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Everything posted by NickelCity

  1. Unfortunately, I'm thinking this way as well. I wish they'd just give us something simple like the OP's design. Can't wait until they're unveiled
  2. Maybe it's wishful thinking on my part to imagine them being released prior to the draft. As we have the 3rd pick though, I was under the impression that we might want to give our top pick (if he is invited to the draft) a new uniform.
  3. I would have to imagine it should be before the draft. Per Fred Jackson the date has been set but he doesn't know if he is authorized to release it.
  4. I don't care what they're wearing if they win the Super Bowl. Given the choice, I'd prefer a classic Bills uniform in this hypothetical scenario in which where the Bills win the Super Bowl. Not given this choice, I'd still die a happy man as the Bills, in electric pink duds, will have won the Super Bowl. I fail to see how being excited that our beloved Bills are changing uniforms from the current ones that are disliked almost unanimously is not understandable.
  5. It certainly does, and I don't think anyone is disagreeing with that. Again, as on the field production and new uniforms aren't mutually exclusive, why isn't changing to a new (hopefully more classic) uniform reason for excitement?
  6. I think it goes without saying that any Bills fan would undoubtedly prefer a better Bills football team than a new uniform. However, as they're not mutually exclusive, changing from our current/awful uniforms is reason to be excited/interested in my book.
  7. Fred Jackson: "I can honestly say this. In the 5 yrs I've been in Buff, there hasn't been a guy (including myself) that liked the current Uni's!!" Also, I never wear jerseys, so I don't have a dog in that fight. I just want the Bills to look like they once did (uniforms, and more importantly, on-field production)
  8. I would be upset if we drafted any of those 4. Blaine Gabbert is the most over-hyped media creation to come around in a long time.
  9. http://www.buffalobills.com/ Cool little intro-page. Man I'm excited. EDIT: I am excited because I despise our current uniforms. If they are anything like our past designs I will be happy. Those are the Bills teams of my childhood/what most Bills fans identify with.
  10. Man i hope our jerseys don't have any shoulder plate color change or anything of the sort. Just give me the old ones from mid 70s or the 90s. Simplicity is everything.
  11. Saundena - thank you for posting this! Hopeful - I have never used twitter so i don't really understand. Anybody have links? I am also relying on streaming Thanks!
  12. Between your join date, thread about Maybin, and this post, you're just begging to be taken seriously.
  13. That piece by Reilly was idiotic. I lived in Denver during the Cutler years through a few months ago. Cutler being traded from Denver had NOTHING to do with any "boorish and unprofessional behavior." I disagree that he displayed any of that; it was clear that McDaniels wanted his own QB and his own team - he wanted nothing from the Shanny regime. I whole heartedly supported Cutler through that whole debacle, and stand by my position. Bronco fans will buy anything that their organization feeds them, so I was not surprised when I was suddenly the only one in Denver on Cutler's side. As far as his persona, he just doesn't try to put on a false face for endorsements. More power to him.
  14. I think Ponder will slide to the 4th or 5th-and I'd love to take him there. Tremendous leader, hope he can stay healthy
  15. In Chan's interviews since the season has ended, he has made it seem like we will see at least as much 4-3 as 3-4.
  16. I think Dareus will be the pick as well, but you just never know with the Bills. (I'd prefer dareus over bowers, too)
  17. I want: Fairley or Dareus. I'd love to have Von Miller or Ayers but we won't take either that high (stock does change, though). I have reservations about Bowers. If I had to choose just one player that I could make sure we wouldn't draft, it would be Gabbert. I don't think our FO is dumb enough to draft Gabbert though, so I'm not terribly worried.
  18. Man I wish we had a shot at Fairley, maybe we'll get lucky and his stock will drop a bit. I am nervous about both Bowers and Dareus - neither of them has impressed me in the regular season games I saw, and I heard the same of their bowl performances. I do know that I would absolutely be furious if we took Gabbert, Peterson, or Green. Chan said "we kinda have a log jam at the position [wide receivers]," which I agree with, so I doubt the pick is Green. Gabbert is just awful - honestly, look at him when he is pressured AT ALL. And peterson is a pick we can't afford to make. I wish there was another DT I was confident about in our draft range. (I should note that I'd rather have dareus over bowers, though)
  19. Oh how I hope that Gabbert is gone before we can make the mistake of drafting him. He has got to be the biggest case of media created hype I've seen in a long time.
  20. I'm on the fence about Newton, let's see what happens tonight. His body of work this year has been incredibly impressive...
  21. That's too bad, rip cookie
  22. I'd love for Miller to be a Bill!
  23. hypehypehypehype (I know none of us actually know how prospects will pan out until they play, but I cannot stand gabbert as a prospect)
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