropping off about 7 or 8 yards into "coverage" ... meaning he wasn't effectively covering anything other than a spot on the carpet with his shadow.
  12. So, you're still expecting Wannstedt is the answer to come out guns-a-blazing with exotic blitz packages, eh?
  13. No thanks.
  14. I don't recall those Cowboys defenses being blitz crazed. Just saying.
  15. Watching Kelsay in coverage is always interesting.
  16. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  17. Wasn't he a 1st round pick during the Modrakian Ice Age?
  18. The Steve Young comparison is pure hokum. Steve Young was the best player on the field when he played for the Bucs. His "weapons" were Phil Freeman and Kevin House for crying out loud.
  19. There's a big A big hard sun Beating on the big people In a big hard world
  20. With the big offensive production and comeback games, the Chan and Fitz take is a good one. Fitz seems at home in this offense and is really slinging it around. One could also throw in that the Nix rebuilt defense has given up 66 points the last two weeks.
  21. A Bills vs. Lions Super Bowl...
  22. Turn another 1st rounder into a 4th? Why not?
  23. They bring butter, knowing they're toast?
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