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Everything posted by NickelCity

  1. Any news on Mongo? He's almost as important I think.
  2. I hated the pick. I'm high on Josh now.
  3. Where are ya? I'm in Seattle proper and the ones here are actually better than I expected. The ones in Idaho and Montana are awful. Hate Dallas. Lightly root for Seattle if forced to choose a team when the bills are out.
  4. I don't think we're to their level yet by some margin, but I don't think it's impossible to beat them. Win the whole effing thing!
  5. In crayon, if you don't mind. For my money, that Titans game is going to tell us a lot. Going to be tough sledding imo.
  6. Those bye weeks are educationalAF. Heyyoooooo
  7. Really sucks for Harry (and us).
  8. I think we'll get curb stomped but 1) I hope like hell I'm wrong and 2) we gotta win that Titans game
  9. He's clutch, which is something we'll seriously come to value. That int, for as bad as it was, was more easy for me to take then him reading defenses poorly and getting found out. It was just a dumbass hero attempt that can be coached in black and white: don't throw in that situation, ever.
  10. Just clip the "Watch on YouTube" link below that prompt.
  11. Hate to admit I was kind of thinking the same.
  12. I love it. He'll carve em up. He looks like the real deal to me, and that's regardless of any running capability. That said, we're taking the bengals entirely too lightly on here.
  13. I am completely blown away that there are some people trying to downplay this, let alone defend him. It was a blatant attempt to injure our QB.
  14. Man, that's crazy. There is no way in hell that is anything but deliberate. I've seen it from 2 angles and each are clear as day. ***** that guy
  15. It's unbelievable. I hope they suspend that pos.
  16. Holy *****. That's inexcusable. League should suspend that dude immediately.
  17. All the promo stuff surrounding games is hard to endure. There were some foreigners in the bar and I was downright embarrassed at the nonsense that surrounds our most awesome sport.
  18. This game convinced me that we found our quarterback.
  19. I've re-watched the game a few times now. A lot to like about our offense (ducks for cover). Clean up dumb mistakes and we win in a blowout. Also as a fence sitter on Allen, this game did a lot to make me a fan. If you didn't watch the game, you'd think I was crazy.
  20. Yup, gotta sign another CB regardless I think. Expect to see this tomorrow.
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