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Everything posted by NickelCity

  1. Banged up, family tragedy, and has to play next to a bad OLine
  2. That shotgun handoff to motor on 3rd was inexcusable. Horrible playcall. Grateful the sneaks are back! As mentioned previously, the motion is a great wrinkle. Moves the D too.
  3. McKenzie has had a knack for being clumsy throughout his career. He's hilarious, clearly a favorite class clown on the team, and easy to root for. But he has played himself out of the starting position. I am floored that he wasn't benched yesterday. Singletary did block the wrong gap on that play. Had a great game otherwise. I'm not sure of the argument you're responding to, but McKenzie made too many awful plays yesterday to hand wave it away as a fluke.
  4. Do we know if he personally drove himself? Wouldn't expect it but would be cherry on top.
  5. Just saying the word Gilliam again because we forget his capabilities!
  6. I've got no problem with Gilliam pass blocking and taking a few carries. I like the way he runs and think, Franky, he does Moss' job better than Moss.
  7. I'm curious - has Shakir whiffed other than the very first game he played in? (In which he looked totally lost most of the time?)
  8. The key to me is still our OLine and whether it holds up.
  9. Ah yes. Definitely mutually exclusive things.
  10. This is always one of the more amusing annual threads. It was particularly funny during the drought when there was the "screw the away team / home field advantage" crowd arguing with the "build a modern luxurious locker room to increase our reputation and help lure free agents" folks.
  11. Because it is more likely than not that it does NOT come down to this home tiebreaker. I think people are just talking about the odds. Of course we all want to win, and of course it's possible that this is a tiebreaker.
  12. I don't think I could love this more. I love that he's getting ribbed by the guys.
  13. Almost exactly when activation was expected (I was wrong - I guessed tomorrow/Thurs). I think they'll pitch count him on 3rd and RedZone downs. So, so glad he's back. God I missed Tre being out there.
  14. I think the performance of our offensive line against their defensive line is going to be pivotal in this game.
  15. Just wild that Josh throws that ball.
  16. I hate it.
  17. I think the argument is over the word "likely." I believe it is more likely than not that this game does not determine the 1 seed. It's possible it does, of course, and I hope we win.
  18. Backup safety. Interior OLine if any become available.
  19. The Steelers suck. Bills are among the very best but I see them dropping a few.
  20. Because I didn't wear any bills gear.
  21. Is it likely though? It's the regular season game of the year and a meeting of the best two teams in football, but what are the odds that the one seed comes down to the result of this game?
  22. This throw was sensational. Maybe my personal favorite. It's only buried because of the hail Mary that followed.
  23. Cook needs more opportunities, both in touches and how he's incorporated. Maybe we'll see it next week, but I'm sure it's situation dependent. Singletary is also underrated. Moss is terrible but presumably spelling Singletary so he's more fresh for the playoffs.
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