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Everything posted by NickelCity

  1. The attrition rate can be high. It's a mental gauntlet to see it through to the dissertation defense.
  2. Maybe. It depends on priorities. I wouldn't be surprised if we let him walk, as much as I love his play.
  3. He and Mongo are priorities. God I want to keep OL continuity.
  4. We're awesome. I do think that's a goofy stat, though.
  5. If he can own that role...whew. Look out.
  6. Only one thing left to do....
  7. This is the first game he really flashed for me. When he wasn't smacked in the backfield right at handoff, he ran hard.
  8. Actually asking here: are there any breakdowns of how effective that is? I've always wondered whether it makes the zone more difficult to execute.
  9. Let Allen loose. Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war.
  10. Yup. Stay healthy and keep this unit together! Let Allen sling it all over the yard.
  11. I mean, to this point, my intent in the OP was not to suggest we need to get better at running the ball. It was whether Allen is better when his passing attempts or ratio is high. I think he is, but I also haven't don't analyses to back this up or see whether it's more a function of the defenses we're playing. I think I feel similarly to one of Hapless' comments above: I think Allen's big games have been pretty damn good this year. The titans was a dud of a game, and KC wasn't great but rewatching it I wish we'd just gone with a better game plan and opened it up (as many have noted). He looked like he was right on the edge of popping off...in a more pass heavy approach from earlier on maybe he would have, weather be damned. But hell, I'm just so stoked on Allen that I want to see him wing the ball as much as possible.
  12. Are you telling me we shouldn't have taken Bojo?? 4D chess from Bill, once again...
  13. You just HAD to one up my summer 2019 post. Dammit Gunner. 🙄 But "when the game is in his hands" brings up an observation: I think last year a lot of us had faith in his "clutch" gene, and felt like that was when he was at his best at the end of a close game even if he hadn't been great prior to then. This year I think your statement is almost more literal (at least for me). He plays best when he's an integral part of the vast majority of plays.
  14. Awesome to see Mongo back at full participation.
  15. This has been talked about to a degree, often somewhat implicit in two viewpoints: (1) we're a modern pass heavy offense, who cares about the run, vs (2) it's frustrating that we can't rely on our run game to get 1 yard when we need it (QB sneaks notwithstanding). But I also think Allen is at his best when he throws a lot. In August 2019 we discussed it as it related to developing a young QB, and I think it may have been borne out since then (yes, linking my own old thread is a bit LAMPy but I'm still interested in the topic and I've only created one other topic between Aug2019 and now so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). All this is to say, while I am a bit frustrated by our running game in certain contexts, I am wary of overcommitting. And not just because we move the ball more effectively when we pass, but because I think Allen passes the ball better when we go pass heavy. I wonder if this is just an arm chair takeaway, and that it's more about the opponent/defense we face, or if there is validity to it.
  16. Don't put em on a pedestal. Today is a good day but it will be another good day when they're actually last in the AFCE.
  17. Totally. I feel good about the game this weekend...and because the Bills always kick me in the nuts when I feel good about the team...I feel bad about this weekend. BBFS whiplash lol
  18. All it takes is one good draft pick. I hope it never comes. ***** em.
  19. They'd hold one later in the year or close to the next season's opener imo. I'll be flying back to Buffalo fer sure.
  20. I think we're a horse-in-the-light-of-day at this point.
  21. Hell yeah. Great news. Congrats Beane!
  22. He seems a bit bratty, for lack of a better word. But my take, like Bart Scott's, is flimsy and based on shallow cues.
  23. I've watched both performances. Baker had a great day, no doubt. But Josh's performance looked a cut above. Total control, field general, the best player on the grass by a mile.
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