Anderson, Van Demark, VPG, Gouriage, Grable...and behind the starting line we have. I've been asking for this OLine and depth since...well, decades. I hope we manage the next several years well. Would be a shame to squander our talent pipeline.
Remember when George Wilson was playing safety and we had that thread about "this type of defense is not sustainable?" (About a defense that was quite soft but was generating turnovers).
I hope we string together 4 games of winning the turnover battle.
Hamlin making gaffes while injured on the bench is so typical.
(It does look like Bishop is dropping a bit deep which I think is what you're getting at. But watch Taron engage more quickly than Bernard....)
To an extent I agree. Milano looked better, with a couple weeks (less now) to get quicker.
Bernard dropping way too deep on that 2nd and 11 was really annoying during the game. I'm sure he'll be mad at himself on tape. To say nothing of the pick. He'll be better on the playoffs, I think.
It reminds me of the infamous "this style of defense is not sustainable" days....
We better hope that Milano gets in shape, everyone is available...and that we active Hyde to pair with Rapp (can I just see it please?). Other than that, we need to hope for four games of serious takeaways.
Shakir is such a tough call in terms of re-signing. I think the Bills will do so, but man I hope the contract is right.
Lots of time left as mentioned above.